Try to answer the following questions using your background knowledge.

1. Why is higher education important nowadays?

2. What possibilities does it give to the graduates?

3. Is it necessary to go the university in order to be an educated person?

4. Should the higher education of a person relate to the needs of the society he lives in?
5. Can you define the personal and societal value of higher education?


Grammar: Types of questions. Modal verbs.


1. Ask Yes/No questions to the following statements.

Example: Phil studies at the faculty of Engineering. – Does Phil study at the faculty of Engineering?

1. Individuals make choices based on their own needs.


2. The students are writing an exam paper.

3. Ann entered the university last year.

4. They were watching TV when the thunderstorm began.

5. His parents will spend next weekend in Italy.

6. Kate will be dealing with her term paper tomorrow at 5.

7. They have taken the full advantage of the knowledge got at the university.

8. His sister had already left for Paris when Tom came to visit her.

9. By 2010 he will have completed the course of study at the university.

10. She has completely expressed herself in her work.