Exercise 3

a) Listen to the dialogues:

1) ACFT: Newtown Tower Air France 720, holding position runway 26 left.

TWR: Air France 720, Newtown Tower. Report when ready for departure.

ACFT: Air France 720. Wilco.

ACFT: Air France 720. Ready.

TWR: Air France 720. Line up, runway 26 left, wind 200° 10 m/s.

ACFT: Lining up, runway 26 left, Air France 720.

2) TWR: Thainter 914. Report Boeing 747 on final in sight.

ACFT: Thainter 914, Boeing 747 in sight.

TWR: Thainter 914, after landing Boeing 747 has passed line up runway 26 left and hold.

ACFT: After Boeing 747, lining up, runway 26 left, Thainter 914.

3) ACFT: SAS 634, at holding position runway 27, on taxiway 2.

TWR: SAS 634, are you able to depart at (from) taxiway 2?

ACFT: Affirm (or: Unable). SAS 634.

TWR: SAS 634, are you ready for immediate departure due Boeing 737 10 km on final?

ACFT: SAS 634. Ready (or: Negative).

TWR: SAS 634. Line up, runway 27 at (from) taxiway 2 Bravo wind 250 10 m/s gusts up to 12 m/s, visibility 1200 m (RVR 2000 m), cloud base 50 m. Flock of birds at the end of the runway. Cleared for take-off.

ACFT: Lining up, runway 27 at (from) taxiway 2 Bravo. Cleared for take-off.

a) Listen to the dialogues again and repeat the controller’s words.

b) Listen to the transmissions of the pilot’s words and take the controller’s part.