Shoe department

– Can I help you?

– I’d like a pair of trainers, please.

– What size?

– Size 41, please.

– Try this pair on. They are the cheapest, the lightest and the most comfortable. They are very popular.

– They are rather small.

– Try these then. They are bigger.

– How much are they?

– ₤17.

– I think they are great.

Clothes department

Ben: Could you show me one of those T-shirts?

Assistant: Here’s a nice one. What size?

B: Size 44, I think.

A: Yes, here’s one.

B: How much is it?

A: ₤4.50.

B: Here’s ₤5.00.

A: That’s 50 pence change.

Mike: Can I see your new T-shirt? Oh, it’s very smart, but it’s not your size. Let’s go and change it.

B: Can you change this T-shirt, please?

A: Why? What’s wrong with it?

B: It’s too big for me. Have you got them in a small size?

A: How about this one?

B: Can I try it on?

A: Certainly.

Mike: I think that’s better. Russian and British sizes aren’t the same.