My name is Kate. I am 17 years old, and I am a first-year student at the Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts. I entered this higher educational institution because I am fond of arts.

As a rule my classes begin early, so on weekdays I get up at half past six. I do my morning exercises, make my bed, wash, clean my teeth and brush my hair and dress. Then I have breakfast. It is usually a cup of coffee and some sandwiches. While having breakfast I listen to the latest news over the radio or look through newspapers. At 7.20 I leave the hostel where I live for the Academy. As the hostel is situated not far from it, I often go there on foot. It takes me half an hour to get to the Academy. When I go there by bus it takes me only a quarter of an hour.

My classes begin at 8 o’clock in the morning. We study various special and social-political subjects: History, Philosophy, Psychology, a foreign language and so on. We usually have three classes a day. They are over at 12.45. After classes I go to the canteen and have dinner. Then I often work in the reading room where I prepare my lessons or just read something interesting in order to enrich my knowledge. After that I return to the hostel, but sometimes I stay at the Academy and take part in art, scientific or some other activities.

In the evening after supper I like to read a book or to look through the newspaper. If there is something interesting on TV I watch the TV program. When my friends come to see me we have a friendly talk with each other. Sometimes we go to the cinema, theatre or concert. We like to spend a good deal of time together.

My working day lasts till 11.30. I like to have a walk before sleep and then I go to bed.



IV. Reading Comprehension:


Task 1. Using the text, fill in the blanks.