Французька мова

Тема “Банківські Інститути Франції”

1. Складання плану есе на тему.

Тема “Банківські депозити”

1. Складання плану есе на тему.

2. Дати відповіді на запитання до тексту.

3. Вибрати правильне визначення термінів з 3 наведених варіантів для кожного терміну.

4. Пояснити значення термінів на англійській мові.

5. Для кожного з даних словосполучень знайти в тексті висловлювання, які їм відповідають.

Тема “Міжбанківські відносини”

1. Дати відповіді на запитання за тематикою. Запитання подаються викладачем.

2. Пояснити визначення термінів.

3. Передати зміст короткого тексту англійською до тематики.

4. Скласти діалоги за темою.

Тема “Банківські інститути Бельгії”

1. Написати анотацію до тексту за змістом близьким до тематики.

2. Звернути увагу на особливості термінології американської банківської системи.

3. Вибрати основну інформацію в тексті про банківську справу США.

Тема “банківські позики”

1. Дати відповідь на питання пов’язаних з банківськими позитивами.

2. Вказати документи та умови необхідні для одержання позики в банку.

3. Скласти діалог між банківським службовцем та клієнтом банку стосовно одержання банківської позики.



This is the most common type of promotion and one of the earliest forms. As mass production increased in the latter stages of the Industrial Revolution and economies of scale were made, high volume sales were needed, which meant firms had to advertise in order to attract large numbers of customers. As living standards improved still further, encouraging the production of more goods, it was no longer a sellers' market and firms had to compete with each other to persuade customers to buy their product.

Not all advertising is aimed at consumers as the end users. Increasingly, advertisers are having to sell to the retailer, which necessitates a different kind of advertising, where the degree of trade acceptability already achieved by the product is emphasized in order to persuade the retailer to stock it.

In the field of industrial marketing, the text of advertisements or advertising copy tends to be less emotive and more informative. This is because industrial buying decisions often tend to be made by groups of people rather than individuals, unlike those made by domestic consumers. The decisions also tend to be made in a more formal and methodical way. There is a greater emphasis on advertising in the trade press, trade fairs and exhibitions and on the use of technical brochures.

Commercial television is the most expensive medium to use but is also the most popular because of its effectiveness. Although TV advertising in Britain is only thirty years old, it has produced slogans and catch phrases that have become part of our language, familiar tingles and lasting images. The demands of telling an interesting story in a short space of lime are such that it is no accident that one of our most successful directors, Alan Parker of Bugsy Malone. Midnight Express sad Shoot the Moon fame, began in films as a director of TV commercials. Other media that are less expensive include commercial radio, posters, cinema, magazines and Journals, newspapers and so on.

1.Translate in a written form the part of the text “Advertising” up to the words “Commercial television is …”.

2. Find in the text English equivalents for:

торговий ярмарок, співзвуччя, переконувати, рівень життя, не випадково, вимагати, наприкінці, наукові знахідки, дати необхідну відповідь.

3. Find in the text answers to the following questions:

a) What encouraged the production of more goods?

b) Why are the texts of advertisements different in different fields?

c) What do advertisers emphasize to the retailer?

d) What can you say about TV advertising?

4. Find in the synonyms for:

commerce, stress, costly, various, to draw, initial, booklet, billboards, to accumulate.

5. Insert prepositions where necessary:

a) The earliest attempt _____ isolating what a manager’s job involves was made in 1947.

b) Distribution is concerned _____ getting a product to customer.

c) Advertising is often designed and managed _____ advertising agencies.

6.Consumer combinations. Find combinations in the box that refer to:

a) things that people buy that last a long time, like refrigerators or televisions;

b) a period when consumers are spending a lot;

c) refusal by consumers to buy things from a country or company that they disapprove of;

d) the feeling that people have about economic prospects;

e) the amount consumers spend, often referred to when discussing the economy as a whole;

f) the study of how, why, where and when people buy things;

durables boycott backlash consumer behavior confidence spending

7. Insert articles wherever necessary.

a) A week in _____ mid-range hotel in _____ Alps can cost as little as $ 175.

b) There will be striking growth in _____ market for aircraft with 350 or more seats.

c) _____ companies quick to respond to the needs of _____ market are market-driven.

9. Translate into English.

a) Відділ маркетингу проводить аналіз ринку, збуту, попиту покупців, їх культурних потреб, а також вивчає інші питання.

b) Комерційні зусилля по збуту – це концентрація на потребах продавця; маркетинг – це концентрація на потребах покупця.

c) Маркетинг існує при таких обставинах, коли люди вирішують задовольнити свої потреби за допомогою обміну.

10. Write a short essay describing how a university might practice the marketing concept.