Child Abuse


Passive Voice: Perfect Tenses

 ñòðàäàòåëüíîì çàëîãå (Passives) âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Perfect ñîõðàíÿþò ñâîè çíà÷åíèÿ, òî åñòü ñîîòíåñåííîñòü ñ ñèòóàöèÿìè îïðåäåëåííûõ òèïîâ, íî óêàçûâàþò íà òî, ÷òî ïîäëåæàùåå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ íàçûâàåò îáúåêò, à íå ñóáúåêò äåéñòâèÿ.

Äëÿ ïîñòðîåíèÿ ïðåäëîæåíèÿ â ñòðàäàòåëüíîì çàëîãå âî âðåìåíàõ ýòîé ãðóïïû èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ãëàãîë to have (â ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåé âðåìåííîé ôîðìå) + Particple II. Ðàññìîòðèì ñëåäóþùèå ïðèìåðû:

Present Perfect Passive: Three clients have been visited by the social worker at their homes today.

Past Perfect Passive: Before the patient was discharged from the hospital, an assessment of the patient’s disability had been made.

Future Perfect Passive: Family group sessions will have been completed by 2.30.

Task 1. Change the sentences into Present Perfect Passive according to the given pattern:

They have brought up the child very well. – The child has been brought up very well.


1. They have conducted numerous clinical trials for the assessment of the effectiveness of this medication.

2. They have just discharged this patient.

3. They have arranged follow-up home nursing care for him.

4. The social worker has helped him to get back on track after taking drugs.

5. The social worker has performed an addiction assessment to figure out the severity of the addiction.

6. They have just developed new guidelines for developing care plans for people with drug problems.

7. The social worker has arranged for the addict enrollment into the addiction treatment group.

8. Following addiction treatment group therapy sessions, the social worker has observed some changes in the drug addict’s behavior.

9. Once a psychologist has diagnosed depression, he can aid in the treatment process as well.

10. The local authorities have delivered a wide range of homeless services across the country to provide living arrangement for the homeless.

11. The doctor has prescribed this medication as a part of treatment for drug addiction.

12. An addiction social worker has just counseled a teenage drug abuser.


Task 2. Respond to the sentences with a negative Present Perfect Passive and either. Use the given suggestions:

I haven’t found Fred anywhere. (Mike) Mike hasn’t been found either.

1. I have never counseled this client. (that client)

2. The social worker hasn’t provided the therapist with updated information. (psychologist)

3. The participant of the conference has not done a poster presentation (oral presentation)

4. This client hasn’t developed physical dependence on a drug (psychological dependence)

5. This active addict hasn’t sought a social worker’s help. (support)

6. The social worker hasn’t assessed the exact nature of the problem yet. (the extent of the problem)

7. The social worker hasn’t questioned family members of the drug abuser yet. (his co-workers)

8. The social worker assistant has not gathered the information about the client’s social background (information about the client’s current living arrangements as well as his criminal history)

9. I haven’t made a report on the effects of drug addiction. (slide presentation)

10. His taking drugs over a short period of time hasn’t affected the brain function. (brain behavior)

11. The client hasn’t missed any of the scheduled family group therapy sessions. (one-on-one therapy sessions with a counselor)

12. The psychotherapist has not emphasized the family as a means of recovery for drug abusers. (drug rehabilitation program)

13. He has not taken these pills. (the syrup)


Task 3. Change the sentences into Past Perfect Passive according to the pattern:

The students couldn’t enter the classroom as the lecturer had locked it. The students couldn’t enter the classroom as it had been locked bythe lecturer.

1. The social worker couldn’t provide the client with aftercare as the client hadn’t completed an outpatient recovery program.

2. The student couldn’t speak about it as he hadn’t done his home assignments.

3. The social worker couldn’t develop a care plan for the drug abuser as he hadn’t outlined the main goals.

4. The social workers couldn’t assist individuals who have developed drug dependencies as they hadn’t sought social or medical help.

5. The psychotherapist couldn’t start the treatment as he had not identified the sources of drug addiction.

6. The psychotherapist couldn’t devise a plan to treat the addiction as he had not addressed the contributing factors.

7. The drug addict couldn’t stay on track with the recovery as he had not received a proper drug addiction treatment.

8. He couldn’t cope with his drug craving as he had missed all treatment sessions.

9. The psychologist couldn’t know the client’ personal details as they had lost his records.


Task 4. Change the sentences into Past Perfect Passive according to the given pattern:

I found out that his GP had referred him to a psychologist. I found out that he had been referred to a psychologist by his GP.

1. The social worker found out that a mental health disorder, such as depression, had caused the client’s compulsion to use drugs.

2. I found out that I had left my notebook with patients’ records at home.

3. His parents found out that their son had missed a lot of lectures.

4. His GP found out that they had diagnosed him as having mental disorder.

5. The client’s family found out that the psychotherapist had prescribed him medication-assisted treatment in combination with counseling and behavioral therapy.

6. I found out that he had resumed using addicting drugs.

7. I found out that the doctors had prevented a relapse.

8. The doctor found out that they had diagnosed the patient as HIV-positive.

9. Mother found out that the doctors had prescribed withdrawal (detoxication) therapy for her drug addicted son.

10. The family members found out that the psychotherapist had prescribed the client a withdrawal therapy on an outpatient basis.

Reading and Speech Practice