Exercise 3.

a) Listen to the dialogues:

1) TWR: Alitalia 456, hold position, cancel, I say again, cancel take-off, vehicle on runway.

ACFT: Holding position, Alitalia 456.


2) TWR: Speedbird 702, take off immediately or vacate runway.

ACFT: Taking off, Speedbird 702.


3) TWR: Swissair 678, stop immediately, Swissair 678, stop immediately,

emergency traffic.

ACFT: Swissair 678, stopping.


4) TWR: BAW 407, hold position, cancel, I say again cancel take-off due traffic on final 2 km going around.

ACFT: BAW 407, taking off.

TWR: BAW 407, stop immediately.


5) ACFT: Lufthansa 300, stopping, take-off aborted due engine failure.

TWR: Lufthansa 300, roger.

ACFT: Lufthansa 300, request return to stand.

TWR: Lufthansa 300, take next left, return to stand 5, contact Ground 118.7.

ACFT: Next left, 118.7, Lufthansa 300.


a) Listen to the dialogues again and repeat the controller’s words.

b) Listen to the transmissions and take the controller’s part.