рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

A food shop

A food shop - раздел Иностранные языки, Методическое пособие по английскому языку Rye Bread – Ржаной Хлеб Fancy Bread – Сдоба A Loaf Of Bread...

rye bread – ржаной хлеб

fancy bread – сдоба

a loaf of bread (pl. – loaves) – буханка

a bar of chocolate – плитка шоколада

ring – бублик

sweet – конфета ( = candy)

beef – говядина

duck – утка

frankfurters – сосиски

goose (pl. – geese) – гусь

ham – ветчина

meat – мясо

tinned meat – мясные консервы

park – свинина

sausage – колбаса, сосиска

chain sausage – сарделька

smoked sausage – копченая колбаса

turkey – индейка

veal – телятина

bakery – булочная, пекарня

butcher’s (shop) – мясная лавка ( = meat shop)

confectionery shop – кондитерская ( = the confectioner’s)

counter – отдел в продовольственном магазине, прилавок

dairy (shop) – молочный магазин

fish shop – рыбный магазин ( = the fishmonger’s)

foodstuffs – продукты питания

greengrocery shop – овощной и фруктовый магазин ( = the greengrocer’s)

grocery shop – бакалейно-гастрономический магазин ( = the grocer’s)

jar – кувшин, банка

box – коробка

poultry – птица

carp – карп

caviar – икра

cod – треска

crab – краб

fish – рыба

tinned fish – рыбные консервы

salmon – лососина, семга

sprats – шпроты, кильки

trout – форель

buckwheat – гречневая крупа

oatmeal – овсяная крупа

rice – рис

semolina- манная крупа ( = farina)

soap – мыло

sugar – сахар

cheese – сыр

cottage cheese – творог

milk – молоко

bottle – бутылка

bunch – гвоздь

dozen – дюжина

packet – пакет

pound – фунт (400гр.)

peach – персик

beans - бобы

peas – горошек

beetroot – свекла

cherry – вишня

lettuce – салат

plum – слива

grapes – виноград

pineapple – ананас

cucumber – огурец

mustard – горчица

tube – тюбик

9. Practice your vocabulary. Use the substitution patterns:

1)– Where can I buy some sugar (butter, meat, tomatoes)?

– You can buy sugar (meat, bread, fish, sweets) at the grocer’s (butcher’s, baker’s, fishmonger’s, confectioner’s).

2)– What can I do for you, madam?

– I’d like 2 pounds of beef (veal, butter) and 3 slices of cheese (ham, sausage).

3)– Can I have 200 grams of sausage at 2.20 a kilogram (2.80 a kilogram, 2.60 a kilogram)?

– Certainly, madam.

10. Read and memorize the dialogues:

1)– Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

– A pound of apples at ₤1.30 and these oranges for ₤1.50, please.

– Yes, madam. Wouldn’t you like some peaches? They are so juicy and sweet.

– I think I’ll take some. Add half a dozen.

– Anything else, madam?

– No, thank you.


2)– I’d like a pond of sugar and a pond of cheese, please.

– Yes, madam. What else?

– A tube of mustard and a tin of peas.

– Here you are. Is that all.

– That’s all, thank you.


3)– How much are these bananas?

– They are 70p. a pound.

– I’d like three pounds, please.

– That’s two pounds, please.


4)– Can I help you?

– I’m looking for a tin of coke.

– It’s over there. Do you want anything else?

– Yes, I do. A bottle of mineral water, a loaf of bread, a packet of tea and a jar of coffee.

– Is that all?

– I think, that is all. How much is it?

– That’s ₤5.70, please.


5)– What can I do for you?

– I’d like two liters of milk, some fruit juice, 200 grammes of butter, a packet of sugar, and 300 grammes of cottage cheese.

– Here you are. It’s ₤10.50.

– Here is the money – ₤11.

– 50 pence change.


6)– Will you show me that salmon?

– Here it is.

– Will you give me a less one?

– Of course. It weights 800 grammes. Anything else?

– A tin of sprats.

– That’s ₤5.50.


7)– Have you got buckwheat on sale?

– It’s a pity, we haven’t.

– What about oatmeal? I’d like half a kilo.

– Here it is. Is that all?

– A packet of sugar and a slice of ham. Could you give me a plastic bag?

– It’ll be ₤11.

11. Role-play the dialogues:

1) Mrs. Claydon: I’m looking for strawberries. Have you got any?

Assistant: Yes, I have how many would you like?

Mrs. C.: I want two pounds, please.

A.: Here you are.

Mrs. C.: Thank you.

Diana: Hi, Mary. What are you buying?

Mrs. C.: I’m buying some strawberries for tea.

A.: Do you need anything else?

Mrs. C.: Yes, I’d like a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, a tin of onion soup, a box of cereal, a bottle of milk, a jar of honey, a brunch of grapes, a tube of mustard and a bar of chocolate. How much is that?

A.: ₤6.42.

Mrs. C.: Thanks a lot.

* * *

2) Assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. I would like to have something from this shop ping list.

A.: Oh, your shopping list is very big. We stock only three tams you ask for: butter, milk and cheese.

C.: 2 packets of butter, a pound of cheese and three bottles of milk, please.

A.: Here they are. Pay by cheque at the cash desk.

C.: Excuse me, do you happen to know where I could find some ham, tinned meat and beef sausages?

A.: They are all sold at the butcher’s.

C.: And I wonder if you stock any cigarettes here?

A.: I’m afraid we don’t. You should try the shop next door for the cigarettes.

12. Read and match:

1) a pound of … ; 2) a bottle of … ; 3) a box of … ; 4) a bar of … ; 5) a jar of … ; 6) a loaf of … ; 7) a dozen of … ; 8) a bunch of … .

a) bread; b) honey; c) chocolate; d) cheese; e) lemonade; f) eggs; g) cereal; h) grapes.

13. What does British money look like? Read the information.

There are four banknotes and seven coins.

Banknotes are of different sizes and colours. ₤50 notes are brown, ₤20 notes are purple, ₤10 notes are brown and ₤5 notes are blue. There are ₤1.50p, 50p, 10p. 5p, 2p and 1p coins. Both the 50p and 20p coins are silver and seven-sided. The 50p coin is large and the 20p is much smaller. All the other coins are round.

– Конец работы –

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Методическое пособие по английскому языку

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Для студентов 2 курса
    Год 2011 Одобрена кафедрой Составлено в соответствии с Общеобразовательных дисциплин Государственными требованиями к минимуму со

Пояснительная записка
Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 2 курса Пермского финансово-экономического колледжа – филиала московского Финуниверситета при правительстве РФ, изучающих английский язык. По

Aa [ei] Nn [en] Bb [bi:] О о [ou] С с

i [I]: pig, lift, sit, hit, list, him, did, tip, pit, pin, fill, silk, rid, big. e [e]: bed, ten, left, met, help, let, desk, lend, red,

1. it, bit, dig, rib, did, kid, bid, tip. 2. bet, bed, dress, text, rest, deck. 3. shelf, self, check, dish, chin, fresh. 4. must, rust, much, duck, us, plus, bus, fuss,

Упражнения для чтения
Примечание.Сочетание th читается [Ѳ]. 13. thick, thin, tenth, fifth. 14. then, them, than, that, this, thus. 15. tin, fin, thin, sin, tent, tenth,

28. big, bag, got, page, gel, gem, lag, rug, slag, plug, gin, edge, hedge, lodge, jug, gin, job, gem, jib. 29. wish, wit, with, well, swell, wet, went, win, twin, wig, watch. 30.

a + r [a]:garden, farm, park, cart, car, large. O + r [Ɔ:]:short, sport, or, for, morning.  

a+nce, nch [ а ]: chance, dance, France, branch, a+nt [ a ]: plant, grant, chant, slant, a+ss [ a ]: pass, class, grass, glass, a+sk, sp [ a ]: ask, bask, grasp, rasp,

48. oil, boil, join, point, boy, voice, pointer, boiling, toiling, pointing, veil, vein, they, grey, weight. 49. night, right, eight, might, sight, slight, fight. 50. took, look,

54. house, our, about, cloud, out, without, ground, town, count, south, mouth, mouse. 55.blow, slowly, flow, grow, snow, show, Moscow, follow, yellow, fellow, window. 56.round, no

a+rel гаге, саге, ware, prepare, square, spare. > [Ɛǝ]: но: are [ а: ]

65.rare, care, share, square, chair, air, hair, pair, far, fare, car, care. 66.here, hear, deer, dear, year, near,,engi'neer, .pio'neer,, cheer, clear, star, stare, tar, tare. 67.

e u neutral, feud, Euclid. [ju:]: ew few, new, newspaper.  

73. new, few, dew, review, view, 'Newton, 'neutral, 'news,paper. 74. true, blue, June, fruit, rule, glue, drew, flew. 75. dew, drew, few, flew, use, ruse, suit, fruit, duty, ruby.

My biography
1. Learn the new words and word combinations: - to be born - родиться - on the (5th of May) – 5 Мая - in the village of… - в деревне

About myself
Let me introduce myself. My first name is Alexander, my middle name is Petrovich. My last name (my surname) is Novikov. So, my full name is Alexander Petrovich Novikov. I was born

Forms of greetings
1. Learn new words and word combinations: 1.Good morning – until 12-2 p.m. or lunch-time (formal) Good afternoon – until 5-6 p.m. (formal) Good evening –

Forms of leavetaking
I’m afraid, I’ve got to go. – Извините, я должен идти. Good bye. – До свидания (formal). Bye-bye. – До свидания (unformal). So long! – Пока! Good luck! – Желаю у

Forms of rendering thank (благодарность)
1. - You’ve done me a great favour [feivә]. - Вы мне очень помогли. Thank you very much. - No trouble at all. [trΛbl] - Да что вы, какое это беспокойство. 2. -

Forms of apologies (извинения)
1. – Excuse my troubling you. – Простите, что я вас беспокою. - No trouble at all. – Да что вы, какое беспокойство. 2. – Forgive me, please. – Простите меня, пожалуйста.

Forms of requests (просьбы)
1. – Could you do me a favour? – Вы не могли бы сделать мне одолжение? - Yes, certainly. [sә:tnli] – Да, конечно. 2. - Could you tell me the way to the post-office? – Вы не

  1. Learn new words and expressions;: A colleague – коллега An expert – эксперт An interpreter – устный переводчик A translator –

My future profession is a financier
Let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Zubova. I’m a third-year student of Perm Financial Economic college, the brunch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Application for a job
(Устройство на работу) 1. Learn the new words and word combinations: come right in – входите to sign – подписывать meanwhile –

Russian / Ukrainian Excellent Good Fair English Excellent Good Fair EXPERIENCE (Give present or l

Name A. Nekrasov Address 3 Tolstoy St. Phone 221-1834 1) What is the applicant’s name? 2) What is his address? 3

____________ Excellent Good Fair ____________ Excellent Good Fair EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first) COMPANY _____________

1990-1995 FRISCO DOCKS, Inc. San Francisco, California. Deputy Chief of Planning, Commerce Dpt. In charge of account books, statements, new ideas in planning. 19

Learn the phrases and word combinations used in covering letters.
1. With reference to your advertisement in “Kiev Post” of Tuesday, January 10, I would like to apply for the position of … in your company. – Ссылаяс

Covering letter
(Cопроводительное письмо) Evgenya V. Ponomaryova 53 Avtozavodskay, Ap. 45 Perm, Russia 614113 Tel. 52-45-63

- Good morning, sir. - Good morning. Come in. Mr. Klimenko, isn’t it? Please take a seat. You will have to excuse me for a moment while I finish signing these letters. Meanwhile please fil

My working day.
1. Remember: 5 a.m. – 5 часов утра 5 p.m. – 5 часов пополудни 3. 20 – It’s twenty minutes past three. 2. 40 – It’s twenty minutes to three.

About banking
There are many commercial banks in Russia today. Many of them are located in Moscow. They provide different services. For example, they open rouble and currency accounts, buy and sell currency, mak

Selling electronic equipment
Mr. Sun works for the big company. They produce different types of electronic equipment, such as telephones, computers, fax machines, copiers, etc. Their head-office is located in Tokyo. T

Put 10 questions to the text.
12. Disagree with the statements, using “You are wrong”, “You are not right”, “I am not sure”, “I cannot agree with you”: 1) Mr. Sun works in a bank. 2) They prod

Put the questions to the sentences starting with the words given in brackets.
1) Smirnov is the President of foreign trade firm. (What) 2) In the morning he gets up at about 6.30. (When) 3) He goes to the bathroom to take a bath. (Where) 4) For bre

My work at the foreign trade company
Hello, my name is Maxim Sviridov. I work as a manager at the “Star tour” company. It is Russian company which works on the business travel market. Two weeks ago I was sent by the administration of

Learning foreign languages
1. Learn the new words and word combinations: business relations деловые отношения a lot of foreign firms много зарубежных фирм as a rule как правило

Learning foreign languages
Russia has political, business, trade, economic and cultural relations with many countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. A lot of tourists and businessmen come to our country and a lot of Russ

Learn the following dialogue.
- Where do you come from? - I come from Italy. - What’s the climate like in your country? - Oh, our climate is very pleasant. - What’s the weather like in spring

Learn the following dialogue.
- You come from England, don’t you? - Yes, I do. - What’s the climate like in your country? - It is mild but not always pleasant. The weather is rather cold and windy. It

Practice reading the following words, word combinations and sentences. Learn them by heart.
simply- просто wonderful- чудесный beastly weather – ужасная погода terrible- ужасный

Practice reading the following bits of conversation. Learn them by heart.
1)- Fine day today, isn’t it? - Yes, simply wonderful.   2)- What beastly weather we are having! - Yes, it’s terrible.   3)- It has b

Practice reading the following words, word combinations and sentences. Learn them by heart.
nature awakens – природа пробуждается it grows warmer – становится теплее buds- почки shoot out new leaves

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.
Many people think that the most pleasant season is ______. In spring ________ awakens from her long _____________. The days get ________ and the nights _________. It grows ________. The trees open

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.
Summer is the __________ season. The ______ rises earlier and _______ and ________ later and _______. In June we have the ________ days and the _______ nights. The ________ is usually fine, the ___

Translate into English.
1) Вчера утром была хорошая погода. Небо было голубое и безоблачное. Солнце ярко светило на голубом небе. Но к полудню погода начала меняться. Подул холодный ветер. Было холодно. Небо было затянуто

Learn the following proverbs and sayings.
Everything is good in its season. – Всё хорошо в своё время. A storm in a tea-cup.– Буря в стакане воды. Make hay while the sun shines

Part II
the largest competitor – крупнейший конкурент to own 20% of the market – владеть 20% рынка to have a hard time – пережить трудные времена a way to expand – путь расширени

Translate the following sentences into English in writing. Use the vocabulary given in Part II.
1. Компания «Panasonic» наш крупнейший конкурент. 2. Компания «Старт» владеет 20% рынка. 3. В 70-е гг. эта фирма пережила трудные времена. 4. В данное время мы ищем новые

Read and translate the text.
Most companies are made up of three groups of people: the shareholders (who provide the capital), the management and the workforce. At the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Dire

The Philips Story
The foundations of the world’s biggest electronics company were laid in 1891 when Gerard Philips established a company in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, to manufacture light bulbs and other electrical

The Philips Company
Philips’ headquarters are still in Eindhoven. It employs 256.400 people all over the world, and has sales and service outlets in 150 countries. Research laboratories are located in six countries, s

Say if these statements true or false.
1) It is the world’s second biggest electronic company. 2) It has produced over 100 million TV sets. 3) Its headquarters are in Amsterdam. 4) It was the first company to

Replace the words in italics to the words given in the text.
1) Gerard Philips set up (established) a company in Eindhoven. 2) The company initially specialized in (c_ _ _ _ _ _

Colgate-Palmolive Company
William Colgate founded (found) the Colgate Company in 1806 as a starch, soap and candle business in New York City. For the first hundred years, the company _______ (do) all its business in

Learn the new words and word combinations.
to make a trip (journey) – поехать куда-либо to take a trip (journey) – предпринять путешествие to travel by train/plane/car – путешествовать поездом, самолетом, автомобилем

Practice your vocabulary. Use the substitution patterns
1)- Can I get to Sochi (Odessa, Helsinki) by air? - Yes, of course: you can get there by air as well as by sea (by land, by railway, by bus).

Buying a ticket.
- Good morning. What can I do for you? - I want to fly to Brighton. Are there any seats available on Wednesday, next week? - Are you flying alone, sir? - Yes. -

Booking Airline Tickets by Telephone
Travel Agency Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you? Passenger: I’d like to reserve a seat on a morning flight to Boston next Monday. Clerk

Going through the Customs
2. Remember the words: difference – разница formality – формальность to go through – приходить customs – таможня a customs declaration

Modern life is impossible without travelling, and you can always see a lot of people at the airports, sea- and river-ports and railway stations. Some of them travel on business, others – for pleasu

Learn the new words and word combinations.
points of contract – пункты контракта terms of delivery – сроки/условия поставки to sign a contract – подписать контракт equipment – оборудование a pavilion – па

Give an answer in the Future Simple Tense; use the substitutions.
Model: - What will you do tomorrow morning? (tomorrow, in two days, next week, next month). - We’ll visit the International Book Fair. - to prepare a new offer for complete equipment;

Business meeting.
Mr.Blake: Good morning, Mr. Smirnov. Mr. Smirnov: Good morning, Mr. Blake. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where are you staying? Mr. B

At the exhibition.
Mr. White: Good morning, Mr. Somov. Mr. Somov: Good morning, Mr. White. I’m glad to see you. Have you been to our pavilion? Mr. Wh

Learn the new words and word combinations.
to reserve = to book – зарезервировать, забронировать reservation – зд. предварительный заказ single – один, отдельный, одинокий, одиночный a single room – номер на одног

Making Hotel Reservation by Telephone.
Clerk: - Centre Hotel. Good morning. Can I help you? Mr. Lavrov: - Good morning. I’d like to reserve a single room with bath beginning next Tuesday.

Checking in.
Receptionist: - Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Mr. Lavrov: - My name’s Victor Lavrov. I believe you have a room booked for me. R

Translate the following dialogues into English.
1) - Отель «Хилтон». Доброе утро. - Доброе утро. Я бы хотел заказать одноместный номер с ванной с 5 по 10 марта. - Ваше имя? - Виктор Степанов. - Извините. Произ

Hotel service.
The hotels in England can be divided into several categories. The most expensive are the hotels of the category “Luxe”. Only Arabian sheikhs and millionaires can live there. The next one i

Translate the advertisements.
1) The hotel enterprise “ASPALATHOS” satisfies the main requirements of modern tourism and offers adequate services. Its accommodation capacity is 1270 beds in addition to the 750 beds in

When people travel they almost always stay at hotels or guest houses. It is necessary to remember the following: 1. The 1st thing is to do is to book a room in advance by letter, telephone

At home
a home дом, домашний очаг an apartment house многоквартирный дом a block of flats многоквартирный дом a housewarming новоселье an attic чердак a buildin

Read the dialogue and role play it.
N.:Hello! How are you? I.:Fine, thanks! N.:I haven’t seen you for ages! I.:We’ve got a new flat and mo

An English house
Many families in London live in flats, but most people live in their own houses in the suburbs. Most of London’s houses consist of 2 floors, the ground floor and the first floor. There are

Learn the new words.
shop – магазин self-service shop – магазин самообслуживания shop-assistant – продавец shop-window – витрина do shopping – делать покупки department stor

A department store
department store – универсам footwear department – обувной отдел haberdashery department – галантерейный отдел headwear – отдел головных уборов perfumery departm

Shoe department
– Can I help you? – I’d like a pair of trainers, please. – What size? – Size 41, please. – Try this pair on. They are the cheapest, the lightest and the m

In a shop
Assistant: Can I help you? Customer: No, it’s all right, thanks, I’m just looking round. A: Have a look around, then. May be you

Read and translate the text.
Shopping in Britain: British shops open at 9.00 a.m. and they close at 5.30 or 6.00 p.m. British shops don’t close for lunch. Most shops are closed on Saturday. O

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores,

Meals. Restaurants.
starter (appetizer) первое блюдо prawn (shrimp) cocktail креветки в томатном соусе soup суп main course основное блюдо veal телятина (beef) steak бифште

Role-play the dialogue.
At a café Alexander: Where shall we sit? Mike: Let’s sit over there near the window. Waiter: Ca

At the restaurant
Waiter: Good evening, sir. Are you alone? A: Good evening. Yes, I’m alone. W: Would you like to sit over there, sir? Near the window? A: Yes, thank you. May I look throug

Learn the new words.
aid – помощь Emergency Medical Aid (Service) – скорая помощь ambulance – карта скорой помощи clinic (policlinic) – клиника (поликлиника) consulting-room / surger

At visit to the doctor
Doctor: Well, what is the trouble? You are looking rather unwell, I must say. Mr. Brown: You had better ask me what is not trouble with me, sir. It seems

The Health Service
The level of medical service both in Britain and the USA is very high. Every employed citizen is obliged to pay weekly a certain amount of money to the National Health Service. The sum necessary to

Структура делового письма
Адреса в Англии и Америке имеют следующий вид: Обратите внимание на почтовый ин

(Inquiry) Письмо-запрос (inquiry или enquiry) компания посылает, когда хочет: – получить подробную информацию о товарах (goods); – узнать, имеются ли они

(offer) Письмом-предложением поставщик (the Supplier) обычно отвечает на письмо-запрос. Отвечая на общий вопрос, он благодарит за проявленный интерес и обычно прилагает пр

Подтверждение и отклонение заказов
(Order. Acknowledgement (Confirmation) and Refusal of Orders) Для того чтобы сделать заказ (to place an order) на закупку тех или иных товаров обычно заполняют специальные

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