Professional experience

Company name, City, State, 20xx‑present Job Title

– Write two or more bullet statements about the work you performed on this job and what you learned or accomplished that's relevant to your job objective.

– Quantify results of your accomplishments when possible and appropriate; refer to how you positively affected the organization, the bottom line, your boss, co‑workers, or customers.

– Mention on‑the‑job awards or commendations you received that relate to your job objective.


Company name, City, State, 20xx‑present

Job Title

– Write two or more bullet statements about the work you performed on this job and what you learned or accomplished that's relevant to your job objective. Follow the tips mentioned above.

– Prioritize the statements under each Job Title section so the most relevant one comes first.


Company name, City, State, 20xx‑present Job Title

– Write two or more bullet statements about the work you performed on this job and what you learned or accomplished that's relevant to your job objective. Follow the tips mentioned above.

– Prioritize the statements under each Job Title section so the most relevant one comes first.