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To look into some aspects of the future, we do not need projections …1… supercomputers. Much of the next millennium can be seen how we care …2… our children today. Tomorrow’s world may be influenced …3….. science and technology; but more than anything, it is already taking shape …4…. the bodies and minds of our children.


Over 200 million children …5….. developing countries …6….the age of five are malnourished. For them, and for the world …7….. large, the message is especially urgent. Malnutrition contributes ……8… more than half of the nearly 12 million under-five deaths in developing countries each year. Malnourished children often suffer the loss of precious mental capacities. They fall ill more often. If they survive, they may grow ……9…. …10… lasting mental or physical disabilities.


This human suffering and waste happens because …11…. illness – much of it preventable; because breastfeeding is stopped too early; because children’s nutritional needs are not sufficiently understood; because long-entrenched prejudices imprison women and children …12…. poverty.

9 Use additional sources available to find the information about well-known international organizations that are involved in solving social problems in the world. Making your project you may use the plan suggested:

1. History

2. Members, National Committees, regional and field offices

3. Aims and objectives

4. Categories of people they help

5. Problems they deal with

6. Countries they provide assistance for

7. Plans and perspectives of the organization

9. Problems and difficulties the organization comes across

10 You are going to read the article ‘To Feed a Growing World Family, Fund Science for Farmers’. Look at the heading and try to predict what this article might be about.

11 Look through the words that will appear in the article and try to explain what these words mean. What context might these words appear?





genetics and genomics

