Exercise 23. Read the following statements about men and women.

Scientists have discovered recently that there are seventy-eight genetic differences between men and women.


1. Women have a multi-tasking gene. Men can never prepare dinner so that everything is ready at the same time.

2. Men like to have all their stuff (DVDs, CDs) on show to impress their friends. Women hide things in cupboards.

3. Women have an ability to make men think they are in charge.

4. Men refuse to pay more than £5 for a haircut because it’s not that important.

5. A baby is crying, a dog is barking, a doorbell is ringing. It doesn't matter: the man of the house is sleeping. Men can sleep through anything. Women can't.

6. A man can choose and buy a pair of shoes in 90 seconds over the internet.

7. Women know what to do when someone starts to cry.

8. Women remember every outfit they've worn 'for the past twenty years. Men can't remember what they were wearing yesterday without looking on the floor.

9. Men speak in sentences. Women speak in paragraphs.



Exercise 24. Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

1. одновременное выполнение множества дел

2. вещи на показ

3. шкаф для посуды

4. быть ответственным

5. платить за стрижку

6. не иметь значения

7. пара обуви

8. купить по интернету

9. помнить, что на тебе было одето

10. говорить предложениями