рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Service - раздел Иностранные языки, Английский язык Учебник Для Вузов Москва, 2006 Удк...

Учебник для вузов

Москва, 2006

УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2 Англ С32

Сербиновская А. М. Английский язык для турбиз- С32 несаи сервиса. English for travel business and service: Учебник для вузов. — M.: Издательско-торговая корпо­рация «Дашков и К°», 2006. — 428 с.

ISBN 5-91131-037-6

Целью данного учебника является обучение специалистов в области туризма и сервиса профессионально-ориентированному об­щению на английском языке, развитие умений и навыков устного и письменного общения в контексте как будущей профессиональной коммуникации, так и непосредственного общения с иноязычными партнерами и клиентами.

Основными достоинствами учебника являются его комму­никативная направленность, комплексная организация учебного материала и взаимосвязанное обучение всем видам речевой дея­тельности. Текстовый материал аутентичен.

Проверочные задания, включенные в учебник, призваны оце­нить уровень и глубину усвоения пройденного материала.

Учебник предназначен для студентов вузов и факультетов туристского и сервисного профиля, обучающихся по специальнос­тям «Социально-культурный сервис и туризм» и «Сервис», слуша­телей специальных курсов по английскому языку, а также специ­алистов, работающих в сфере туризма и сервиса, а также для са­мостоятельно изучающих английский язык.

ISBN 5-91131-03"? S

УДК 802.0 ББК 81.2 Англ

© А. М. Сербиновская, 2006


Специфика работы специалиста по сервису и туризму предпо­лагает общение с иностранными, следовательно, иноязычными партнерами и клиентами, поэтому ведение профессиональной де­ятельности на английском языке, утвердившемся повсеместно как lingua franca, является необходимым условием профессиональной компетенции будущего специалиста.

Развитие международных и туристских связей России актуали­зирует необходимость подготовки высококвалифицированных кад­ров для отраслей туризма и сервиса, поэтому целью обучения анг­лийскому языку является подготовка к профессиональному межкультурному общению.

Учебник английского языка «English for Travel Business and Service» (Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса) предназна­чен для студентов вузов и факультетов туристского и сервисного профиля, слушателей специальных курсов по английскому языку, а также специалистов, работающих в сфере туризма и сервиса и самостоятельно изучающих английский язык.

«English for Travel Business and Service» является коммуникатив­но-ориентированным учебником английского языка, в основу ко­торого положен принцип интегративного обучения иностранному языку, предполагающий комплексную организацию учебного ма­териала и взаимосвязанное обучение всем видам речевой деятель­ности.

Учебник рассчитан на 210 часов аудиторных занятий и 80—120 часов самостоятельной работы и ориентирован на лиц, продолжа­ющих изучение английского языка в вузе. Аудиторная работа на­правлена на изучение лексического материала, самостоятельная работа ориентирована на закрепление и использование речевых моделей в ситуациях профессионального общения.

Текстовый материал учебника является базовым в тематичес­ком и лексическом плане и может быть дополнен грамматическим материалом по желанию преподавателя в зависимости от уровня грамматических навыков обучаемых. Учебник также должен быть дополнен региональным компонентом в зависимости от региона проживания и предполагаемой профессиональной деятельности будущих специалистов.

Целью учебника является обучение будущих специалистов в области туризма и сервиса профессионально-ориентированному

общению на английском языке, развитие у обучаемых умений и навыков устного и письменного общения в контексте как будущей профессиональной коммуникации, так и непосредственного обще­ния с иноязычными партнерами и клиентами.

Учебник состоит из двух частей: Travelling (Путешествия) и Travel Business (Турбизнес). Каждая часть включает в себя несколь­ко уроков или разделов (units), посвященных определенной теме.

Каждый урок открывается дискуссией (Group Talk), нацелен­ной на активизацию мыслительной деятельности обучаемых и мо­тивацию изучения обсуждаемого материала; большинство заданий- дискуссий персонифицированы и ориентированы на личный опыт обучаемых либо его проекцию.

Далее студентам предлагается базовый текст (Text) для чтения, перевода и пересказа или аннотирования, с заданиями до и после прочтения. Каждый текст снабжен вокабуляром, в который вклю­чены как основные термины по данной теме, так и наиболее труд­ные, интересные и/или употребительные слова и выражения дан­ного урока. Каждый раздел (урок) включает в себя от одного до трех базовых текстов. Тексты, включенные в данный учебник, взяты из оригинальной англоязычной художественной и газетно-журналь- ной литературы, туристских каталогов и рекламных проспектов, не адаптированы.

В текстах, взятых из американской художественной литерату­ры и публицистики, сохранены лексические и орфографические особенности американского варианта английского языка. Некото­рые из них вынесены в отдельное упражнение после текста (Compare and mind the difference) для акцентуации внимания обу­чаемых.

Работа после прочтения текста (Text Work) включает в себя лек­сические и коммуникативные упражнения, ориентированные на закрепление лексического материала, активизацию лексики в мо­нологической (agree/disagree; discuss; say why; explain), диалогичес­кой (dialogues, role play) и письменной (translate, fill in..., write an essay) речи.

Для развития умения аудирования студенты прослушивают как диалоги и тексты из учебника, так и дополнительные аудиомате- риалы[1], направленные на обучение пониманию.

Ролевые игры (Role Play) представляют собой реальные ситуа­ции профессионального общения специалистов по сервису и ту­ризму, благодаря чему английский язык становится не только це­лью, но и средством профессиональной подготовки студентов.

Каждый раздел (unit) завершается созданием проекта (Project Work), который основан на тематической лексике данного раздела и является самостоятельным творческим отчетом студента по прой­денному материалу, что гарантирует систематический повтор изу­ченного материала.

Рекомендуется обращать внимание студента на создание про­екта (Project Work) в начале изучения урока-раздела, так как это дает возможность студенту не только закрепить изученные языко­вые аспекты, но и переработать их с целью использования в реаль­ной работе в сфере турбизнеса и сервиса. Для преподавателя вы­полненный студентом проект является показателем глубины усвоения лексического и грамматического материала урока.

Дорогие коллеги и студенты, желаю вам интересной, творчес­кой и плодотворной работы с данным учебником!




Unit L The Pleasure Of Travelling


/ 1. Where in the world would you like to go? Why?


North America Europe Asia

Central America Caribbean Africa

South America Middle East Australia & South Pacific

2. What attracts you in this region?

3. Do you like travelling?

4. Is travelling your ideal way of spending holidays?


Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.


Interviewer: Where are you going for your holidays, Jane? Jane: Our destination is Paris. Interviewer: How are you going to travel?

Jane: We're going by sleeper to King's Cross, then across London

to Victoria, down to Folkestone, on the steamer across the Channel, and then by train to Paris. Interviewer: And how long are you going to spend there? Jane: A week.

Interviewer: And where are you going to stay? Jane: Not far from Moulin Rouge, at a hotel.

Interviewer: What are you going to do there?

Jane: Sightseeing. We're going to Versailles, and we want to see

Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Tuileries.

Interview all your groupmates about their holiday plans.



holidays (BrE) — праздники, каникулы, отпуск vacation (AmE) — отпуск, каникулы resort — курорт

relaxation — расслабление, отдых

recreation — восстановление сил, отдых, развлечение

lodging — жилище, квартира

accommodation — помещение, жилье

entertainment — развлечение

to provide — предоставлять

to include — включать

facilities — средства обслуживания, удобства

amenities — удобства

quality — качество

destination — место назначения

to travel — путешествовать

travelling — путешествие

tourism — туризм

Read and translate the text.


A resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation. As a result, peo­ple tend to seek out a resort for holidays or vacations. Generally, a resort

is distinguished by a large selection of activities, such as food, drink, lodg­ing, sports, entertainment, and shopping.

A resort can commonly refer to two specific but similar places:

• Towns in which tourism or vacationing is a major part of the local activity but are usually not run by a single company (for example, the city of Antalia in Turkey).

• \&cation centres, usually run by a single company, which attempt to provide for all or most of a vacationer's wants while staying there (for example, Walt Disney World Resort).

The term "resort" is sometimes misused to identify a hotel that does not meet the requirements of a resort. However, a hotel is frequently the central feature of a resort.

Types of Resorts

Destination Resort

A resort is sometimes called a destination resort. This is a common usage when the facility provides food, drink, lodging, sports, entertain­ment, and shopping within the facility so that customers have no need to leave the facility once they arrive. Commonly these facilities are of higher quality then would be expected if one were to stay at a hotel or eat in a town's restaurant.

There are also special kinds of resorts depending upon your desired activities. The most popular resorts in the world are seaside resorts, spa resorts, ski resorts and golf resorts.

All-inclusive Resort

An all-inclusive resort is a resort that, besides providing all of the common amenities of a resort, charges a fixed price that includes most or all items. At a minimum, most inclusive resorts include lodging, un­limited food, drink, sports activities, and entertainment for the fixed price.


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Vacations, distinguish, entertainment, frequently, requirement, usage, seaside, inclusive, amenities, fixed.

2. Compare and mind the difference:





Center Theater Travelling Traveller Program Favor Favorite Honor Color Neighbor First floor
Centre Theatre Travelling Traveller Programme Favour Favourite Honour Colour Neighbour Ground floor



3. Answer the questions.

1. What is a resort?

2. Why do people go to a resort?

3. What does usually a resort provide?

4. What is the difference between a resort town and a vacation cen­ter?

5. What is the misuse of the term "resort"?

6. What is a "destination resort"?

7. What are the most popular types of resorts in the world?

8. What is an "all-inclusive resort"?

4. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word

combinations. Find and translate the sentences with them in

the text.

Lodging, entertainment, commonly refer to, run by a single compa­ny, vacation centres, attempt to provide for all or most of a vacationer's wants, higher quality, all-inclusive resort.

5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word


Курорт отличается...; отпуск (2); неверно используется для обо­значения; однако; основная черта курорта; предоставлять жилье, еду и развлечения; покупки; клиентам не нужно покидать терри­торию курорта; фиксированная цена; обычные удобства.

6. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.

common food

large places

similar price

higher resorts

town's activities

fixed amenities

unlimited restaurants

sports quality

inclusive selection

7. Find synonyms to the following words in the text.

Vacation, accommodation, choice, rest, tourism, often, facilities, usu­ally.

8. Find antonyms to the following words in the text.

Seldom, to use, limited, minor, maximum, to depart, different.

9. Retell the text.

10. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea­sons.

For agreement use: For disagreement use:

I quite agree. Actually} I donf agree.

I agree with you. I don }t think that's right

I fully agree. I don 7 think that's true (correct).

I think you are right. Well, I am not sure if that's true (right, correct).

1. Holidays is time for relaxation and recreation.

2. A resort is usually run by a single company.

3. Unlimited food is the central feature of an all-inclusive resort.

4. A good hotel can be called a resort, too.

5. Sport activities are not included in the price for an all-inclusive resort.

6. There are many towns and cities in the world than can be called resorts.

7. There are not many all-inclusive resorts in the world.

8. It is a good idea to have a holiday at an all-inclusive resort.

11. Speak about...

1. Types of resorts in this country.

2. The most popular resorts in Russia.

3. The most popular resorts in Europe.

4. Your favourite resorts.

5. The resort you have recently visited.

12. Explain why?

1. Ski resorts are very popular in Switzerland.

2. Golf resorts are very popular in Norway.

3. Seaside resorts are very popular in Russia.

4. Spa resorts are popular all over the world.

13. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.


... frequent critique of... all-inclusive resorts is that they do not help ... local economy or that they damage ... local environment. ...people who hold this ... view usually cite ... fact that most resorts are located in ... relatively remote areas away from ... major local population centres, making it hard for ... people staying there to see any ... local sights or patronize ... local business. They also say that... most resorts are owned and run by ... large multinational corporations, such as Sandals or He­donism Resorts, thus, diverting ... money away from ... local companies.

Proponents of... all-inclusive resorts point to ... fact that these ... re­sorts usually bring ... large numbers of... visitors to ... country, who must travel through ... local airports and ... towns to arrive at... resort. They also state that... resorts provide ... jobs in ... areas that are economically impoverished and away from ... major centres.

14. Divide into two groups. One group is for all-inclusive resorts. The other group is against them. Discuss pros and cons of all- inclusive resorts.

15. Translate into English.

Курорты Турции предлагают разнообразные индивидуальные и семейные туры от 5 до 15 дней по системе «все включено». В гос­тинице вы можете выбрать стандартный двухкомнатный или од­нокомнатный номер с холлом, спальней, террасой или балконом,

и джакузи. Гостиница расположена в 50 метрах от берега моря и имеет собственный пляж.

В стоимость путевки входят проживание, питание, а также: На пляже и около бассейна бесплатно: зонтики, шезлонги, мат­расы, пляжные полотенца.

В номере: ванна, фен, центральный кондиционер, телевизор, телефон, мини-бар (прохладительные напитки + пиво), сейф (в номере, бесплатно), балкон.

На территории: основной ресторан, три ресторана по предва­рительной записи (A-la Carte), пять баров, открытый бассейн, за­крытый бассейн, кабинет врача, парикмахерская, торговый ряд, прачечная, обмен валюты, прокат автомобилей, парковка, восемь конференц-залов.

Для детей: детский бассейн, детская площадка, мини-клуб (4— 12 лет), няня.

Развлечения и спорт:

Бесплатно: тренажерный зал, джакузи, настольный теннис, волейбол на пляже, дротики, дискотека, 2 теннисных корта (днем), прокат теннисных ракеток и мячей.

За дополнительную плату: массаж, бильярд, Интернет-кафе, видеоигры, водные вида спорта.

16. Write an essay on the topic "Popular Resorts in ..." (choose any country you like).



camp — лагерь

to camp — разбивать лагерь, стоять лагерем

country = countryside — сельская местность, деревня

nature — природа

planning — планирование

entirely — полностью

suddenly — вдруг, внезапно

notice — уведомление

to leave — покидать, уезжать

to get clear of — уйти от препятствий, избежать

traffic — уличное движение (интенсивное)

border — граница

farmer — фермер tent — палатка

to pitch a tent — разбить палатку sleeping bag — спальный мешок equipment — снаряжение, оборудование experience — опыт, жизненный опыт essential — необходимый

to place an emphasis on... — придавать особое значение to mean — значить

to pay attention to... — обращать внимание на...

to pay due regard to... — относиться с должным уважением к...

to have no idea — не иметь понятия, не иметь представления

to belong to a clubs — быть членом клуба

bell heather — вереск

pine — сосна

hill — холм

to bloom — цвести

sheen — блеск

lovely — приятный, красивый

memorable — памятный

attraction — прелесть, привлекательность

to book — заказывать заранее, бронировать

doubtful — сомнительный

hectic — беспокойный, напряженный

cleanliness — чистота

sanitation — санитария

motorway — шоссе

within — в пределах

driving rain — проливной дождь

to beat — зд.; превосходить

Read and translate the text.


The best holiday we ever had was entirely unplanned and unprepared for in any way. Two weeks holidays suddenly popped up and at a day's notice we took off for Scotland. We left London at six in the morning, the two boys being barely awake. We were early enough to get well clear of the London traffic and made good progress. We had a long lunch break just after Scotch Corner and were over the Border by 5 o'clock. By ex­traordinary luck the first farmer we talked to was as affable as they come and we pitched our two tents and were eating our supper by seven.

That year Scotland was at its most beautiful. The bell heather was in full bloom and the hills had that lovely purple sheen. We took the travel­ling easily, making our way north through Perthshire toward Fort Will­iam. Most nights we camped in the wildest country without a soul around, sometimes on the heather or on the edge of a pine wood. I suppose it was the unplanned nature of the holiday and the sense of freedom of the whole expedition that made it so memorable. Of course the weather was good.

Camping has always had this particular attraction for us and although in more populous areas you may have to book your camping site, or do more advance planning, it is easily the most open and flexible way to organize a holiday, particularly in places like Scotland.

Our boys (9 and 11) are experienced campers and know the jobs they have to do when we pitch tents. They are city boys, but I think they will grow up with a real love of the countryside and nature, and this we count as of some importance in this day and age.

We have always found that buying cheap equipment for camping is a doubtful proposition, and though the most expensive is beyond our reach, good quality tents, medium-priced sleeping bags and sturdy cooking equipment are essential.

It's a good idea if you do a lot of camping to belong to one of the campers' clubs. There is an excellent monthly journal, Camping and Outdoor Life, which is full of ideas, information and news of other peo­ple's experiences. There is great emphasis placed these days on good camping — and this means paying attention to — of the campers, not being noisy at nights, paying due regard to cleanliness and questions of sanitation and so on.

Life in most towns gets increasingly hectic, noisy and unpleasant. But they need not be prisons. It is remarkable how even near such big cities as London, in between the great arterial roads and motorways, there are whole areas of beautiful, quiet and unspoiled countryside. Most London­ers have no idea of these quiet villages and lovely countryside that can be found within 30 miles of Charing Cross, and often much less.

The weather, of course, is a problem. Nobody cares much for camp­ing in heavy, driving rain. But it is often possible to have a weekend camp in spring and summer and to feel all the better for it during the coming week.

And for summer holidays — well, what's to beat it?

(from Daily Mirror)


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Entirely, unprepared, barely, early, enough, affable, purple, whole, experienced, nature, doubtful, beyond, sturdy, excellent, increasingly arterial.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Why was the holiday unplanned and unprepared?

2. When did the family start the trip?

3. When did they manage to cross the Scotland's border?

4. Why was Scotland beautiful that time?

5. Where did the family spend nights?

6. What made the trip so memorable?

7. What does the family think of camping?

8. Who pitched the tents? Why?

9. What kind of equipment does the family buy?

10. Where can you find ideas for camping?

11. What behaviour is expected from campers?

12. Where can you find beautiful and quiet countryside for camping?

13. Is weather important for camping? Why?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.

Camping, entirely unplanned, at a day's notice, to get well clear of the London traffic, by extraordinary luck, as affable as they come, the bell heather, to bloom, lovely purple sheen, we took the travelling easily, we camped in the wildest country, more populous areas, to book your camping site, do more advance planning, experienced campers, city boys, a real love of the countryside and nature, sturdy cooking equipment are essential, to belong to one of the campers' clubs, Camping and Outdoor Life, great emphasis is placed on, other people's experiences, increas­ingly hectic, it is remarkable, arterial roads, unspoiled countryside, heavy driving rain, to feel all the better for, what's to beat it?

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Поставить палатку; лучший отпуск, который у нас когда-либо был; мы отправились в Шотландию; едва проснувшиеся; достаточ­но рано; интенсивное дорожное движение; хорошо продвинулись; очеь1Ь удачно; двигались на север; по направлению к...; ни души вокруг; на опушке соснового леса; я полагаю; чувство свободы; всегда привлекало нас; самый гибкий способ организовать отдых; особенно в таких местах как...; вырасти; дешевое снаряжение; со­мнительное предложение; за пределами наших возможностей; па­латки хорошего качества; спальный мешок; ежемесячный журнал; обращать внимание на...; и так далее; шуметь ночью; дорога; шос­се; очень заботиться; не иметь представления; проливной дождь; лагерь на выходные дни; в течение предстоящей недели.

5. Make up word combinations, translate them and find them in
the text.  
unplanned luck
pine campers
extraordinary journal
wildest wood
populous week
experienced areas
nionthly rain
cooking countryside
unspoiled holidays
heavy equipment
coming country



6. Match the synonyms. Find them in the text.
stressful necessary
particularly especially
unplanned countryside
edge strong
doubtful wonderful
sturdy hectic
remarkable beautiful
affable magazine
village beforehand
lovely memorable
essential border
in advance questionable
unforgettable unprepared
journal polite

7. Make antonyms from the following words using negative pre­fixes: un-, in-, im-, il~, dis-, mis-, поп-. Consult the dictionary if necessary. Translate the pairs. Find the words or their de­rivatives in the text.

Planned, prepared, legal, pleasant, spoiled, clear, affable, easy, pos­sible.

8. Retell the text.

9. Fill in the gaps with suitable words and word combinations from the list below.


Last year I went to a small___________________________ town for a week's holi­day. I usually take my holidays in June but last______________________________ I took

it in August.

I didn't take many clothes with me: only a________________________________ of T-

shirts, a_____________ of shorts and my swimming costume. I went to

the coast by_______________________ . The journey took me about five

I stayed in a small hotel near the_________________________________ . Every morning

before_____________ I ran down to the sea and had a quick swim. Af­ter breakfast I went______ and sunbathing for the whole day.

I love lying in the________________ , so I got a good sun tan.

One day I tried scuba-diving and enjoyed every________________________________ of

it. The sea was very calm and clean, the_____________________________ view of the

underwater life made an unforgettable impression in me.

On the other day 1 took a______________________________ and went fishing for the

day. But when I jumped into the________________________________ to have a swim, a big

crab bit me. It was so____________________________ and so painful, and I was so fright­ened that I_____________________________ up and shouted for help. I thought it was a

People ran from the beach into the water to_________________________________ . me.

They thought that I was drowning or ____ _____________________________ dead. I got out of

the water. In a very short time a_____________________________ of people surround­ed me. I was pale and felt dizzy. I was so ashamed. I thought it was a shark but it was only a______________________________ .

But I still have a little_______________________________ on my leg. Want to have a


Year, seaside, splendid, sudden, pair; maybe, sun, crab, boat, scar; to help, to jump, beach, minute, swimming, train, water, shark, crowd, couple, hour, breakfast.

10. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

Carine is a student... Strasbourg University. She studies languages: English, German and Italian. Last summer she went ... Italy to have a good rest and practise the language. She toured Italy ... coach. She saw a lot... interesting places. She ate spaghetti and ravioli... Rome, had a boat trip ... Venice and stood ... the Leaning Tower ... Pisa. Carine took a lot ... photographs. The weather was nice and bright every day. She stayed ... Italy ... two weeks. She sent postcards and e-mails ... all her friends and relatives. She met a lot... interesting people ... Italy and spoke Italian ... them. She also became friends ... students ... the travelling group, and they had a very good time together. It was a wonderful and useful vacation ... Carine.

11. Agree or disagree on the following statements. Give your rea-




For agreement use: That's an idea. Sounds good. Sounds like a good idea. Yes, I agree with you. Right you are.

For disagreement use: That's not a good idea. I don't think so. I disagree... Of course not. Not for me.



1. Camping is the ideal way of spending a holiday.

2. Going to the seaside is boring. How can you do it every year?!

3. Holidays should be educational. The more you come to know, the better is your holiday.

4. The best way to rest is to fly to a remote island somewhere in the Pacific so nobody could bother you there.

5. Sport is the best rest. So mountain biking or mountain climbing is the right thing.

6. All these resorts are for elders, because can't get good entertain­ment there. That's why young people should rest in the city.

12. Speak about the way you like or dislike spending your holi­days. Use the following phrases.

Personally, ... As for me, ... As a matter of fact.

I really enjoy ...(-ing) I love ...(-ing)

I quite like ...(-ing) I don't mind ...(-ing)



I don't really like ...(-ing) I don7find ...(-ing) interesting




Read and dramatize the dialogue.




Hallo, Charles, it's me, Mary. Hi, Mary, how are you? I'm very well, thanks. How are you? I'm fine.

Good. I am ringing to ask if you know anything about hotels in Brighton.

No, I am afraid I can't be of very much help to you there.

We are going to take the kids to the South this summer. I

thought you've been to Brighton.

I have. Several times. But I've always taken a tent.

Oh, I see. That's not our case. Vfe could never do it with George

and Susan. They are terribly naughty, so we simply must find a

nice hotel where they'll put up with noisy kids.

I think it's not a problem. Why not go to a travel agency? Or

look at ads?

Well, yes. As a matter of fact I was reading one paper this morn­ing. And I found one. It sounded marvellous. This hotel is right on the beach, and that's essential. The kids are really only in­terested is scrabbling in the sand and jumping into the sea ev­ery five minutes. I know just how it is.

And the rooms have balconies facing the sea, so it would be pos­sible for us to keep an eye on the kids while they are playing. Sounds good. Is it expensive?

Rather. The food is good though — according to the advertise­ment — but they always say that.

Mary: Charles: Mary: Charles: Mary: Charles: Mary: Charles: Mary:
Charles: Mary:
Charles: Mary: Charles: Mary: Charles:

Of course. The only way to find out is to go and try it. Or ask somebody who's been there. Oh, look, it's just occurred to me — Mr. and Mrs. Croft, who live across the street, have been to Brighton several times and they always stayed at the hotels.

Did they?

I'll ask them to give you a call.

That's very kind of you. They won't mind, will they?

They'll be pleased to help.

Thank you ever so much, Charles.

Магу: Charles: Mary: Charles: Mary: Charles:

No thanks at all. Glad to help.



13, Role play.



Student В


Student A



Ask advice from your partner

What would you advise me to... Where do you advise me to... ? If you were me, what (where) would you... ? What do you think... ? Really?

What can you recommend... ? Are you sure ?

Give advice to your partner

If you ask me... If I were you, I'd... because... How about... (-ing)?

Why not... (-ing)? I really recommend you... From my own experience I can tell you,..



Swap roles.

14. You are a manager at a travel agency different people come to you to book a holiday trip. What will you recommend to these different customers? Use real travelling information, tour­ist's booklets, and advertisements.

1. A middle-class family with 2 children (5 and 7).

2. An elderly couple eager to explore the world.

3. Three students on a budget, looking for new places and new faces.

4. A middle-aged businessman with his wife, tired of 5-star hotels and beaches, wanting something different.

5. A just-married couple on the honeymoon.

15. Discuss:

1. Vacation should be educational. The best way to spend a vacation is to go to an ancient place like Rome or London. There you can see historic building and places.

2. We need holidays to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, from the streets, traffic and the strain. So we need to go to a quiet remote village to have good rest.

3. A holiday is time to enjoy yourself. So entertainment should come first. Discos, parties and clubs every night — that's a good holiday for me.

4. My suggestion is a camping holiday It is cheap and you can feel the real beauty of the nature that way Besides, walking is good for health.

5. Doing nothing — that's a holiday. I need a place where I can just sit and relax with a good book in my hands looking at the sea in the distance.

16. Read and translate Laura's story. Put the verbs in the right forms.


Last Easter I (to go) to New York for ten days with my best friend Julia. We (to be) friends since primary school, but we (not to meet) very often as we both (to have) families and busy schedules at work. So we (to decide) (to let) our husbands and children (to enjoy) themselves with­out us and (to fly) away

We (to stay) in a hotel near Broadway It (to be) freezing but we (not to mind) that because we (to go) shopping every day and we (to see) a different show every night. One day we (to climb) up the Empire State Building and on the other day we (to drive) to the Bronx Zoo. We (to have) delicious meals in all kinds of restaurants: Indian, Japanese, Ital­ian and even Russian. We never (to stop)!

We (to forget) that we (to be) over forty and (to live) like teenagers again. It (to be) incredible!


Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.


Interviewer: So where did you go, Bruce?

Bruce: Wfell, I wanted a relaxing holiday because I was very stressed.

So I went to the Caribbean. Interviewer: Did you have a good time? Bruce: No, I didn't. It was terrible!

Interviewer: Oh, dear. Well, tell me all about it. When did you go there? Bruce: About two years ago. Interviewer: Who did you go with?

Bruce: Nobody. I wanted to be alone. I really needed to relax. Interviewer: And how did you get there?

Bruce: By plane to Barbados, then I got a small boat to the island.

Interviewer: Where did you stay?

Bruce: In a small hotel on the beach.

Interviewer: That sounds nice. What was the weather like?

Bruce: Terrible. It was too hot. It was 45° every day.

Interviewer: Wow, that's hot! What was the food like?

Bruce: It was awful. I couldn't eat it.

Interviewer: Really?

Bruce: Yes. It was always cold and badly-cooked. Interviewer: What did you do?

Bruce: Nothing. I stayed in the hotel. It was too hot to go out. In

the day and at night it was too dangerous. I just stayed in the hotel all the time. Interviewer: So how long did you stay? Bruce: Only for three days. Interviewer: You went to the Caribbean for three days? Bruce: Yes, on the third night I decided to go home. That was the

end of my relaxing holiday. Only three days and it cost me a fortune! Interviewer: Oh, dear.

17. Complete the dialogues.


— Have you ever been to London?

— No, but...

— Did he go there by train?

— No, ...

— it better than by train? »•»

— Where did he stay? • • •

— Can he recommend us a good place to stay or at least a good ac­commodation agency?

— Thank you very much. I am so grateful to you. It's my first trip to London and I am so nervous.

• $ 4


_ f « • « •

— Yes, I am leaving on Saturday. I'd like to see the British Museum, the Tower and the Tower Bridge, Big Ben and other historical


• • •

— I am staying at a hotel. It is a small Bed & Breakfast in the sub­urb.


— No, not at all. It's dormitory type for just £20 per night. «««

— Breakfast is included, and they have cooking facilities as well as a

small restaurant next door. • ♦»

— Mostly sightseeing. •»t

— In two weeks. • *»

— Thank you very much.

18. Interview your groupmates about their last holidays. Ask more questions.



Who / with?

How / get there?

Where / stay? How long / stay?

What was the weather like? Hotel? Food? People?

What / do/ during the day? At night?

How much / spend? Buy any souvenirs?

/ meet anybody interesting?

/ a good time?

/ any problems?

19. Speak about...

1. What is good about going abroad for holidays?

2. What is good at spending you holidays at home?

3. Each time you go to a new place, you may come upon something unexpected. What can it be?

4. What type of holiday do you prefer?

5. What do you enjoy doing while on holidays?

6. Is there anything you can do only while on holidays and never during the rest of the year? What is it?

20. Translate into English.

— Куда ты поедешь этим летом?

— Я поеду в Египет. Я люблю плавать с аквалангом. Море там чистое. Это очень интересно.

— Разве там не жарко летом?

— Довольно жарко. Но я еще не решился. Я, может быть, возьму отпуск зимой и поеду в Египет в феврале. А какие у тебя планы?

— Я тоже еще не решил. Может быть, поеду по Европе.

— Поездом?

— Нет, на машине. Я люблю путешествовать на машине.

— Возьмешь с собой семью?

— Нет, я люблю путешествовать один. Дети поедут в летний лагерь, а жена— на море. Хочешь со мной?

— Очень любезно с твоей стороны. Я, пожалуй, все же поеду в Египет.

21. Write an essay on the topic "The Best Holidays/Vacation I Ever Had" or "The Worst Holidays/Vacation I Ever Had".



Group work. Discuss and use the phrases from the box below.

1. Why do you think people need vacation?

2. How long do you think school vacation must be?

3. How many week's vacation a year should people have?

I think people need a break because...

Perhaps vacation should not be long. What I mean is...

We all need a vacation. The kind of thing I'm thinking about is...


surf — прибой

sidewalk — тротуар

to relax — расслабляться, отдыхать

to recharge — восстанавливать силы

career — карьера

cathartic cliches — милые слуху избитые фразы

to ignore — игнорировать

overwork — перегрузка

overbearing — несносный

overreaching — недостижимый

to let somebody off the hook — отпустить кого-то

available — доступный, имеющийся в наличии / в распоряжении

whim — прихоть, каприз, причуда

employer — работодатель

employee — работник, сотрудник

government — правительство

wealth — богатство, благосостояние

envy — зависть

to mandate — диктовать

time off — отпуск, выходной

hence — следовательно, как следствие

proliferation — изобилие

device — устройство

brain — мозг

to decompress — отдохнуть, уменьшить давление despite — несмотря на benefit — выгода

at smb's disposal — в (чьем-то) распоряжении average — средний, в среднем comparison — сравнение

corporate Europe — сотрудники европейских корпораций pond — пруд

the point is... — дело в том, что...

intense — интенсивный

holistic — целостный

tangible — осязаемый, материальный

intangible — неосязаемый, нематериальный

the standard of living — жизненный стандарт, уровень жизни

monetary — денежный

productivity — производительность indispensable — незаменимый brainwashing — «промывка мозгов» to handing off — передавать, отдавать

colleague — коллега


to engender — порождать, вызывать

to downsize — уменьшаться в размере, сокращаться

vital — живой, смертный

workload — нагрузка

pressure — давление

fear — страх

volatile — непостоянный, изменчивый to replace — заменять to discover — обнаруживать it boils down to... — все сводится к... to negotiate — проводить переговоры recognition — признание commitment — обязательство to deny — отрицать


Ah, vacation. The sand, the surf. The mountains and hiking. The city streets and sidewalk cafes. I need a vacation. That's what most of the Americans think, but don't do.

They have heard all the sayings: "Vacation is a great way to relax, re­charge and come away with a fresh perspective that can drive your ca­reer to new heights. Too bad these cathartic cliches ignore the realities of the 2000s: overwork, overbearing managers and overreaching technol­ogy that never let American professionals off the hook.

The reality is that the amount of vacation time available to U.S. work­ers is at the whim of U.S. employers. While there may be some truth to the fact that a lack of government intervention in this matter is a major reason for the global dominance of the U.S. economy, they are at an extreme end of the work-life balance spectrum. And to many, the end is the wrong one.

Sure, U.S. production, wealth and work ethics are the envy of the industrial world. But, as a result, employers mandate how many weeks an employee can take off.

A dirty secret in corporate America however, is that a vacation is not a right, but a privilege. Hence the proliferation of PDA devices, laptops and mobile phones on beaches across California, Florida and Mexico.

Unlike his counterpart in Europe, it seems the U.S. worker has his Job on the brain even when the time has come to decompress, be it at home or on vacation. Despite the evident benefits to the economy and overall productivity, is it worth it?

The average vacation time in America is 12 days while in Germany It is 35, in France — 37, and in Italy the norm is an astounding 42 days щ year. This is unheard of in America. Even the British have 28 days at their disposal, which means that one of the most stringent European nations in terms of time off provides twice as much as the average Amer­ican company.

Another important consideration in this comparison is the fact that during certain times of the year, corporate Europe as a whole takes a vacation. Try doing business with a European company in August or in second half of December and early January, for example. We are dealing with a totally different mentality on the other side of the pond.

The point is the ever-elusive balance of work and life. U.S. business has a reputation for being all work and no play, while business in Europe Is less intense and more holistic.

Many Europeans however, would cite that intangible "quality of life" metric. The standard of living in the U.S. may be the highest in the in­dustrial world in terms of monetary compensation, but what about fam­ily time, personal time and stress levels?

Another point is that technology and a major push by industry for Increased productivity have convinced many folks they are indispensable.

People don't take long vacations — if they take them at all — because Companies have been ''brainwashing" employees into feeling guilty about handing off their work to colleagues. They have engendered a sense of insecurity. Now there are all these narcissistic worker bees who, when companies downsize, are shocked because they think, 'Hey, I'm vital.'

Many workers believe that their workload simply doesn't allow them to take all the time off.

Others say it is pressure or fear that keeps them from using all their vacation, not their workload. In the volatile labor economy of the 21st century American workers are not using their vacation days, because they're scared of being replaced while they're away or that their employer would discover that they are not indispensable.

It boils down to personal choice. You can have your cake and eat it too in America. Because government does not regulate vacation time here, there is always the possibility of negotiating more days off once you gain a certain position of recognition in the company.

No matter how many people applaud the American work ethic and commitment, nobody can deny the tangible and intangible benefits of a vacation to workers with full, busy lives.

By lan Harrison


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Recharge, cliches, ignore, overbearing, whim, extreme, wealth de­vice, astounding, stringent, intangible, quality, industry, increased, guilty, engendered, insecurity, folks, pressure, volatile, scared, government, ap­plaud.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Why do people need vacation?

2. What are the realities of the 2000s?

3. Who regulates the amount of vacation time in the US?

4. What is the major reason for the global dominance of the US ac­cording to the author's opinion?

5. Where is America on work-balance spectrum, the author thinks?

6. Why does industrial world envy America?

7. Why do you see the proliferation of computer devices on the re­sort beaches?

8. What is the average vacation time in America and in European countries?

9. When does all corporate Europe take vacations?

10. What is the main difference between business in Europe and Amer­ica?

11. What does the author say about the standard of living in the USA?

12. What are the major reasons why American workers don't take long vacation?

13. What is the way to get more vacation time in America?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find them in the text and translate sentences with them.

Sidewalk cafe, to come away with a fresh perspective, to drive the career to new heights, cathartic cliches, overbearing managers, at the whim of U.S. employers, a major reason for the global dominance, at an
extreme end of the work-life balance spectrum, dirty secret, corporate America, PDA device, laptop, unlike his counterpart in Europe, overall productivity average vacation time, astounding 42 days a year, stringent European nation, in this comparison, totally different mentality, on the other side of the pond, ever-elusive balance of work and life, less intense and more holistic, intangible metric, quality of life, in terms of mone­tary compensation, a major push by industry, increased productivity, brainwashing" employees, to engender a sense of insecurity, narcissis­tic worker bees, I'm vital, I'm not indispensable, workload, volatile la­bor economy, to be scared of being replaced, it boils down to personal choice, a certain position of recognition in the company, American work ethic and commitment.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Городские улицы; прибой; мне нужно отдохнуть; отличный способ отдохнуть и восстановить силы; реальность 2000-х годов; количество дней на отпуск; имеется в наличии / в распоряжении; недостаток правительственного вмешательства; этика работы; про­мышленный мир; зависть; в результате; отпуск — это не право, а привилегия; в отличие от европейских коллег; портативный ком­пьютер (ноутбук); мобильный телефон; сотрудники думают о ра­боте даже во время отпуска; в их распоряжении; важная мысль; в этой связи; во второй половине декабря; дело в том, что...; личное время; уровень стресса; многие люди думают, что они незамени­мы; чувствовать себя виноватым; компании уменьшаются (сокра­щаются); бояться (2); регулировать время отпуска; все сводится к личному выбору; не важно; никто не отрицает; материальная и не­материальная выгода; это неслыханно для Америки.

5. Make up word combinations. Find them in the text and trans­late the sentences.

sidewalk average evident global industrial work major fresh

dominance choice time perspective benefit end reason position world


extreme intervention

personal cafe

certain commitment

6. What are the full forms of these words?


7. Match pairs of synonyms and translate them. Find them in the text.

co-worker job

in this matter consideration

overall worker

work in this comparison

employee people

despite in spite of

mobile phone general

folks cell phone

thought colleague

8. Match pairs of antonyms and translate them. Find them in the
minor end
similar insecurity
nobody different
beginning wrong
right major
city short
long everybody
security countryside


9. Describe the vacation situation in America in 5—7 sentences

(make a summary of the text).

10. Agree or disagree on the following statements. Give your rea­sons.

For agreement use: For disagreement use:

I agree. I don 7 agree.

I fully agree. I don V think so.

I am with you here. I disagree...

I suppose it is. Nothing of the kind.

I expect it should be. Not in the least.

1. Everybody needs a vacation.

2. Vacation is a great way to relax and recharge.

3. The realities of the 2000s are overworking, overbearing managers and overreaching technology.

4. U.S. economy has the global dominance.

5. A lack of government intervention is a major reason for the global dominance of the U.S. economy.

6. Americans are at an extreme end of the work-life balance spec­trum. And the end is the wrong one.

7. U.S. production, wealth and work ethics are the envy of the rest of industrial world.

8. \&cation is not a right, but a privilege.

9. It seems the U.S. worker has his job on the brain even when the time has come to decompress, be it at home or on vacation. De­spite the evident benefits to the economy and overall productivity, is it worth it?

10. It is a very good practice that there are certain times of the year when corporate Europe as a whole takes a vacation.

11. U.S. business is all work and no play.

12. The standard of living in the U.S. is the highest in the industrial world in terms of monetary compensation.

13. People can't take long vacations in the US.

14. Nobody can deny the tangible and intangible benefits of a vaca­tion to workers with full, busy lives.

11. Discuss:

1. You work hard all the year round for your vacation. You have earned it, why not take it?

2. From a macro point of view it is beneficial to live in the one coun­try that can lay claim to superpower status. It helps to have a higher standard of living per capita than the rest of the world. But what kind of life is mandatory overtime, 50+-hour weeks and less than two weeks vacation a year? By the time you reach retirement, do you really reap what you have sown (сеять)? Do you even have the strength or will to?

3. With the advent of mobile phones, Internet cafes, pagers and per­sonal digital assistants (PDAs), co-workers and bosses can track us down just as easily whether we're across the street or halfway around the globe. Staying in touch with the office during a vaca­tion is not only widely accepted, it's often expected. Sure, vaca-

tioners have the option to leave all their gadgets behind, but many Americans choose to bring them along. What about you?


Read and dramatize the dialogue.


Where are you going to spend your holidays this year? We may go abroad. I am not sure. My wife wants to go to Spain. I'd like to go there too. We can't make up our minds. Will you travel by train or by air? We may travel by train. It's cheaper, isn't it?

It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time. I am sure you will enjoy yourselves.

Don't be so sure. We may not go anywhere. My wife always wor­ries too much. Who is going to look after the dog? Who is going to look after the house? Who is going to look after the garden? We have this problem every year. In the end we stay at home and look after everything!

11. Find out the meanings of the underlined words and word com­binations from the context.

12. Translate into English.

Последние исследования показывают, что работники во всем мире все меньше и меньше используют свой отпуск полностью. И в наихудшей ситуации на сегодняшний день оказалась Америка. Согласно прогнозам в этом году 14 % сотрудников не пойдут в от­пуск совсем и более 30 % не используют отпуск полностью.

43-летний историк Гордон Джонсон говорит, что не знает, ка­кой отпуск ему положен, и не заботится об этом, так любит свою работу и не знает, что бы он делал во время отпуска. Конечно, он ездит всей семьей на неделю к морю. Но дело в том, что когда он возвращается, на него наваливается столько работы, что он начи­нает сожалеть о том, что отдыхал.

John: Jack: John: Jack: John: Jack: John: Jack:

Многие американцы не уходят в отпуск из-за боязни потерять работу. Экономические кризисы последнего десятилетия подорва­ли уверенность многих работников в их незаменимости, поэтому
они всегда хотят быть на виду, когда принимаются важные реше­ния. И даже когда они все-таки едут отдыхать, они берут с собой свои компьютеры и телефоны и всегда остаются на связи с офи­сом.

Многие исследователи говорят, что США — единственная стра­на, в которой люди отдыхают, чтобы потом работать еще более усердно. Во всем мире люди работают для того, чтобы отдыхать.


1.You are a travel agent. Recommend your customers a particular type of holiday. Make the presentation to your group. Try to be different from your friends and groupmates. Make your presentation as attractive as possible. Convince your customer to choose the holiday you recom­mend.

2.Carry out your own survey "Vacation Situation in Russia". Write an essay on this topic using real information. Present your survey to the group.

Unit 2. Air Travel




Have you ever travelled by air? If yes:

1. When was it?

2. Where did you go?

3. Who travelled with you?

4. How long was your flight?

5. What kind of plane was it?

6. What did you do on board?

7. Did you enjoy your flight?

8. Would you like to travel by ai

If no:

1. Would you like to travel by air? Why?

2. What are advantages and dis­advantages of air travel, do you think?

again? Why?





airport — аэропорт plane = aircraft — самолет crew — команда

steward, stewardess = flight attendant — стюарт, стюардесса to fly on the plane — лететь на самолете (в качестве пассажира) to fly a plane — лететь на самолете (в качестве пилота) flight — рейс, полет to check in — зарегистрироваться

check-in desk or check-in counter — стойка/ окошко регистрации

luggage = baggage — багаж

hand luggage — ручная кладь

excess — избыток, перевес

trolley — тележка на колесиках

conveyer belt — транспортер, конвейер

customs — таможня

to check — проверять

check — проверка

to depart — уезжать

departure — отправление

departure lounge — зал ожидания

departure board — табло отправления

departure gate — выход на перрон, выход на посадку

to arrive — прибывать

arrival — прибытие

to board — производить посадку на самолет

on board — на борту

aisle — проход между рядами кресел

cockpit — кабина пилотов (экипажа самолета)

runway — взлетно-посадочная полоса

to take off — взлетать

to fasten the seat-belts — пристегнуть ремни turbulence — турбулентность

Read and translate the text.


When travelling by air you have to get to the airport early in order to check in about an hour before your flight. If you have a lot of luggage, you can put it on a trolley and push it to the check-in desk where some­one will check your ticket and weigh your luggage. If you have excess luggage, you have to pay for it, and it can be expensive. Your heavy lug­gage is put on a conveyer belt and carried away. A light bag is classified as hand luggage and you can take it with you on the plane.

Then you go to the customs. An immigration officer looks at your passport and a security guard checks your hand luggage before you go into the departure lounge to wait till your flight is announced. If you want to, you can buy some goods at the airport duty free stores. When you see on the departure board or hear an announcement that you plane is now boarding, you go through the departure gate, and then there is sometimes

a security check before you actually get on the plane. When all the pas­sengers are on board and when the captain and his crew are ready in the cockpit, the plane moves to the end of the runway. Finally, permission is received from the control tower and the plane moves faster and faster and finally takes off.

Flying is fun. I like being in a big aircraft. The cabin crew (stewards and stewardesses or flight attendants) are always very friendly and help­ful. They walk up and down the aisle bringing meals and drinks; and if the flight is going through some turbulence, they warn everybody that it might be a bit bumpy and ask us to fasten our seat-belts. On a long flight I like listening to music through the headphones available to all passen­gers or watch a video, which is always available, too, and sometimes I have a sleep. 1 enjoy it all so much that as soon as I get off the plane I want to go on the next flight again.


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Airport, luggage, light, crew, aisle, fasten, warn, flight.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Why do passengers have to come to the airport an hour before the departure?

2. What does a passenger do if he/she has a lot of luggage?

3. What do you have to do if you have excess luggage?

4. Where do passengers wait for their plane?

5. What is a duty free store?

6. What happens when all the passengers are on board?

7. Does the writer like travelling by air? Why?

8. How does he spend time during the flight?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word

combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the


To put luggage on a trolley, excess luggage, conveyer belt, light bag, immigration officer, departure lounge, departure board, aircraft, securi­ty check control tower, cabin crew, to warn everybody, bumpy, to get off the plane.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Чтобы зарегистрироваться, проверить билет, взвесить багаж, ручная кладь, таможня, объявлять рейс, магазин беспошлинной Торговли, пассажир, на борту, экипаж, взлет, взлетно-посадочная полоса, стюардесса (2), проход между рядами, войти в зону турбу­лентности, пристегнуть ремни, слушать музыку через наушники.

5. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
flight check
security lounge
security store
hand board

– Конец работы –

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Английский язык


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Все темы данного раздела:

Fill in the blanks with prepositions, particles and adverbs where necessary. Translate the abstract.
I went straight ... the east coast ... the island. It was already late ... $bt afternoon, but it was still warm and bright. Soon a cool wind began и„ reach me and I saw the sea lying blue and sunny

iemand — спрос generation — поколение iboard — на борт truise — круиз Itateroom — каюта to delight — восхищать to inspire — вд

As the demand for multi-generational family travel continues to grow, Crystal Cruises invites children under 12 to cruise for free aboard seven Crystal Harmony 2005 Alaska cruises when sharing the

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Спрос на семейные путешествия продолжает возрастать;

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
text.   family adventures share experience travel

Queen Mary 2 is the_______________________________ , longest, tallest, widest, and It — $780-million — the most expensive_________________________ ever built. The successful trial

Planning your first cruise can be a challenge for those who either haven't travelled much or who haven't taken an organized tour or vaca­tion. How do you plan that first cruise? Family and friends

Customer: We're interested in going on a Caribbean cruise, but we're a little worried about the accommodation. I know the ships are luxurious, but I've heard the cabins can be very small —

Translate into English.
Customer: ftavel agent: Customer: travel agent:

it's common knowledge — общеизвестно to travel on business — ездить в командировку abroad — за границу convenient — удобный Unit 4. Travelling By Train means of travel — сред

It's common knowledge that nowadays people travel a lot. They travel on business and for pleasure, about the country and abroad. Those who wish to travel have at their disposal various means of tra

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Общеизвестно; путешествовать по стране; в их распоряжении; различные средства транспорта; скорые поезда; хотя самолеты быстрее; в первую очередь (во-первых); поесть в вагоне-рестора­не; спальный ва

Linda found a seat ... a compartment that was full ... middle-aged businessmen. One ... them offered to put her case ... the rack ... her. She politely told him she could do it herself. The man sta

Customer: Hello. The centre of London, please. Railway agent: All trains go to Victoria station. Single or return? Unit 4. Travell

Несколько полезных советов тем, кто собирается путешество­вать по одной из железных дорог Европы. Если необходимый вам населенный пункт находится на доста­точно бл

Britain has almost the same population as France but less than half the space. With 238 people per square kilometre, it is a densely populat­ed country. So it is not surprising that the transport s

Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.
rule merit full price without best off-peak hour Unit 4. Tr

__ for the Bristol train when a ___ asked me if I knew the time of the next     _____________

Once an Englishman (to travel) in the USA on business. On the train he (to share) the compartment with an American. The American (to want) (to impress) him and (to show) how big America (to be) so

Translate into English.
1. Давай поторопимся, а то мы опоздаем на поезд. 2. Им не надо делать пересадку. Есть прямой поезд. 3. Хотя она приехала на вокзал в последний момент, она успе­ла на поезд.

Role play.
Student A Student В 1. Ask yourfriend about his/her last train trip. L Answer your friend's questions about you

Multi Countries Passes
Multi Countries Duration Cover Fares (from US$) Saver Senior Youth

Once Mark Twain, the________________________ American writer, was trav­elling in France. He was going by ________________________ ______________________________ to Dijon. That af­ternoon he was ver

Hello, Mr. Blake. Wfe're are not late, are we? Hello, Jane. No, you're not late. I was a bit early. When does the train leave? It leaves at four twenty-seven (4.27). We don't need to hur­r

Role play.
Student A Student В L You are a passenger who has just got on a train. You see an empty seat next to a passenger in the third row.

Ifno: 1. Would you like to drive? Why? 2. Do you plan to get a driver's license? When? 3. Have you ever travelled in a car? 4. Did you like it? Why? Tell us about

Fifty years ago, private car ownership was growing rapidly, and pub­lic transport was losing its dominant role. The process seemed quite nat­ural and, on the whole, a good thing. In the 1960s, Brit

However crowded the roads are, British car owners usually find a rea­son not to switch to public transport. The buses are too slow, or the trains are too expensive, or no public services actually t

Private, ownership, spread, phenomenon, psychological, human, car­apace, quiet, wheel, phrase, fight, murder, hours, exhaust, figures, acci­dent

Answer the questions.
1. When did private car ownership start growing rapidly? 2. Why did public transportation lose its dominant role? 3. Why did railways cut lines and stations? 4. Why was g

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Быстро расти; терять доминирующее положение; в целом; бо­лезненно; приспособиться к ситуации; решение проблемы; явле­ние, отмеченное экспертами; много раз и ранее; строительство новых дорог приводи

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.
dominant natural solution beings

The Car Vocabulary
windscreen — лобовое стекло rear window = back window — заднее стекло side window — боковое стекло Unit 5. Travelling By Car windscreen-wipe

Few carmakers offer the range or diversity Honda builds into the Civic . There are sedans, coupes and a hatchback, with an em­phasis on convenience, performance or fuel efficiency and low

Say what you think about the following statements. Give your points.
Use: I don't really know, but I think... To tell the truth I know little about..., but... I don't actually know much about it, but...

Dug: Good afternoon. U-Drive-It rentals. May I help you? Man: Hi, I'm interested in renting a car for the weekend and I want to know if you have a special weekend rate. Dug: Yes,

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions and adverbs where necessary. Translate the article.
WHAT'S NEW FOR THE 2005 NISSAN SENTRA? Body-colored door handles and a new front grille treatment are added ... all 2005 Nissan Sentras. Base 1.8 models have a new storage

В Нью-Йорке открылось самое представительное автошоу за последние 100 лет. Выставка расположена на 11-й авеню в Манхэт- тене. Как ожидают организаторы, с 26 марта на 76 тысячах квад­ратных метров в

driver's license — водительское удостоверение, водительские права to drive — водить автомобиль wheel — колесо steering wheel — руль at t

Looking out the window, I smile at the familiar sight of my five-year- old son and three-year-old daughter playing in the parked car. Matthew "drives" with my husband's casual ease, hands

Answer the questions.
1. What are children playing and how? 2. Why does the author give her daughter her girl-can-do-anything lecture? 3. Why doesn't the author drive? 4. Why her classmates we

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса
4. Translate the sentences. Convert distances in miles into kilo­meters: • She drove at 25 miles per hour. • City speed limit is 35 miles per hour. • Hig

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Смотря из окна; привычный вид; пятилетний сын; припарко­ванный автомобиль; объявить следующую остановку; по маршру­ту/в пути; управлять большой

Match the type of auto with its description.
    a large car with more than five passenger seats and usually five doors; rear seats can be folded or removed

Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the verbs. Translate the article.
variant to the 5-Series line- ___ engines and an xDrive WHAT'S NEW FOR THE 2006 BMW 5 SERIES? BMW adds a station

Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
WHAT'S NEW FOR THE 2005 FORD MUSTANG? Taking its design cues ... the classic Mustangs ... the late 1960s, the complete

Mr. Dawson: How did you get here, Gabriel? Gabriel: By car. You know, I drive, don't you? Mr. Dawson: Oh, good. Do you find it difficult to drive in New York? There's lot

Translate into English.
1. Дорожное происшествие — Привет, Тревор! Что случилось? С тобой все в порядке? — Привет, Джон! Не волнуйся! Я попал в небольшую аварию, вот и все.

accommodation — размещение bed and breakfast (B&B) — небольшая частная гостиница budget hotel — недорогая гостиница apartment — квартира hostel — общежитие, используемое как г

London is one of the world's most exciting cities — but is it possible to find reasonably priced accommodation there? Once you start delving you soon find that there are all sorts of good-value opt

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.
Reasonably priced accommodation, good-value options, elegant house, home to statesman, a quiet close, en-suite room for two, type of accommodation, a particularly British way, wide range on offer,

Translate into English.
1. Самый легкий способ забронировать гостиницу — через Интернет. 2. Что может быть лучше элегантного особняка в викторианс­ком стиле в модном районе Кингсбридж? 3. В маленькой гос

tips — чаевые gratuities — чаевые to tip — давать (оставлять) чаевые pub — пивная owner — владелец promptness — проворство, расторопнос

Match the word with its definition and compare the meanings.
Maid / housekeeping staff — a person whose job is to bring you some­thing to your room, e.g. your breakfast, or if something is missing or if you just want extra service Room service — a p

As an alternative to a___________________________ we recommend the Spin­drift Inn, a__________________________ hotel with a great_________________________ over­looking Monterey Bay. Just down the s

The Corinthia Aquincum Hotel (to locate) on the Buda side of the Danube river, right at the Arpad Bridge, opposite to the beautiful Marg­aret Is

advertisement = ad (short) — рекламное объявление circa — приблизительно, примерно unique — уникальный mansion — особняк, большой дом, дворец gr

Swann House welcomes you ... the American capital with nine uniquely decorated and well-appointed guestrooms and suites. Our cir­ca 1883 mansion envelopes you ... the grandeur ... a bygone era whil

— Rated # 6 in Milan From $174.54/night Easy 5 minute walk from the Central Station. Very personable, friend­ly staff, quick to help. English spoken. Mostly non-smoking rooms. Rooms

Hotel Details
• 404 Rooms /11 Floors • Built in 1927 • Laundry Room • Fax (For Guests) • Babysitting or Child Care • Uniformed Security on Site • Laundry/ Dr

Hotel Details
• 257 Rooms / 14 Floors • Built in 1950 • Fax (For Guests) • Babysitting or Child Care • Uniformed Security on Site • Laundry/ Dry Cleaning Service

Столичный отель «Аврора Мариотт Роял» первым в Восточной Европе предложил своим гостям услуги дворецких. Этот сервис предоставляется в гостинице с момента ее открытия в 1999 г. Идея создать службу

Receptionist: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Dr. Gilbert: Yes, I've got a reservation. My name is Jason Gilbert. Receptionist: Just a moment, please. Could you spell your name, please? Dr. Gilb

Bellboy: Well, here's your room, Madam. After you. Lady: Thank you. What a nice large room! Unit 6.Hotels

Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogues.
RECEPTION1 Receptionist: Reception. Can I help you? Mr. Thompson: Yes, could I have a coke and a cheese sandwich for room 149, please. Reception

Translate into English.
1. — Гостиница «Солнечная», добрый день! — Я бы хотел забронировать одноместный номер с ванной на два дня. — Вы хотите обычный номер или люкс? — Обычный, пожалуйста.

restaurant — ресторан establishment — учреждение menu — меню food — еда (пища) beverage — напиток to consume — потреблять premises — территория

The term "restaurant" (from the French "restaurer", to restore) first appeared in the 16th century, meaning "a food which restores", and re­ferred specifica

Answer the questions.
1. What is a restaurant? 2. Why are restaurants established as part of hotels very often? 3. Where does the word "restaurant" come form?

Types of Restaurants
The standard way in which restaurants operate is that customers sit at tables, a waiter comes to take their order, and later brings the food, and the customers pay the bill afterwards. Depending on

Restaurant Guides
Restaurant guides list the best places to eat. One of the most famous of these, in Western Europe, is the Michelin series of guides which ac­cor

Answer the questions.
1. What is the standard way of restaurant operation? 2. What is a tip? 3. What does the tip depend on? 4. What can be restaurant specializations? 5. How do you d

Kitchen aid Dishwasher
a person who serves drinks at the bar or in the bar if it is a separate establishment, the head cook. a person who meets and sits the guests, a person who washes dishes. a person

Dining Out: • Wkitstaff — 15—20 % ... the bill, excluding tax and expensive wine. Many restaurants automatically add a 10—15 % gratuity ... par­ties ... six or more, so ch

Translate into English.
На 22-м этаже Российской Академии Наук на Ленинском про­спекте открылся необыкновенно стильный и вкусный ресторан «Небесная Гостиная» («Sky Lounge»). С высоты птичьего полета го­род как на ладони.

Customs, traditions, and etiquette
Customs and traditions regarding eating and meals varies from coun­try to country, as well as within countries, based on such factors as re­gional differences, social class, education, and religion

Standard meals eaten on a daily basis have different names depend­ing on the time of day or the importance of the meal: Английский

Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. Translate the advertisement.
INDIAN SUMMER Situated in ... old stone house dating back to ... 1880s, this is ... good place for... romantic dinner. Dine inside by .

Verbs. Translate the abstract.
CHOOSING A RESTAURANT TO GO Restaurants can be differentiated based on five__________________ variables: 1— Food & wine list 2— Service 3 —_________

— Rated # 3 in Monterey 99 Pacific St, (100C Heritage Harbor), Monterey, CA • Category: American & Caribbean, European, Atmosphere, Special Features This is a place f

What can you say about Mike and the restaurant where he invited his girlfriend to? Mike: A table for two, please. Receptionist: Er, I'm afraid that's not possible, sir. Mik

Waiter: A table for three? Mike: Yes, that's right. Waiter: Fine. Here we are. Flora: Oh, I'm cold. There's a draught* here. Couldn't we sit some­where else? Mike: Excuse me! Excuse me! Wa

Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.
Peter: Good evening. Do you speak English? Waiter: Yes, sir. How many people? Pteter: A table for three, please. Waiter: Come this way. Pteter: Have you got a me

МЕНЮ Закуски
Ассорти из свежих овощей Баклажаны, фаршированные домашним сыром Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса Слабосоленая сельдь Ассорти из домашних сыров Блинч

to define - определять purpose — цель recreation — отдых comprehensive — исчерпывающий, всеобъемлющий tangible — материальный, ощутимый, реальный intangible — нематериаль

Tourism can be defined as the act of travel for the purpose of recre­ation, and the provision of services for this act. A tourist is someone who Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервис

The Grand Tour
The word "tour" gained acceptance in the 18th century, when the Grand Tour of Europe became part of the upbringing of the educated and wealthy British nobleman or cultured gent

Answer the questions.
1. What is tourism? 2. Who is a tourist? 3. What is a more comprehensive definition of tourism? 4. What are the tangible elements of tourism? 5. What are the int

С целью отдохнуть; по крайней мере; сфера обслуживания; материальные и нематериальные компоненты; система транспор­та; напитки; туры; сувениры;

For the past few decades many forms of tourism, also known as niche tourism, have been becoming more popular, particularly: Adventure tourism — is a grassroots effort to support independen

In the 18th century, the Grand Tour was a kind of_____________________ for wealthy British noblemen. It was a period of European which could last from a few months to 8 years. D

Fill in the blanks with prepositions, adverbs, articles where necessary.
BRITISH CITIES AIMING FOR 'CAPITAL OF CULTURE' Six UK cities have been short-listed ... the most coveted prize ... Eu­rope: the title European Capital... Culture 2008. Tho

В течение последнего десятилетия американский туризм испы­тывал серьезные проблемы. По словам Роджера Доу, председателя Американской ассоциации туриндустрии (TIA), уровень спада по сравнению с 1992

health — здоровье leisure — свободное время, досуг the rest of — оставшаяся часть чего-то Unit 1.Forms Of

Read and translate the text.
TYPES OF TOURISM Health Tourism & Leisure Travel It was not until the 19th century that cultural tou

Mass Travel
Mass travel could not really begin to develop until two things oc­curred. a) Improvements in technology allowed the transport of large

Answer the questions.
1. When did cultural tourism develop into leisure and health tour­ism? 2. What did some English travellers decide to do after visiting the warm land of the South of Europe? 3. Why

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Туризм с целью улучшения здоровья; культурный туризм; раз­вился в досуговый туризм; английские путешественники; теплые районы южной Европы; оставаться там на холодное время года; британское изобрет

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.
health number English season warm society cold lands visit masses

Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and
find them in the text.   village city similar unpaid ru

    travelling alone or with groups to participate in hobby interests, to meet others with similar interests, o

In the great______________________ tradition of the flaneur, or thoughtful boulevard-stroller, Paris is a wonderful_____________________________ for aimless wan­dering. Relaxed quarters su

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea-
    sons* For agreement use: That's an idea. Sounds good. Sounds like a good idea.

1. Cultural tourism developed into health and leisure not until the 19th century. 2. Initially tourism was applied only to rich people. 3. Tourism still applies only th

to rent — арендовать, сдавать в наем, снимать квартиру rent — аренда, арендная плата flat (BrE) — квартира apartment (AmE) — квартира advertisement ad is short for "advertisement"

Paul Blake and his friends are travelling around Europe. They are in London now and they want to rent a flat for a week. Rod: 367594. Rod Nelson speaking. P

Superintendent: Hello! Jim Cook: Hi. I'm calling about the apartment. I read the adver­tisement in the "Daily News". Superintendent: Yes. We have an apa

Role play.
Student А Student В 1. You are in London and you want to rent accommodation for a week. Call the number you have found in the local

Как подтверждает статистика, Израиль является одним из са­мых притягательных туристических направлений. С учетом меня­ющейся политической обстановки и предпринимаемых маркетин­говых мер турбизнес с

trend — тенденция temporary — временный setback — неудача, ухудшение threat — угроза destination — место назначения shift — перемена perception — восприятие taste — вкус excessive

Recent Developments
There have been a few temporary setbacks in tourism, the latest be­ing related to the September 11, 2001 attacks and terrorist threats to tour­ist destinations such as Bali and European cities. Som

Answer the questions.
1. What happened in tourism after September 11, 2001? Why? 2. Why did some popular tourist destinations such as Costa del Sol loose their popularity?

Относящийся к; террористические угрозы; включая; потеряла популярность; из-за перемены вкусов; среди туристов; в этом кон­тексте; часто ассоциир

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
text.   temporary a crisis terrorist attempts tourist

Youth and student travel is an increasingly___________________ tending to sector of the travel market — especially in Europe — with youn

In 2001, according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), in­ternational tourist arrivals worldwide fell by 0.5 % in 2001, attributed in large part to an 11 % slump in the final four months of th

Британские эксперты определили, как будет развиваться ту­ризм в ближайшие годы. Британская консалтинговая компания TI1 (Tourism Intelligence Int

phenomenon — явление purpose — цель pleasure — удовольствие affordable — доступ ый exceptionally — исключительно wealthy — богатый Unit 2. Space Tourism

Subsidiary Government Flights
With the realities of the post-Glasnost economy in Russia, the space industry was especially starved for cash. It was decided to allow Toyohi- ro Akiyama, a reporter for Japanese television company

Commercial Space Flights
More affordable space tourism is viewed as a money-making propo­sition by several companies, including Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, Ar­madillo Aerospace, XCOR Aerospace, Rocket plane, and others.

Phenomenon, purpose, pleasure, exceptionally, wealthy, uniqueness, awesome, astronauts, weightlessness, advantage, success, access, aspira­tion,

Answer the questions.
1. What is space tourism? 2. Who can afford space travelling? 3. Who provides transport for space travels? 4. What are the attractions of space travels? 5. What

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.
The recent phenomenon, providing transport, to favor the term, Per­sonal Spaceflight Federation, among the primary attractions of space tourism, awesome and thrilling feelings, extremely intense, m

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Космический корабль(2), МКС, международная космическая станция; космический туризм; с целью личного удовольствия; в настоящее время; доступен то

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
text.   space tourism recent phenomenon space

Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and
find them in the text.   space tourism cosmonaut executive spacecraft

Pioneer 10 left Earth in 1972 and began to cross the ______________ _____________________________ ______________ asteroid belt four months later. Some people said it would be_____

Подходы к развитию космического туризма ведутся с несколь­ких направлений. Первое и уже освоенное — полеты на междуна­родную космическую станцию на российских «Союзах». Им вос­пользовались американ

Космический туризм не оставляет равнодушными многие ком­пании и ученых, специализирующихся на космической и авиаци­онной тематике. Среди них Берт Рутан — человек, построивший и пилотировавший первы

adventure — приключение niche — ниша Unit 3. Adventure Tourism . exploration — исследование Unit 3. Adventure Touri

Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism involving exploration or travel to remote areas, where the traveller should expect the unexpect­ed. Adventure tourism is rapidly growing in popularity a

Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the verbs.
ADVENTURING INSIDE TOMBS, CRYPTS AND ANCIENT MYSTERIES It's dark and damp in the deeps of the___________________________ May­an temple; ancient walls of massive carved stone surround you o

Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs from the list below where necessary.
BACKPACKING TRAVEL - UK This report looks ... developments ... the youth travel and backpack­ing market/Backpackers are defined ... travellers who prefer budget ac­commodation, enjoy meeti

Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.
EUROPEAN WEATHER CHECK Stephanie: And now it's time for the lunchtime European weather check for November 5th. First to London. What's the weather like there, Sarah?

Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.
WEATHER FORECAST Announcer: And now here is Francis Lake with details of the weather. Francis: Thank you, Colin. Here is the weather report for Bristol and the south-west

В толковом словаре интересующему нас понятию дано следу­ющее определение: «Приключение — происшествие, неожиданный случай в жизни. Приключенческий — описывающий сложные и запутанные ситуации». Явля

race — гонка to rival — соперничать excitement — возбуждение, оживление, восторг to offer — предлагать thrill — трепет, восторг counterpart

Read and translate the text.
WINTER RACE TO RIVAL SUMMER EVENT The annual Big Blue Winter Adventure Race is set to take place at Northstar-at-Tahoe in January, offering the same great excitement and thrills as its sum

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Ежегодный, доставайте лыжи; снегоступы; начинайте трениро­вать свою выносливость; зимние приключения; повестка дня гон­ки; много езды на лыжах по пересеченной местности; объявлять планы; способство

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
text.   winter events great plans summer s

Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the words. Translate the article.
STAYING SAFE ON SAFARI Every safari has an element of____________________________ , that's what makes it exciting. While many of the___________________________ you'll encounter ca

• Главная особенность активных туров — повышенные требо­вания к безопасности туристов. Поэтому предлагайте клиенту мар­шруты, категория сложности которых соответствует его опыту, сте­пени подготовл

bank — берег реки to lean — наклоняться leaning Tower — «падающая» башня modest — скромный growth — рост vital — жизненно важный naval— военно-

Read and translate the text.
PISA, ITALY - Home of the Famous Leaning Tower of Pisa Pisa is situated on the banks of the river Arno, in the North-West Tuscany region of Italy — about 80 km from Florence and 10 km from

На берегах реки Арно; на расстоянии примерно 80 км от...; ту­ристские центры; скромная рыбацкая деревушка; побережье Ис­пании; официальный союзник Рима; в первом веке нашей эры; к сожалению; это сл

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
text.   tourist wars closely ventures leaning

Choose the right word from the last below. Mind the forms of the words.
MONTEREY STATE HISTORIC PARK Much of Monterey's early________ _____________________________ can be gleaned from the well-preserved adobe buildings of Monterey Sta

Give missing derivatives (nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives) from these words and translate them.
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb   growth    

Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue
    A DISAPPOINTING HOLIDAY Good afternoon. Good afternoon, madam. I'm interested in

Хургада — самый старый и самый популярный курорт Египта, состоящий из Старого города (Эль-Дахар, или Даун-таун) и рас­тянувшейся на 40 км туристической зоны «Саккала». Многие оте­ли Хургады принадл

capital — столица to sop up — впитывать glut — переизбыток uniquely — уникальный amazingly — поразительно, изумительно, замечательно ethereal — эфирный, утонченный back d

It's fine to visit the European capitals. They're all big enough to sop up a glut of tourists. But smaller places that are both uniquely interest­ing and lightly travelled are getting more difficul

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.
Место отдыха; европейские столицы; достаточно большой; пе­реизбыток туристов; уникально интересный; трудно найти; как только он упоминает их; мо

Make a summary of the text.
9. Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the words. Translate the story. A COUNTRY OF CONTRAST Getting to this____________

Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA AND THE SPHINX The Pyramids ... Giza represent one ... the greatest architectural feats ... man. The last surviving ... member... the Seven WDnders... the World, the G

Сегодня любой клиент может без особых усилий подобрать в турфирме практически любой экскурсионный тур в Европу, будь то знакомство с остатками античной цивилизации в Греции или экскурс в историю Шо

Предисловие......................................... 3 Part I. TVavelling.................................. 6 Unit 1. The Pleasure Of Travelling. 6 Dialogue 1. Holiday Pl

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