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Лексикология - используемый тег на сайте, здесь можно скачать или скопировать материал при условии соблюдения авторских прав его правообладателя.Лексикология Все работы по данной метке.

Г Б Антрушина О В Афанасьева Н Н Морозова... Лексикология Английского...

  1. English Lexicology
  2. Антрушина Г. В., Афанасьева О. В., Морозова Н. Н.
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
  6. The Main Lexicological Problems
  7. Consider your answers to the following.
  8. CHAPTER 1
  9. Informal Style
  10. Colloquial Words
  11. Dialect Words
  12. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  13. III. a. Read the following extract.
  14. IV. Read the following jokes. Write out the informal words and word-groups and say whether they are colloquial, slang or dialect.
  15. Learned Words
  16. Archaic and Obsolete Words
  17. Professional Terminology
  18. Basic Vocabulary
  19. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  20. III.a. Make up a list of literary learned words selected from the following.
  21. The Etymology of English Words.1
  22. I. Latin Affixes
  23. II. French Affixes
  24. The Etymological Structure of English Vocabulary
  25. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  26. III. Read the following jokes. Explain the etymology of the italicized words. If necessary consult a dictionary.1
  27. V. In the following sentences find examples of Latin borrowings; identify the period of borrowings.
  28. VII. Study the map of Great Britain and find the names of places, rivers and hills of Celtic origin.
  29. IX. Read the following jokes and identify the Scandinavian borrowings.
  30. X. Copy out the examples of Norman and Parisian borrowings from the following passage. Describe the structural peculiarities of these words.
  31. The Roman Occupation
  32. CHAPTER 4
  33. International Words
  34. Etymological Doublets
  35. Translation-Loans
  36. III. Explain the etymology of the italicized words; identify the stage of assimilation.
  37. V. In the following sentences find one of a pair of etymological doublets and name the missing member of the pair.
  38. VII. Read the following text. Copy out the international words. State to what sphere of human activity they belong.
  39. VIII. Read the following jokes. Identify examples of international words.
  40. IX. State the origin of the following translation-loans. Give more examples.
  41. XIII. Read the following extract. State the etymology of the italicized words. Comment upon their stylistic characteristics.
  42. How English Words Are Made. Word-Building1
  43. Affixation
  44. Some Productive Affixes
  45. Some Non-Productive Affixes
  46. Semantics of Affixes
  47. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  48. B. Those formed with the help of non-productive affixes. Explain the etymology of each borrowed affix.
  49. IV. Explain the etymology and productivity of the affixes given below. Say what parts of speech can be formed with their help.
  50. IX. Find eases of conversion in the following sentences.
  51. XI. Explain the semantic correlations within the following pairs of words.
  52. XIII. Read the following joke, explain the type of word-building in the italicized words and say everything you can about the way they were made.
  53. Composition
  54. Semi-Affixes
  55. Shortening (Contraction)
  56. Sound-Imitation (Onomatopoeia1)
  57. Reduplication
  58. Back-Formation (Reversion)
  59. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  60. A. Simple neutral compounds. B. Neutral derived compounds. C. Neutral contracted compounds.
  61. VIII. Find shortenings in the jokes and extracts given below and specify the method of their formation.
  62. CHAPTER 7
  63. Polysemy. Semantic Structure of the Word
  64. Types of Semantic Components
  65. Meaning and Context
  66. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  67. II. Define the meanings of the words in the following sentences. Say how the meanings of the same word are associated one with another.
  68. V. Explain the basis for the following jokes. Use the dictionary when in doubt.
  69. VII. Read the following jokes. Analyse the collocability of the italicized words and state its relationship with the meaning.
  70. How Words Develop New Meanings
  71. Causes of Development of New Meanings
  72. The Process of Development and Change of Meaning
  73. Transference Based on Resemblance (Similarity)
  74. Transference Based on Contiguity
  75. Narrowing (or Specialization) of Meaning
  76. II. Read the following extracts and explain the semantic processes by which the italicized words acquired their meanings
  77. IV. Explain the logical associations in the following groups of meaning for the same words. Define the type of transference which has taken place.
  78. V. Analyse the process of development of new meanings in the italicized words in the examples given below.
  79. VI. Explain the basis for the following jokes. Trace the logical associations between the different meanings of the same word.
  80. VII. In the examples given below identify the eases of widening and narrowing of meaning.
  81. Words of the Same Form
  82. Sources of Homonyms
  83. Classification of Homonyms
  84. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  85. II. Find the homonyms in the following extracts. Classify them into homonyms proper, homographs and homophones.
  86. IV. a. Find the homonyms proper for the following words; give their Russian equivalents.
  87. C. Find the homographs to the following words and transcribe both.
  88. B. Explain the homonyms which form the basis for the following jokes. Classify the types as in part a.
  89. VII. Explain how the following italicized words became homonyms.
  90. A) etymology, b) word-building, c) stylistic characteristics
  91. A) stylistic characteristics, b) semantics, e) word-building.
  92. CHAPTER 10
  93. Criteria of Synonymy
  94. Types of Synonyms
  95. Types of Connotations
  96. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  97. II. The sentences given below contain synonyms. Write them out in groups and explain the difference where the words are familiar.
  98. VI. Single out the denotative and connotative components of meanings of the synonyms in the examples given below.
  99. VIII. Say why the italicized synonyms in the examples given below are not interchangeable.
  100. B. synonyms differentiated by connotation of manner.
  101. XII. Within the following synonymic groups single out words with emotive connotations.
  102. The Dominant Synonym
  103. Euphemisms
  104. Antonyms
  105. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  106. II. Find the dominant synonym in the following groups of synonyms. Explain your choice.
  107. VI. Find the euphemisms in the following sentences and jokes. Name the words for which they serve as euphemistic substitutes.
  108. VIII. Find antonyms in the following jokes and extracts and describe the resultant stylistic effect.
  109. CHAPTER 12
  110. How to Distinguish Phraseological Units from Free Word-Groups
  111. Proverbs
  112. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  113. V. Substitute phraseological units incorporating the names of colours for the italicized words.
  114. IX. Say what structural variations are possible in the following phraseological units. If in doubt, consult the dictionaries.
  115. Principles of Classification
  116. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  117. B. Give at least fifteen examples of your own to illustrate the phraseological units in your list.
  118. V. Complete the following sentences, using the phraseological units given in the list below. Translate them into Russian.
  119. VII. Complete the following sentences, using the words from the list below. Translate the phraseological units into Russian.
  120. VIII. In the examples given below identify the phraseological units and classify them on the semantic principle.
  121. More Precise
  122. Do Americans Speak English
  123. Vocabulary of American English
  124. The Grammar System of American English
  125. I. Consider your answers to the following.
  126. XIII. Bead the following extract. Explain the difference in the meanings of the italicized words in American and British English.
  127. XVIII. Read the following passage. Give some more examples illustrating the differences in grammar between the two varieties of English.
  128. Supplementary Material
  129. Sources
  133. По вопросам приобретения продукции

А.Л. Лось Пособие включает разделы: языкознание как наука о языке, сущность и структура языка, лексикология, фонетика, грамматика, письменность и графические
Предисловие... Настоящее пособие написано в соответствии с программой по курсу Введение в... Автор стремился достаточно полно изложить материал курса осветить наиболее существенные проблемы стоящие перед...

  1. А.Л. Лось
  2. Тема 1. Языкознание как наука о языке
  3. Тема 2. Сущность и структура языка

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