Collect, gather, pick up

COLLECT (собирать): collect stamps; collect coins; collect rare books; collect information; collect data; collect facts; collect signatures; collect taxes; collect a debt; collect a bill; collect on delivery; he went to the post office to collect his mail; collect oneself; collect one's courage; collect one's thoughts; students collected in the hall; a crowd collected at the scene of the accident; rain water collected in the tank.

GATHER (собирать): gather your toys from the floor; gather the pieces of a broken cup; gather in a heap; gather flowers; gather berries; gather a good crop; gather information; gather facts; gather strength; gather speed; gather experience; gather dust; gather oneself; gather one's courage; gather one's thoughts; the street show gathered a crowd; students gathered in the hall; they gathered around the table; clouds are gathering.

PICK UP (поднимать, подбирать): pick up a penny from the floor; pick up flowers; pick up berries; I'll pick you up at seven o'clock; he went to the post office to pick up his mail; she picked up several nice hats very cheaply at the fair; the dog picked up the scent; pick up strength; pick up speed; the wind is picking up; business is picking up; a cup of strong tea will pick me up; pick up your room.