Say whether the action of the object clause precedes, follows or is simultaneous with the action of the principal clause in the following sentences.

1. At the conference a lecturer told us that psychology, the science of mind and behaviour, had emerged in the nineteenth century.

2. The mayor promised that specialized clinics for such children would be founded in our city.


3. She claimed that the problem was to test the hypothesis.

4. My friend said that he had been interested in the problem since he had entered the University.


5. Scientists believed that the facts of human behaviour had changed little since the time of primitive man.

6. We asked our teacher what branches of psychology we would study during our psychology course?


7. Last week I read that ideas from medical sciences, especially from physiology and neuro-anatomy were continually being used by psychologists.

8. It was published that a technique for measuring visual pigments in living human eye had been developed by Rushton at Cambridge University.


9. Criminologists thought that a criminal’s motives wouldn’t be difficult to define.


10. I heard that different methods and approaches had been applied to the investigation of the workings of the human body.