Exercise 5

You are an ACC controller. Listen to the position reports and request to report the omitted point. Practise the exercise several times:

Example: ACFT: Angola 676, BW (at) 09, estimate DN (at) 39, KB next.

ACC: Angola 676, report flight level and report DN.

ACFT: FL 190, Angola 676.

1) ACFT: Speedbird 711, BL (at) FL 190, estimate CN (at) 47.

ACC: …

ACFT: time 31, Speedbird 711.


2) ACFT: Swissair 354, CD, (at) FL 290, DW next.

ACC: …

ACFT: Estimate DO 03 next hour, Swissair 354.


3) ACFT: Scandinavian 350, FL 260, estimate EL 58.

ACC: …

ACFT: NO at 45, Scandinavian 350.

4) ACFT: Air India 112, OP 47, FL 220, estimating PB 58.

ACC: …

ACFT: next reporting point YN 05 next hour, Air India 112.


5) ACFT: Air France 815, WB (at), TM 30.

ACC: …

ACFT: FL 280, Air France 815.


6) ACFT: Alitalia 548, passing SB, revised estimate KB 22.

ACC: …

ACFT: Passing KB 22, FL 310.