Exercise 46. a) Do the quiz.



What Women Really Think?

Stella magazine commissioned YouGov, a research agency, to interview over 1000 women in the UK about what they really think. How do you think they responded?


1. How many women in the UK would prefer to have a male boss?

(a) less than 30%

(b) about 50% ·

(c) over 70%


2.How many women have gone on a diet in the past?

(a) 20 %

(b) between 35% and 45%

(c) over 50%


3. How many women spend more than seven hours a week doing exercise?

(a) 4%

(b) 15%

(c) 30%


4.What is the biggest challenge for women today?


(a) staying healthy

(b) making enough money

(c) balancing home and work life


5. What do women think is the best age to get married?

(a) between 21 and 24

(b) between 25 and 29 .

(c) over 30


6. What do 59 % of women think fathers should' take more responsibility for?

(a) their children

(b) doing the housework

(c) organising holidays


7. According to women, how much housework do they do?

(a) more than 50%

(b) over 75%

(c) nearly all of it


8. How many women aged 45-54 met their husbands through the internet?

(a) 1%

(b) 9%

(c) 16%