рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

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Is it as easy as that?

Is it as easy as that? - раздел Образование, Samara State Aerospace University   ...


Rose always dramatizes things.

My reasons are as follows…


Ex.4 Listen to the sentences. Look at the words in bold. Underline the words in bold which contain the sound [s] and circle the ones which contain the sound [z]. Listen again and repeat. (A17)

EXAMPLE: You can have my tent. It’s no use to me. I never use it.

1. I am not going to advise you. You never take my advice.

2. Your tooth is loose. You’ll lose it if you are not careful.

3. The shop’s very close to home, and it doesn’t close till late.

4. I can’t excuse people who drop litter. There’s no excuse for it.


Ex.5 Find a way from Start to Finish. You may not pass a square if the word contains the sound [z]. You can move horizontally or vertically only.




sports squares prize since six sports
streets wise sells sits exact escapes
rice rise sense science lose lost
oasis desert smokes songs crisps box
place face snacks seas voice boxes
plays phase nose smiles focus concert



Ex.6 Practise the dialogue. Pay special attention to sounds [s] and [z].

Mrs. Smith: This parcel smells, Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones: Something ‘s written on it.

Mrs. Smith: What does it say?

Mrs. Jones: It says: This parcel contains six mice.

Mrs. Smith: Pooh!


Mrs. Jones: Listen! What’s in this sack?

Mrs. Smith: It’s making a strange hissing noise.

Mrs. Jones: Mrs. Smith! It’s a sack of snakes!

Mrs. Smith: So it is! And what’s in this box, Mrs. Jones?

Mrs. Jones: It’s making a buzzing sound.

Mrs. Smith: These are bees!

Mrs. Jones: A parcel of mice! And a sack of snakes! And a box of bees!

This is very surprising.

Mrs. Smith: It’s amazing. This isn’t a post office, Mrs. Jones. It’s a zoo!



Vowels: [ס – :]

To make the sound [ס]: Round your lips a little. The front of your tongue goes down together with your lower jaw. It is a short sound.


To make the sound [:]: Follow the instructions above. Make it a long sound this time.


Ex 7. Listen and repeat the words paying special attention to sounds [ס:]

Don – Dawn

cod – cord

cot – caught

pot – port

fox – forks

spots – sports

Ex 8. Practise saying the tongue twisters.

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Samara State Aerospace University

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