Exercise 7. Choose the right answer.


1. New students must____ for classes before term begins.

a) teach b)join c)enter d)enroll


2. This course _____ no previous knowledge of the subject.

a) assures b) assumes c) assigns d) assembles


3. Helen took her_____ at Cambridge University.

a) standard b) qualification c) grade d) degree


4. In some countries, students are selected ______ to their current level of academic attainment.

a) relating b) owing c) due d) according


5. Our group ______ of twelve students.

a) contains b) consists c) comprises d) composes


6. Please, inform the college secretary if you _____ your address.

a) vary b) remove c) move d) change


7. We need _____ information before we can decide which courses to choose.

a) nearer b) near c) further d) farther


8. Before joining a course of study you must fill in a long ______ form

a) personal b) inscription c) induction d) enrolment


9. Please ______ clearly which courses you want to take.

a) learn b) instruct c) indicate d) ask


10 The tutorial system at Oxford and Cambridge is the ______ of many universities.

a) sorrow b) regret c) jealousy d) envy