Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) www.cefta.org

Центрально-европейское соглашение о свободной торговле суще­ствует с 1992 г. В его состав входят Польша, Чехия, Словакия, Венгрия, Словения, Румыния, Болгария. Кандидаты на вступ­ление — Хорватия, Латвия, Эстония, Литва, Украина. На официальном сайте размещена информация об истории со­здания, о странах-участницах, официальные документы и теку­щие новости.

Приложение 8

Товарный рынок



Be it CD-ROM or internet, electronic publishing has become an important part of the programme at the majority of publish­ing houses.

"The market has become big enough", says Hans Krcutzfeld of Bertelsmann Electronic Publishing in Munich. He estimates that there are about 2.5 million CD-ROM readers installed in German PCs by now. More and more customers use CD-ROM, and find that they are not always up to par. As a consequence, German consumers carefully check for quality and try to find out about the disk's content before they buy anything...

"Quality and everyday usability" are two criteria Dr. Florian Langenscheidt finds important when it comes to multimedia.

(Book Fair)

Образец рекламы.



MobiPhone Company

The difference from other cellular companies is that a single seven-digit number works throughout Russia (approximately 60 regions) and in Bulgaria, Denmark, Lithua­nia, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Es­tonia, Norway.

* priority inter-city and internation­al lines;

* 100% protection of your subscriber number from unauthor­ized access;

* high-quality level of service;

* telephone sets of leading world companies;

* the ability of conference-communication (talking to 2 sub­
scribers simultaneously).

The network is constantly expanding.

Address: Russia, St Petersburg, Bolshoj Prospekt, 20, Office 30. fei/fax: (812) 325 27 37