рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


EXERCISES - раздел Иностранные языки, Видовременная система английского глагола   Exercise 27. Translate Into English.   ...


Exercise 27. Translate into English.


1. Я пью чай. 2. Он завтракает. 3. Я пишу письмо. 4. Он лежит. 5. Они изучают испанский. 6. Он надевает пальто. 7. Они играют в пинг-понг. 8. Она путешествует за границей. 9. Он умирает. 10. Мы уже идем. 11. Она поет новую песню. 12. Мы ее слушаем. 13. Собака лает. 14. Они плавают. 15. Я учу стихотворение. 16. Он поливает газон. 17. Бенни играет с ежиком. 18. Бетти переводит текст с английского на итальянский. 19. Бабушка печет пирог. 20. Дедушка смотрит футбол.

Exercise 28. Translate into Russian / Ukrainian. Explain the usage of the Present Continuous.


1. The baby is crying again. I think it’s hungry. 2. Emma can’t come to the phone right now, she is having a shower. 3. Martha is still working in the garden. 4. Why are you shouting at me? What’s wrong? 5. Look! It’s snowing heavily. 6. Denis is working at a new project this semester. 7. Now Lisa is studying at the courses in the British Council. 8. Longman is publishing new books this year. 9. They are redecorating their house in the summer. 10. The bus is leaving in 5 minutes. 11. Are you going to see a new play? 12. When is the plane taking off? 13. Is Sam coming with us? 14. I’m cleaning the house on Monday. 15. Mum and I are leaving for the country one of these days. 16. Max, you are sitting at the computer all days long! 17. Why are you constantly leaving your wallet at home, John? 18. Tracey is all the time thinking of her boyfriend! 19. She is a born worrier! Yes, she is always talking about her problems. 20. Bob is smoking non-stop. 21. Nell is constantly drinking coffee. 22. Why is Mel arguing with her brother all the time? He’s a nice boy. 23. What I mean is that you are being noisy!


Exercise 29. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.


1. My sister is playing the piano now. 2. The teacher is explaining the rule. 3. We are learning the new words. 4. Ann is standing at the window. 5. We are going to the park. 6. John is taking a piece of chalk and writing a sentence on the blackboard. 7. I am doing my homework. 8. Jane is speaking on the phone. 9. She is cooking supper. 10. Mary and Tom are walking in the park now. 11. He is going to be a journalist. 12. My neighbour is painting a fence now. 13. The boys are running about the garden. 14. It is still raining. 15. The dog is lying on the floor.


Exercise 30. Open the brackets, using the Present Continuous where necessary.


A. 1. We …… (go) to the cinema tonight. 2. Jane and Jack …… (not read) now. – What they …… (do)? They …… (watch TV)? – No, they …… (not watch TV). Jane …… (knit) a sweater and Jack …… (listen) to music. 3. What you …… (do) tonight? – I …… (see) my boy-friend off. 4. You …… (listen) to me? – Yes, I …… (listen). 5. Bob …… (not cut) sandwiches. He …… (put) the plates into the cupboard. 6. We …… (be) in the classroom. We …… (sit) at our desks. We …… (not read) texts, we …… (write) a dictation. 7. – You always …… (argue) with me. – You …… (be) always late! 8. I …… (be afraid) you …… (be) not quite right. 9. Who they …… (look at)? 10. He …… (open) or …… (close) his book? 11. This month they …… (work) till midnight. It …… (be) very unlike them. 12. Why he …… (be) always late? 13. Sorry, I …… (have) no time. I …… (leave). 14. Who you …… (be) and what you …… (do) here? 15. You always …… (put) your things in the wrong place!


B. 1. – Where are our children? It’s quiet in the house. – They …… (lie) on the carpet and …… (draw). 2. – What you …… (do) now? – I …… (look) for my key. I can’t open the door. 3. Listen! Somebody …… (sing) a lovely song. 4. Why you …… (put on) the coat? It’s sunny today. 5. Don’t make so much noise. I …… (try) to work. 6. Why you …… (cry)? Is something wrong? 7. Let’s go for a walk. It …… (not rain) now. 8. Why you …… (not hurry)? I …… (wait) for you. 9. I don’t speak any foreign languages, but I …… (learn) English now. 10. We …… (spend) next weekend at home. 11. I …… (meet) Liz tonight. She ……(come) from York. 12. He …… (go) to speak to his parents. 13. My Dad …… (work) overtime this week. 14. They …… (live) in a rented house these days. 15. I …… (take) dancing lessons this winter. 16. At the moment we …… (fly) over the desert. 17. Have some hot tea. It …… (get) chilly. 18. I …… (die) to see him.


C. 1. Look out of the window. It …… (rain)? Should I take my umbrella? 2. Shhh! The baby …… (sleep). 3. Right now I am in class. I …… (stand) at my desk and …… (speak) English to my students. 4. Mary is at home. She …… (eat) dinner and …… (listen) to music. 5. It …… (not rain) at the moment. The sun …… (shine), and the sky …… (be) blue. Light clouds …… (fly) across the sky. 6. Denny is in the library. He …… (sit) at a table. He …… (write) a composition. 7. – The students …… (take) a test in class right now? – No, the lecturer …… (explain) something to them. 8. Johnny, you …… (listen) to me? What you …… (think) about, I wonder? 9. – What your brother …… (do) in the kitchen? – He …… (do) the crosswords in the newspaper. 10. I like winter. Every morning I come to the window to see if it …… (snow). 11. Jack, why you …… (sit) at the back of the class today? 12. – Has Ben finished his homework? – No, he still …… (do) it. 13. The sun …… (set). It'll get dark soon. 14. I …… (look) at the man, but I can't recognize him. Who is he? 15. Mrs. Loveday usually teaches Class A, but this year she …… (teach) Class C. 16. Simon …… (take) driving lessons as he is going to buy a car.

Exercise 31. Translate into English using the Present Continuous.

1. Когда я вдали от дома, то я с нетерпением жду (to long for) того дня, когда вернусь обратно. 2. «Мы об­суждаем тебя или меня?» – спросил он с улыбкой. 3. – И что же ты делаешь в Женеве? – Пишу пьесу. 4. Гораздо больше денег в том, что делаешь ты, чем в том, чем занимаюсь я. 5. Он постоянно говорит мне о своих чувствах! 6. Успокойся! Ты же всех раздража­ешь! 7. Он подумывает о том, чтобы эмигрировать. 8. Я знаю, что ты чувствуешь сейчас, мы все чувствуем то же самое. 9. – Они встречаются (to see) сегодня ве­чером. – Понимаю. 10. Посмотри, девушка на экране рекламирует новый шампунь. 11. – Все зависит от того, как он видит свое будущее. – Да, но он ничего не планирует. 12. – Взгляни, наш сосед опять бегает по утрам. – По-моему, он устанавливает новый рекорд. Он выглядит измученным. 13. Какие это у тебя духи (to wear perfume)? Они удивительные. 14. Он прекрас­ный человек. Но сегодня он просто невыносим. 15. – Твой английский становится все лучше и лучше. – Да, я занимаюсь с утра до ночи.

Exercise 32. Translate into English using to be going to do smth.

1. Лаура собирается посмотреть изумительный Тадж-Махал в Индии. 2. Мы собираемся посетить знаменитый Ниагарский водопад. 3. Вы собираетесь искупаться в океане в Южной Африке? 4. Я собираюсь посетить несколько заповедников в Австралии. 5. Алекс собирается принять участие в праздновании дня святого Патрика в Ирландии. 6. Они не собираются жить в роскошном отеле, когда будут в Нью-Йорке. 7. Вы собираетесь заняться альпинизмом в Непале? 8. Она не собирается ехать в Австралию в июле, когда там очень холодно.


Exercise 33. Open the brackets, using the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.


A. 1. You …… (leave) for Kiev today or tomorrow? 2. The train …… (arrive) in half an hour. 3. Mr. Jenkins …… (love) detective stories. 4. Your brother …… (know) that you …… (stay) at my place tonight? 5. We …… (not go) to Liverpool this week-end. 6. My wife …… (not live) in London, she …… (live) in Manchester. 7. – Why he …… (buy) roses? – His sister …… (have) a birthday today. She …… (have) a birthday party. 8. – Your friends often …… (come) to see you? – No, but they …… (come) to see me tonight. 9. – Where …… (be) Dr. Smith? – He …… (be) at home. – What he …… (do)? – He …… (try) to solve a cross-word puzzle. 10. You sometimes …… (feel) that you are the King of England? 11. When you …… (see him off)? 12. Why you …… (smell) this bottle? It …… (smell) bad? 13. The light is off, that’s why we …… (feel) our way. The wall, by the way, …… (feel) rather rough. 14. – You …… (listen) to the radio? – Yes, but I …… (not hear) anything, as it …… (be) too noisy in here.

B. 1. My aunt often …… (talk) to herself. Look, Grandpa …… (talk) to himself. 2. I never …… (drink) anything with my meals. – What you …… (drink)? – Tonic water. 3. The days …… (get) longer from January to June. The days …… (get) longer now. 4. We …… (go) out a lot in the summer. We …… (go) out on Saturday. 5. – What's that terrible noise? – My neighbour …… (drill) the wall. He …… (do) it every weekend. 6. I wonder if Kate is on a diet. She …… (get) thinner and thinner. 7. My house plants …… (grow) very slowly. 8. She can't come to the phone right now. She …… (wash) her hair. She …… (wash) it twice a week. 9. Many people …… (go) to church on Sundays. Hey, people! Where you …… (go)? 10. Unemployment …… (rise) at an alarming rate. Prices …… (rise) after economic crises. 11. Don't disturb him, he …… (work). 12. Your husband ever …… (work) at the weekends? 13. Come in, I not …… (sleep). 14. He always …… (come) at the wrong moments. 15. She constantly …… (talk)! 16. Why you always …… (chew) something?


Exercise 34. Give the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.


1. – You …… (see) that man over there?

– Which man? The man in the brown jacket?

– No. I …… (talk) about the man who …… (wear) the blue shirt.

– Oh, that man.

– You …… (know) him?

– No, I …… (not think) so.


2. Right now the children …… (have) a good time at the beach. They …… (have) a big ball and they …… (play) catch with it. They …… (like) to play catch. Their parents …… (sunbathe). They also …… (listen) to some music. They also …… (hear)the sound of the sea.


3. Right now I …… (think) about the roses which I …… (grow) in my country house. I …… (think) that roses are wonderful flowers.


4. – You …… (believe) in flying saucers?

– What you …… (talk) about?

– You know spaceships from outer space with alien creatures aboard.

– I …… (think) that flying saucers …… (exist) only in people’s imagination.


5. – This tea …… (taste) good. I …… (like) it. What kind is it?

– We …… (have) fruit tea now though usually I …… (prefer) green tea.


6. – A penny for your thoughts.

– Huh?

– What you …… (think) about right now?

– I …… (think) about English grammar.

– I …… (not believe) you!

– But it’s true. I …… (think) that English grammar is much easier than German grammar.


Exercise 35. Complete the sentences using either the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of the verbs given in brackets.


1. (to measure) This line _____ 100 yards. The tailor _____ him for a new suit.

2. (to weigh) The man _____ himself. The piece of meat _____ 2 kilos.

3. (to have) The Smiths _____ a new car. They _____ lunch .

4. (to smell) The man _____ the wine. The wine _____ awful.

5. (to hold) This petrol can _____ 2 gallons. The little girl _____ a bunch of flowers in her hand.

6. (to take) Mother _____ her little son to school. This parking meter _____ only 20p coins.


Exercise 36. Answer YES or NOand explain the usage of tenses.

Example: a We had a lot of pets when we were young.

Does “have” mean “possess” here? – Yes.

b We were having dinner when George and his family arrived.

Does “have” mean “possess” here? – No.


1. a How much does your petrol tank hold?

Does 'hold' mean 'handle' here?

b How many cards do you think am I holding in my hand?

Does 'hold' mean 'handle' here?

2. a Joe is very silly.

Is Joe silly by nature?

b John is being very silly.

Is John silly by nature?

3. a I expect you are tired after your journey.

Does 'expect' mean 'wait for' here?

b I'm expecting a parcel.

Does 'expect' mean 'wait for' here?

4. a What do you think of this picture?

Does 'think' mean 'have an opinion' here?

b What are you thinking about?

Does 'think' mean 'have an opinion' here?


Exercise 37. Choose the most appropriate form from the underlined ones:


1. I haven't decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second-hand one. But I think about it / I'm thinking about it. 2. All right, you try to fix the television! But I hope / I'm hoping you know what you're doing! 3. Every year I visit / I'm visiting Britain to improve my English. 4. It's time we turned on the central heating. It gets / It is getting colder every day. 5. Of course, you're Mary, aren't you! I recognize / I am recognizing you now. 6. What's the matter? Why do you look / are you looking at me like that? 7. The film «War and Peace» is very long. It lasts / It is lasting over four hours. 8. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what do you do / are you doing in the afternoons? 9. I'm going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one doesn't fit / isn't fitting any more. 10. That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What happens now / is happening now?


Exercise 38. Explain the usage of the tenses in the following sentences. Tell what sentence is right and correct those which are wrong.


1. Do you hear me well? / Are you hearing me well? 2. She is preferring apples to pears. / She prefers apples to pears. 3. I know what you mean. / I know what you are meaning. 4. The boy weighs 25 kilos. / The bag is weighing too much. 5. We understand Spanish well. / We are understanding Spanish well. 6. The last bus starts in ten minutes. / The plane is arriving at 5.15 p.m. 7. We are reading the first English book in the original. / He is always reading books in the translation. 8. Do you like London? / She is liking this music. 9. She is constantly worrying about her children. / I am hating the heat. 10. She loves her baby. / She is loving her baby more than anything else.


Exercise 39. Match the meanings on the left with the sentences on the right.


What you mean What you say

1. You want to know someone's opinion. a) What are you thinking?

2. You want to know why someone is quiet. b) What do you think?


3. You possess a shower. a) I have (got) a shower.

4. You are in the shower. b) I'm having a shower.


5. He is a funny person. a) He's being funny.

6. His actions at the moment are funny

because he wants to make people laugh. b) He's funny.


7. It has four people in its hands. a) It's holding four people.

8. It is big enough for four people. b) It holds four people.


Exercise 40. Comment on the use of tenses. Correct the mistakes if there are any.


1. We think that English grammar is easy. We are thinking about grammar right now. 2. She has a lecture once a week. She is having a lecture right now. 3. I always feel happy when I’m with you. She is feeling happy after the exam. 4. I see and hear you well. I can’t believe what I’m seeing and hearing. 5. Brian is a nice boy. The boy is being difficult today. 6. She is always kind to people. Today she is being especially kind to me. 7. We generally understand each other. We are friends. Are you understanding me or shall I say it again? 8. He is fundamentally stupid. I am being stupid, aren’t I? 9. I see her very often. I am seeing her tonight. 10. I forget his name. I am forgetting my German because I never speak it.

Exercise 41. Decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct those which are wrong.


1. I don’t know your telephone number. 2. Please, don’t make so much noise. I study. 3. Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree over there! 4. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? 5. Are you believing in God? 6. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car! 7. The Moon goes round the Earth. 8. I’m thinking it would be a good idea to leave early. 9. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing. 10. I’m usually going to work by car.


Exercise 42. Use each verb twice, once in the Present Simple and once in the Present Continuous, to complete the sentences.


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1. Если основа глагола оканчивается на шипящий или свистящий согласный звук, а также на гласный (т. е. в написании на буквы -o, -s, -ss

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K. think
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1. The Past Perfect часто употребляется в придаточном предложении после союза after(после того как) для того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что действие придаточного предложе

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1. Для обозначения длительного действия, которое начнется до определенного момента в будущем и все еще будет продолжаться в этот момент. На него указывают следующие слова и словосо

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Exercise 241. Identify the tenses, and then match them to the correct descriptions.   1. I like these shoes. I’ll buy them.   a.

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