The Physics and Chemistry of Metallurgy

I. Ïîâòîðèòå è çàïîìíèòå ñëåäóþùèå ñëîâà:

1) fundamentals, n – îñíîâû

2) matter, n – ìàòåðèÿ, âåùåñòâî,

3) correlation, n – ñîîòíîøåíèå

4. to reveal, v – îáíàðóæèòü

5. to affect, v – âîçäåéñòâîâàòü, âëèÿòü

6. pig iron (= cast iron) – ÷óãóí

7. foundry, n – ëèòåéíûé öåõ

8. wrought (iron) – ñâàðî÷íîå (æåëåçî)

9. steam engine – ïàðîâîé äâèãàòåëü

10. thermocouple, n – òåðìîïàðà

11. to grasp, v – ïîíÿòü, óÿñíèòü

12. decomposition, n – ðàçëîæåíèå

13. values, n – çíà÷åíèÿ, âåëè÷èíû
14. homogeneous, a – îäíîðîäíûé

15. evolution, n – âûäåëåíèå

16. absorption, n – ïîãëîùåíèå,

17. exothermic, a – ýêçîòåðìè÷åñêèé,

18. endothermic, a – ýíäîòåðìè÷åñêèé,

19. to prevent, v – ïðåäîòâðàùàòü, ìåøàòü

20. to line, v – ôóòåðîâàòü

II. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèÿ:

to adapt metals and alloys for the use of man; to deal with the fundamentals of matter and energy; the correlation between the structures of metals and their properties; to affect the properties of metals by different methods; to remove the earthy impurities associated with iron ores; to apply the fundamentals of physics and chemistry to metallurgy; to produce a change against a resistance opposing that change; the quantity of heat indicated by temperature; to undergo physical and chemical changes; to be homogeneous throughout the mass; to resist all attempts at further decomposition of a substance; to give values based on the relative combining weight; chemical reactions characterized by the evolution or absorption of heat; to classify elements according to whether their normal compounds are acid on basic.


III. Ïðîàíàëèçèðóéòå è ïåðåâåäèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

1. Physical metallurgy deals with the correlation between the structures of metals and alloys, as revealed by the microscope, and their properties.

2. Iron ores are first mined, then washed to remove a large part of the earthy impurities with which they are associated.

3. In order to grasp clearly the subject of metallurgy it is necessary that the fundamentals of physics and chemistry applying to metallurgy be well understood.

4. The elements have been given values which are known as atomic weights and which permit the calculations of the weights of reacting substances and the ducts formed.

5. In order to prevent undesired reactions it is necessary in metallurgical processes that acid substances be used in conjunction with acid furnaces.