Exercise 3

a) Listen to the dialogues and write down the data:

1) APP: KLM 127. Maintain altitude 6000ft to TW and hold as published. Report TW.

ACFT: Maintaining altitude 6000ft. Will report TW. Hold as published. KLM 127.

ACFT: KLM 127, (at) TW at altitude 6000ft.

APP: KLM 127. Expect delay for 10 minutes.

2) ACFT: Newtown Approach, Alitalia 549.

APP: Alitalia 549, Newtown Approach, go ahead.

ACFT: Alitalia 549, LD at 18 FL 140, information Delta.

APP: Alitalia 549. Descend to altitude 6000ft to LD. Hold at LD. Inbound track 040, right hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute, expected approach time 53.

ACFT: Leaving FL 140 for altitude 6000ft. Hold at LD at altitude 6000ft, inbound track 040, right-hand pattern, outbound time 1 min, Alitalia 549.

APP: Alitalia 549. Revised expected approach time 48.

ACFT: Roger, Alitalia 549.

3) APP: AB-TGN. Hold over INGUR, right orbit at present level. Expect 10 minute delay.

ACFT: Hold over INGUR at height 600 m, orbit right. AB-TGN.

b) Listen to the dialogue again and repeat the controller’s words.

MINI-TESTS (p. 209, 4.2)

Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions: