Exercise 3

a) Listen to the dialogues:

1) ÐRSN : Air France 720, 3 kilometres from touchdown, 120 metres left of track, 30 metres above glidepath. Out of deviation limits. Report your decision.

ÀÑFT: Air France 720. Going around.

PRSN: Air France 720. Climb to altitude 800 metres. Contact Approach 119.3.

ÀÑFT: Climbing to altitude 800 metres, 119.3, Air France 720.

2) ÐRSN: Finnair 1704, 2 kilometres from touchdown, 80 metres right of track,20 metres above glidepath. Go around, I say again, go around. You are exceeding deviation limits. Climb to altitude 600 m. Contact Approach 119.3.

ACFT: Going around. Climbing to altitude 600 m, 119.3. Finnair 1704.

3) PRSN: Thainter 914, RVR runwàó 19 left 200 metres, fog, vertical visibility

50 metres. Check your minima.

ÀCFÒ: Thainter 914, Continue approach.

PRSN: Thainter 914. Roger.

ACFT: Thainter 914, going around, will fly to alternate Borispil.

PRSN: Thainter 914, climb to altitude 600 metres . Contact Approach 119.3.

ÀCFT: Climbing to altitude 600 metres. 119.3. Thainter 914.

b) Listen to the dialogue again and repeat the controller's words.