Exercise 4. Find the English equivalents.


Проблема, промежуточный, хранение, значение, избыток, борьба, нанотехнология, угол конвергенции, достоинство, увеличение, наночастицы, затраты, органы управления, питание, иметь дело, исключение, обследование, следить, выпускать.


Exercise 5.Ask 5 questions about the text.

Exercise 6.True or False?

1. Nanotechnology includes engineering, biology, chemistry, computing, materials science, military applications and communications.

2. Benefits of technology include improved manufacturing plant, soil purification systems.

3. Products made with nanotechnology require more labour, land, or maintenance, be highly productive, high in cost.

4. Products of nanotechnology have modest requirements for materials and energy.

5. Nano optimists see nanotechnology delivering benefits such as interactive ‘smart’ appliances.

6. Transitional effects such as displacement of traditional industries as the products of nanotechnology become dominant.

7. Potential risks of nanotechnology can broadly be grouped into five areas.

8. "Green goo" - the specific risks associated with the speculative vision of molecular nanotechnology.