Revise reading of vowels and vowel combinations

Exercise 40.Read and transcribe the words. Do not forget to put the stress mark if a word has two or more syllables.

Breed, bread, broke, autumn, adore, understood, paint, Fred, blood, dude, easy, low, airport, boil, short, straw, European, bloom, deeds, rainy, great, down, form, mud, gloomy, puppy, between, pair, dream, destruct, Mary, autobus, trainers, doll, loose, remain, audio, borrow, core, Australia, burst, greet, Pete, flame, cooker, stream, storm, law, Euro, pay.


Exercise 41.Find and copy out the words with 1) [ ei ]; 2 ) [ ɔ: ]; 3 ) [ i: ].

Afraid, spoon, coffee, need, autopilot, grow, leader, bead, spray, football, noon, brain, clean, August, airlines, toilet, Europe, chair, read, slave, noodles, meat, steady, allow, coin, season, flood, beach, brown, tomorrow, break, green, blame, noise, cake, sprain, May, mood, teacher, flower, Austria, armchair.


Exercise 42.Read the text and explain the reading of the words in bold.