Task 18. Use this New Free Association Technique to interpret your latest dreams.

· Write out your entire dream.

· Only Select the section or paragraph that is most emotionally charged if your dream is extraordinarily long. Otherwise you should work with the dream in full as sections you may have left out may be meaningful.

· List every word of that paragraph on the left side of the page. You may group words that are common phrases. For example:

Instead of writing "Stepped on my toes" as individual words, you can leave the phrase as a group or single line and interpret it as the phrase. Sometimes you may want to do it both ways to see the difference.
Write your association - whatever pops into your mind - on the right of each word.

· Rewrite the dream using only the associations.

Don't force associations; if an idea doesn't come readily, skip over it and return to it when you’ve finished the list.