Lesson 14

ÃÐÀÌÌÀÒÈÊÀ: Îáîðîò «èìåíèòåëüíûé ïàäåæ ñ èíôèíèòèâîì».

Section I

Ex. 1. Practise your pronunciation.

a) thought [0o:t], continuous [kon'tinjoos], surfacc ['s3:fis], argue ['a:gju:], infinitely ['infimth], inquire [in'kwaio], perceive [pa'siiv], vegetable ['vcdjitoblj, variety [vo'raioti], brought [brat], couple [êëð1], relatively ['rebtivh], indivisibility [lndi.vizo'biliti], guess [ges], knowledge ['nolid;], systematize ['sistomotaiz]

b) ofwthcatom, 'outuofwhich, in^thcworld, atvthcsurface, 'theyj>clicved, Nargucd^that, 'gaveuthcname, andu thcuparticles, in^a 'striking way

c) To/May 'all 'atoms are 'recognized | to con'sist of 'smallcrparticles.

Ex. 2. Pay attention to the structure of the following words; translate them into Russian:

a) unusual, unable, unstable, unjust, unnecessary, unsuccessful, unemployed, unlimited, uncuttable

b) inorganic, indirect, insoluble, independent, incorrect, incapable, indefinite, indifferent, inseparable, indivisibility

c) impossible, imperfect, improbable, improper, immaterial, imper­sonal, immeasurable, impractical

Ex. 3. Define the meanings of the word because in the following sentences:

1. Mcndeleycv's mother could not placc Dmitry in the University of Moscow because he had been bom in Siberia. 2. The government retired Mendeleyev from the University of St. Petersburg because of his social activity. 3. Mendeleyev could not present his paper on the periodic table at the meeting of the Russian chemical society himself because he was ill.

4. Elements in die same group of the periodic table arc sometimes callcd congeners because they possess similar properties. 5. Electrolysis of water is not widely used to obtain ozone because of its low efficiency. 6. Because of the difference in the vapour pressure of ozone and oxygen it is possible to separate them. 7. Lavoisier named the gas "hydrogen" (water-former) because of its ability to form water in combination with oxygen. 8. Selenium rcccivcd almost no attention in textbooks because it was not commercially used.

Ex. 4. Find the predicate and the subject in the following sentences:

1. The solid matter was believed to be really continuous matter. 2. It was more logical to believe that all the varieties of matter arc brought about by coupling together a relatively few kinds of particles. 3. This purely philosophical guess turned to be confirmed later. 4. Atoms arc made of fundamental particlcs, they arc callcd building blocks of all matter.

5. Ancient Greeks were right in the ultimate sense of the argument.