I. Read and translate the text.



I. Read and translate the text.


It was not until late in the19th century that we can identify people who called themselves sociologists and whose work contributed to the… The first sociologists studied moral statistics. Their work proved so popular… Sociology is one of the related fields known as the social sciences. They share the same subject matter: human…

Social Barometer

Sociological research is usually conducted by a working group under the supervision of the leading sociologists of the All-Ukrainian Centre for the… The public opinion poll is carried out nationwide or in some definite regions,… The polls are very popular nowadays throughout the country. In general, they are directed to assess current social and…


sociological research public opinion the polled to assess sociological survey public opinion poll


I. Find in the text «The Origins of Sociology» Eng­lish equivalents for: Íàìíîãî ìîëîæå; òî÷íî òàê æå; ãëóáîêî èíòåðåñîâàòüñÿ; äðóãèìè ñëîâàìè; ãëàâíûì…  

Sociological Theory

To provide another illustration, how might we explain the sociological observation that college science courses in the United States typically… As this example suggests, there may be more than one theoretical explanation… As sociologists use these scientific methods to gather more and more information, they are able to confirm some…

Social Change and the Development of Sociology

Three dimensions of social change occurred in that era, each truly revolutionary in its own right. First, various technological innovations in… While sociology is thus European in its origins, the new discipline did not… Many of the crucial ideas within the discipline of sociology also owed their development to rapid social change,…


I. Find in the text «Sociological Theory» English equivalents for: Òî÷êà çðåíèÿ; áåñ÷èñëåííûé; íàáîð ôàêòîâ; à èìåííî; áîëåå ñêëîííû;… II. Find in the text antonyms for:


I. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Who gave the definition of a theoretical paradigm?

2. How do sociologists understand the image of society?

3. Can we say that sociological theory is utter chaos?


Theoretical Paradigms

Although all sociologists make use of one general perspective, they do not all base their work on the same image of society. Some sociologists… In short all sociologists do not agree about what the most interesting or… II. Be ready to speak on:

The Methods of Sociological Research


  Survey Research A survey is a method of contacting individuals in order to obtain responses to a series of items or questions; it is…

Questionnaires and Interviews

A questionnaire is a series of questions or items to which all subjects are asked to respond. In most cases, the respondent is provided with… In some cases, however, a researcher might want to let a subject respond in an… How to present the questions to subjects is a major decision for every study that uses a questionnaire. Most often, a…


Ïðîâîäèòü èññëåäîâàíèÿ; â àáñîëþòíîì ñìûñëå; ëó÷øå èëè õóæå; ñèëüíûå ñòîðîíû è ñëàáûå; ïåðåìåííàÿ; ñ ó÷åòîì; èñïûòóåìûå; âî ìíîãèõ ñëó÷àÿõ; íàáîð… II. Arrange the following words into the pairs of synonyms: research to carry out

The Structure of Social Interaction

To illustrate, consider the familiar setting of an American college classroom. Entering the classroom, students could do almost anything — begin to… they routinely take their seats, perhaps talking quietly among themselves, and… Certainly, the behaviour of each student and teacher is partly unique; yet social behaviour in one American classroom…

Social Structure and Individuality

First, and more generally, our humanity involves much more than physical existence. The great potential of human beings develops only thorough… To illustrate, you may recall going aloneto a party given by people you did… Of course, social structure also places some constraints on human behaviour. By guiding behaviour within culturally…

V. Express your opinion of the text.

Use the following words for the characteristic:

important — inconclusive

essential — trivial

well-presented — muddle

interesting — dull

valid — inaccurate, wrong ( conclusions )


VI. Summarize the contents of the text in 10 sentences.

VII. Translate the text in writing without a dicti­onary:


2. The logic of science is an important foundation of all sociological research and, more broadly, a valuable means of evaluating information we… 3. There are three basic requirements of sociological investigation: (1) being… 4. There are many different ways of knowing, including personal experience, faith, acceptance of information provided…


I. Find in the text “The Structure of Social Interac­tions” English equivalents for: Â êîíöå êîíöîâ; ñîöèàëüíûå ìîäåëè; íîðìû ïîâåäåíèÿ; â îáùåñòâå; âî ãëàâå;… II. Arrange the following words into pairs of anto­nyms:


I. Look through the text and find the definitions of:

1. Role; 2. Role set; 3. Role strain; 4. Role conflict.

II. Read and translate the text.



A second major component of social interaction is role, which refers to patterns of behaviour corresponding to a particular status. Ralph Linton described a role as the dynamic expression of a status. A student has a role that involves patterned interaction with professors and other students, and responding to academic demands made by the college. As Linton explained, while individuals occupy astatus, they perform a role. Cultural norms suggest how a person who holds a particular status ought to act, which is often called arole expectation. However, real culture only approximates ideal culture; therefore, actual role performance usually varies from role expectation.

Like status, arole is relational by directing social behaviour toward some other person. The role that corresponds to the status of parent, for example, is ideally defined in terms of responsibilities toward a child. Correspondingly, the role of son or daughter is ideally defined in terms of obligations toward a parent. There are countless other examples of roles paired in this way: the behaviour of wives and husbands is performed in relation to each other, as is the behaviour of physicians and patients, and of professors and students.

Because individuals occupy many statuses at one time - a status set - they perform multiple roles. Yet a person has even more roles than statuses because any one status involves performing several roles in relation to various other people. Robert Merton introduced the term role set to identify a number of roles attached to a single status.

Figure 1. Status Set and Role Set

Strain and Conflict

In addition, roles attached to different statuses often demand incompatible patterns of behaviour. The concept of role conflict refers to…   III. Answer the following questions:


ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé; ïðèáëèæàòüñÿ; ïîñðåäñòâîì; îä­íîâðåìåííî; ðÿä ðîëåé; âåñòè õîçÿéñòâî; ÷àñòè÷íûé ïåðå÷åíü; íåñîâìåñòèìîñòü; ñëåäîâàòåëüíî; òåñíî… II. Read and translate the following words and their derivatives:


I. Read the text and do exercises that follow it.

Kinds of Groups

Among the properties most often employed are size (number of members), amount of physical interaction among members, degree of intimacy, level of… Sometimes sociologists make up their classifications of the groups according…  

V. Divide the text into three logical parts.

VI.Characterize in brief:

1. Properties of the groups.

2. Group classifications.

VII. Discuss in the group the following problems:

1. Formal - informal groups.

2. Your own group as a secondary group.

VIII. Read the text and say what is meant by cohesiveness.

The Nature of Group Cohesiveness

Cohesiveness, as sociologists state, develops a general group atmosphere that determines members' reaction to the group as a whole. Some groups are… IX. Answer: Do you think of your group as cohesive? Give your reasons. X. Find in the text synonyms for:

XIV. Read and translate the text.

Primary and Secondary Groups

If we combine group dimensions of every kind, all groups can be classified into two major categories: primary and secondary groups. The extent of… Cooley used the term primary because he believed that social groups of this… The strength of primary relationships gives individuals a considerable sense of comfort and security, which is clearly…

XV. Answer the following questions.

2. Who was the first to speak on the importance of such distinction? 3. What group is called primary? 4. What is the most important primary group for a child?

XIX. Divide the text into logical parts and give a heading to each part.

XX. Find a leading sentence in each paragraph of the text.

XXI.Comment on the table:

Primary Groups and Secondary Groups


XXII. Give examples of primary and secondary groups.

XXIII.Characterize in brief:

1. Primary groups.

2. Secondary groups.

XXIV. Read the text and say what new information is contained in it.


Social ties within some networks may be relatively primary, as among people who attended college together and have since maintained their… Even though social ties within networks may not be strong, these relationships… Nan Lin and her associates produced evidence of the extent of such network- based opportunities. Conducting a survey…



I. Find in the text “Primary and Secondary Groups” English equivalents for:

â áîëüøèíñòâå ñëó÷àåâ; ïîëíûé îò÷åò; ëè÷íûé èí­òåðåñ; ïðî÷íûå ñâÿçè; áëàãîïîëó÷èå; ôîðìèðîâàíèå óñòàíîâîê; ñêîðåå ÷åì; áûòü îãðàíè÷åííûì; ãðàíèöà; äîñòèãíóòü îïðåäåëåííîé öåëè; öåëåâàÿ îðèåíòàöèÿ; íàïðîòèâ; âçàèìîâûãîäíîå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî.


II. Make up word-combinations and translate them into Russian.

To display – genuine concern sympathy self-consciousness


I. Read and translate the text.

Group Dynamics

Sociologists describe the operation of social groups as group dynamics. As members of social groups, people are likely to interact according to a number of distinctive patterns.

Group Leadership

There are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group. In the family, traditional cultural… Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability,… Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there…

The Importance of Group Size

The basis for this dynamic lies in the mathematical connection between the number of people in a social group and the number of relationships among…

Figure 3. Group Size and Relationships

Is there an ideal size for a social group? The answer, of course, depends on the group`s purpose. II. Find in the text the definitions of: · group dynamics;

IV.Characterize in brief.

1. The core of group dynamics.

2. An ideal social group.

3. The importance of group size.

4. The group polarization phenomenon.


V. Choose the qualities you think to be necessary for an ideal leader:

emotional, aggressive, active, brave, clever, strong, intuitive, tall, handsome, good with money, mechanically-minded, tender.

You may expand the list. But give reasons of your choice.

VI. Read the text and state its general idea.

In-groups and Out-groups

On the basis of sex, employment, family ties, personal tastes, or some other category, people often identify others positively with one social group… This illustrates the general process of forming in-groups and out-groups. An… This process serves to sharpen the boundaries among social groups, giving people a clearer sense of their location in…

VII. Read the text again and note the difference between in-groups and out-groups.

VIII. Prepare a report on “Group Dynamics and Society.”


I. Read and translate the text.


The concept of deviance is defined as violation of cultural norms of a group or all of society. Since cultural norms affect such a wide range of… Deviance is not limited to crime, however. It includes many other types of… Deviance, therefore, is based on any dimension of difference that is considered to be significant and provokes a…

III. Divide the text into logical parts and give a heading to each part.

IV. Give the leading sentence in each paragraph.

V. Speak on:

1. The concept of deviance.

2. The main causes of deviance.

3. The social control system.

V. Read the text and treat its contents in Russian.

Biological Explanations of Deviance

Lombroso: early research In 1876, Caesare Lombroso (1835-1909), an Italian physician who worked in… Because of their biologically based inadequacy, Lombroso reasoned, such individuals would think and act in a primitive…

Delinquency and body structure

Further, more carefully designed research based on these basic body types was conducted by Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck. The Gluecks also concluded… Although these findings indicate that there may be an association between body…