Phillipe Pinel

Упражнение 1. Study the following words and word-combinations:

Squalor – грязь, убожество; studious – прилежный, усердный; lunatic asylum – психиатрическая лечебница; futile – бесполезный, тщетный; mentally retarded – умственно отсталый; to inculcate – внедрять, внушать; neglect – заброшенность, запущенность; to embody ideas – реализовывать, претворять в жизнь; moral treatment – «принцип нестеснения» (принцип содержания в психиатрических больницах, согласно которому должны быть устранены любые меры принуждения); to harbour – укрывать; to accord - предоставлять, жаловать; posterity – потомки, последующие поколения.

(1) Phillipe Pinel (1745-1826) is called the father of scientific psychiatry. He was the son of a simple country physician in Saint-Paul, France. Since early in life he gave the appearance of being studious, introverted, and sensitive to suffering, it was planned that he should enter the priesthood. But Pinel abandoned plans for such a career when he came under the influence of the liberal and anticlerical writings of Voltaire and Rousseau. He decided to follow his father’s profession, and at the age of 22 enrolled at the University of Toulouse, receiving his medical degree in 1773.


(2) For two years Pinel tutored children in Latin, Greek, and natural history. For 14 years he remained obscure, impoverished, and studious; tutoring, translating books, and writing papers on medicine, physics, and philosophy.


(3) In 1793 he was appointed head of the lunatic asylum of the Bicêtre. What Pinel found there was the combination of squalor, cruelty, and neglect. His first plan was to remove the chains from the patients. He also saw to it that they receive better food and were not beaten. Each day he would pass among them offering kindness and encouragement.


(4) For the next three years, Pinel worked at the Bicêtre and continued to write and study. He introduced the practice of taking case histories and keeping records, and attempted to formulate a nosology, or systematic classification of mental illnesses.


(5) Following his success at the Bicêtre, Pinel received an appointment to take charge of Salpêtrière. There, too, he ordered chains removed and initiated a program to train personnel in his humane methods of treatment. In 1799, Pinel was called upon to examine the Wild Boy of Aveyron. According to Rousseau’s ideas, since the boy had been unspoiled by civilization, he should have grown to be noble and virtuous. Instead, he was found to grunt like a beast, to display offensive table manners, and to be in general not at all winning in his behavior. Pinel pronounced him an idiot.


(6) Since the mentally retarded in those days were thought to be incurable and untrainable, usually nothing was done to improve his condition. But Jean Itard, one of Pinel’s students, believed that the mentally retarded could learn and attempted to educate the boy. Though his efforts were not as rewarding as he had hoped, they were not as futile as Pinel had predicted; the boy was taught to dress himself and to read simple words, though he never learned to speak. Of even more significance, Itard’s dedication and methods inspired and encouraged others in the education of the retarded and the deaf and mute.


(7) Pinel continued to teach “moral treatment” to his fellow psychiatrists over a span of about 20 years. He himself embodied the humane ideals he sought to inculcate in others, and richly deserved the fame posterity has accorded him. Yet his career ended unhappily. Accused of harbouring priests from the authorities, he was removed from his teaching position and spent the remainder of his life in official dishonor.


Упражнение 2. Дополните вводное предложение аннотации таким образом, чтобы оно выражало содержание текста в обобщенном виде.

В данном тексте рассматривается…

1) тщетность попыток излечения психических заболеваний;

2) гуманистический подход к лечению душевнобольных;

3) нововведения в психиатрических клиниках Франции в 18 веке;

4) систематизация психических расстройств.


Упражнение 3. В соответствии с содержанием текста выберите ответы на вопросы:

1. На что были направлены реформы, проведенные Филлипом Пинелем в психиатрических лечебницах?

1) обучение пациентов нормам поведения в обществе;

2) освобождение от телесных наказаний;

3) одновременное улучшение материальных условий существования и повышение человеческого достоинства пациентов;

4) в тексте нет информации об этом.

2. Каковы результаты попыток Жана Итара обучить дикого мальчика:

1) Его пример воодушевил его коллег начать обучение умственно отсталых и глухо-немых людей;

2) Ему не удалось улучшить состояние мальчика;

3) Дикий мальчик превратился в благородного и добродетельного человека.

4) В тексте нет информации об этом.

3. На чем была основана классификация психических заболеваний Пинеля?

1) собранных им историях болезни;

2) гуманистических методах диагностики и лечения;

3) написанных им трудах по медицине;

4) В тексте нет информации об этом.

Упражнение 4. Определите, являются ли указанные утверждения: истинными, ложными или в тексте нет информации об этом.