The Parliament of Belarus is known as the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. It acts as the representative and legislative body of the Republic of Belarus. Under the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus the supreme legislative power belongs to the National Assembly, which consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. The Council of the Republic is usually referred to as the upper chamber and the House of Representatives - as the lower one.

The House of Representatives consists of 110 members, who are elected on the basis of general free equal direct suffrage by secret ballot. Any citizen of Belarus at least 21 years of age may be elected to the House of Representatives.

Belarus’ Council of the Republic is a regional representative body with total membership of 64 members. Local Councils elect a total of 56 members: 8 in each region of the 6 regions and 8 in Minsk. The final 8 members are appointed directly by President. Any citizen of Belarus at least 30 years of age and a resident of the corresponding region for at least 5 years may be elected a member of the Council of the Republic.

The term of office of the National Assembly is 4 years. The House meets for 2 regular sessions every year: the first begins in October, the second session begins in April. Extraordinary sessions can be called by a presidential decree. Each house elects a chairman and his assistants from its members. They organise the work of the houses. The houses form standing committees and other bodies from their members for legislative work.

The House considers bills concerning amendments to the Constitution, considers draft legislation, home and foreign policies, military doctrine, international treaties, rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, country budget, taxation and others. It declares presidential election, approves presidential nominee for the post of Prime Minister, approves the programme of the Government introduced by Prime Minister, approves or opposes the Government’s activities, proposes no-confidence votes where necessary. The House of Representatives initiates the process of the impeachment and serves other functions.

The Council of the Republic approves the bills concerning changing or amending the Constitution passed by the House of Representatives, approves presidential nominees for the posts of Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Chairman and Judges of the Supreme Court, General Procurator and other higher officials. It appoints six judges of the Constitutional Court and elects six members of the Central Election Committee and serves some other functions.

Task 2. Find English equivalents for the words in the text:

o кандидат на пост

o тайное голосование

o (парламентский) комитет, постоянная (парламентская) комиссия

o избирательное право

o международный договор

o одобрять программу

o налогообложение

o поправка

o срок полномочий

o членство

o инициирует процесс импичмента

o назначать

Task 3. Explain the following in English:

o impeachment

o home and foreign policies

o military doctrine

o standing committees

o international treaties

o no-confidence votes