Іноземна мова

Форма контролю:

· контрольна робота

· залік

Курс іноземної мови (англійська, німецька, французька – за вибором) розрахований на два з половиною роки (п`ять семестрів, кожен з яких закінчується заліком з дисципліни, у п`ятому семестрі студенти складають іспит).





1. Ідентифікація. Англійська мова (10.02.04 - германські мови).

2. Опис.

На даному етапі навчання студенти закріплюють та вивчають :

• Правила читання.

• Граматичну будову мови.

3. Оцінювання

а) Форми контролю: Поточне тестування, підсумковий письмовий тест.

Поточне тестування проводиться наприкінці кожного модулю. Підсумковий письмовий тест наприкінці кожного семестру.

б) Розподіл балів, що присвоюються студентам


Заліковий модуль I-100 балів


Зміст Кількість балів
Модуль 1
Підсумковий письмовий тест

Lesson Third.

І. Learn the new words

to steal (stole, stolen) - красти

thief -злодій

theft - крадіжка

to rob - грабувати

robber - грабіжник

robbery - грабіж

to murder - убивати

murder — вбивство

to commit a murder - здійснювати вбиство

murderer - убивця

burglary - крадіжка зі зломом

to shoplift - красти в магазині

to punish - карати

punishment - покарання

offence - образа

to fine - штрафувати

prison — в'язниця

to be in prison - відбувати срок

prisoner - ув'язнений

to be accused of- бути обвинуваченим у чому-небудь

to be sentenced to - бути присудженим до

to investigate the case - розслідувати діло

investigator - слідчий

guilty - винний

innocent - невинний

jungle justice - самосуд

to suspect - підозрювати

a suspect - підозрюваний

to suffer material loss - понести матеріальні збитки

to demand - вимагати

reparation of the loss - відшкодування утрати (збитку)

in spite of - незважаючи на

to prove - доводити

enemy - ворог

manslaughter - ненавмисне убивство

juridical - юридичний, законний

to deny - заперечувати

to rape - гвалтувати

to damage - наносити ушкодження

to hijack - гнати (літак)

kidnapping - викрадення людей

kidnapper — викрадач

prosecutor - прокурор

pickpocket — кишеньковий злодій

verdict — рішення присяжних

verdict is in — вирок винесений

to attain (to take) a verdict — винести вирок

unanimous verdict — вердикт, винесений одноголосно



ІІ. Translate into Ukrainian using the new words.

1. The man committed a crime but he proved that he had an alibi.

2. Last night a great sum of money was stolen from the bank but the police has not found the thieves yet.

3. The thief had hidden in the shop before it was closed.

4. The theft was committed at that particular time when there was nobody in the shop.

5. The shop was robbed and there were no witnesses who could help to investigate the case.

6. The young woman shoplifted some dresses and you must discover the motive for her doing such a thing.

7. She was a pleasant old woman without any enemy in the world and yet she was murdered (killed).

8. Driving above speed limit a driver manslaughtered an old lady crossing the street.

9. Do you believe that this person could do burglary?

10. As far as I know this man committed a crime and must be punished.

11. He was sentenced to a year in prison for having an illegal gun at home.

12. The young man was fined for offence to the policeman.

13. He was fined for parking his car in «no parking area».

14. Smith was put into prison two years ago, he was accused of burglary.

15. The jury investigated the case carefully and attained the verdict that the lady was innocent.

16. The murderer was sentenced to death and was put into a cell.


III. Translate the following text in a written form.

Text 1


When any person is doing something illegal (against the law), he must know that he is committing a crime.

Brown stole Joan's computer when she was not at home. Brown is a thief. He has committed theft. Joan is a plaintiff. She suffered materials loss, and demands reparation of the loss.

Smith robbed a flat when there was nobody at home. He is a robber. Stealing from people or places is a robbery. Smith is accused of robbery in spite of the fact that he denied everything.

A boy shoplifted a box of cigarettes from the store. He is a shoplifter. Shoplifting is also a crime.

Simon killed his wife because he was too jealous. He committed a murder. He is a murderer. Murder is a very serious crime. The accused is found guilty and is sentenced to imprisonment by the court, in some countries such a person is sentenced to death.

Driving above the speed limit a man overran an old lady crossing the street at a yellow light. It is a manslaughter.

A burglar stole some jewellery from the shop. He is accused of burglary.

Raping is a serious (hard) crime.

So the courts investigate all these cases and give punishments for crimes committed. For minor offences one has to pay a fine. For example, if one drives above the speed limit or parks illegally one may be fined. For some crimes there is a capital punishment (death). Prison sentences are given to those who committed very serious crimes. For example, if a person is accused of murder, the sentence will be many years in prison, in some countries he is sentenced to death.

The person becomes a prisoner. He is put into prison. He is in a cell and is waiting for the punishment to be given to him.

Thus courts prevent jungle justice and defend citizens' life and rights.

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. When is a person committing a crime?

2. Is Brown a thief?

3. What has he committed?

4. Did Joan suffer material loss?

5. What did she demand?

6. What is robbery?

7. What is a serious crime?

8. What is the accused of a murder sentenced to?

9. What institutions investigate the cases and give punishments?

10. What offences has one to pay a fine for?

11. What crimes can one be sentenced to prison for?

12. What hard crime can one be sentenced to death for?

13. What do courts prevent?

14. Whom do courts defend?

V. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. A shoplifter is a person who steals from shops.

2. A vandal is a person who damages things in public places.

3. A murderer is a person who murdered someone.

4. A pickpocket is a person who steals things from a person's pocket.

5. A hijacker is a person who captures a plane and forces the pilot to change the course of flight.

6. A drug dealer is a person who buys and sells drugs (f.e.heroin) illegally.

7. A kidnapper is a person who captures away people by force and demands money for their return (freedom).


VI. Translate the list of the crime into English and write the punishment for given crimes.

Model: illegal parking - fine

Crime Punishment

1. крадіжка у магазины............................. .....................................................

2. тероризм..............................................................................................................................

3. грабіж...................................................................................................................................

4. убивство..............................................................................................................................

5. паркування машини у неналежному


6. вандалізм............................................... ...................................................

VII. Translate the following sentences.

1. Здійснено злочин.

2. Йде розслідування поліцією (поліція проводить розслідування).

3. Підозрюваний допитується поліцією.

4. Він обвинувачується в убивстві. Він винен.

5. Він присуджений до 20 рокам в'язниці.

6. Хоча він визнаний винним, він звертається в суд другої інстанції.

7. Він повинен понести покарання.

8. Його посадили у в'язницю.

9. Їх звинуватили у пограбуванні.

10. За незначні образи йому довелося заплатити штраф.

11. За серйозні злочини суд виносить вирок тюремне ув'язнення.

12. Суд захищає права громадян



1. Translate the following text in a written form.