рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Henry’s 4.5 million secret

Henry’s 4.5 million secret - раздел Образование, Сочетание гласных букв The VILlaGErs In Middleton, Yorkshire Often...

The villagers in Middleton, Yorkshire often worried about poor old Henry Wardle. Henry, 86, lived alone except for his ancient cat, Tiddles, in a tiny, one-bedroomed cottage, and always asked for credit when buying cat food in the local shop. Then last month Henry died leaving 4.5 million pounds in his will. The truth was that Henry was a multimillionaire, and he owned houses all over the country from which he made a fortune in rent. All this came as a complete shock to his neighbours. They believed that Henry was a poor window cleaner, and indeed he often entertained them with tales from his window-cleaning days.

However, his brother, Mr Sam Wardle said that this was all nonsense. Henry had never been a window cleaner but had started work at the age of fourteen as a bricklayer. Then he bought his first house, and after that he frequently bought and sold houses. Sam said that his brother’s only interest was making money, but he hated spending it. He didn’t spend a penny of his money unless he had to. He never had a holiday, but for many years he had a girlfriend, but he decided not to marry her because a wife was too expensive.

Henry left all his money to Tiddles and a local cat charity. His friend and family received nothing.


– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Сочетание гласных букв

Remember the following terms... an alphabet aelig lf b t ABC алфавит... a sound sa nd звук...

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Все темы данного раздела:

I. Vowels
[I], short stressed vowel, ex. sit [ sIt ] [i], short unstressed vowel, ex. happy [ ‘hæpi ] [i:], long vowel

III. Consonants
[ p ] voiceless consonant sound pronounced with aspiration, ex. pen [ pen ] [ b ] voiced consonant sound, ex. bad [ bæd ] [

Type I – a vowel in an open syllable
An open syllable is a syllable which ends in a vowel, for example: sto-ne. According to the 1st type of reading the English vowels are pro

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Type 2 – a vowel in a closed syllable
A closed syllable is a syllable which ends in a consonant, for example: pea-nut. According to the 2nd type of reading the English vowels are pronounced in the fol

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Review table of 4 types of reading
  Letters Types of reading I Open syllable II Closed syllable III + r (+ consonant) IV + r

Letters Position Pronunciation Examples Exceptions c Before e, i, y [ s ]

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