Text 3. Eli Todd

(1) Eli Todd (1762-1832), a graduate of Yale in 1787, was rich in everything but money. He had a fine family, good looks, and a brilliant intellect, but derived little income from his work as a country physician in Connecticut. Moreover, his daily rounds were often personally distressing experiences as he became aware of the unhappy consequences traceable to the lack of facilities for the mentally ill.


(2) At the beginning of the 19th century only three states had hospitals providing for their care. People were forced to improvise their own means for dealing with the mental illness of a member of their family; and since they felt ashamed about the condition, all too frequently their improvisation took the form of hiding the relative from the public. Todd saw that all those concerned suffered, and had cause to be particularly sympathetic to such cases, for his own father had died insane and his sister, Eunice, was afflicted with melancholia.


(3) In 1819, he moved with his family to Hartford where medical practice was more lucrative. He quickly became a leading physician in that community, and one night he told the colleagues of the work of Pinel. Todd pointed out that in a democracy men’s hopes for success are raised high, and that for many the disappointment of not attaining their goals caused insanity. Therefore, the community had some responsibility to provide humane care for the insane.


(4) His colleagues gave Todd their enthusiastic support and in 1824, a Retreat was opened in Hartford with Eli Todd as physician in chief. The care he provided , “moral management” was based on respect for the individual and the strength that the person still possessed. Insofar as possible, each patient’s case and the treatment he was to receive were frankly explained to him. Every effort was made to treat the patients as rational beings.


(5) By 1826, only two years later, the news of Todd’s methods and of his amazing success in treating insanity spread. There were a number of important positions offered to him, but Todd refused them all and remained at the Retreat. Nevertheless, his influence was extended by his followers who employed moral management in institutions that were arising in different states.


(6) For us, Todd’s significance is threefold: he worked for the adequate facilities for the treatment of the mentally ill; he offered a psychological explanation of illness and formed therapeutic relationships based on feelings of respect for the patient’s competence and dignity as human being; he considerably weakened the belief that all insanity was incurable. It was the last contribution that had a seriocomic effect, for it soon became fashionable for hospital superintendents to compete with one another in the percentages of patients they claimed to have cured.

Упражнение 1. Study the following words and word-combinations:

Facilities - условия; traceable - приписываемый; to improvise – сделать наскоро; to be afflicted – страдать, быть подверженным; lucrative- прибыльный, доходный; physician in chief – главный врач; to treat sb – обращаться с кем-либо; seriocomic – трагикомический; hospital superintendent – главный врач; retreat – психиатрическая больница.

Упражнение 2. Дополните вводное предложение аннотации таким образом, чтобы оно выражало содержание текста в обобщенном виде.

В данном тексте рассматриваются…

1) правила установления «терапевтических отношений» между врачом и пациентом;

2) гуманистические идеалы Эли Тодда;

3) создание условий для реализации на практике принципов «нестестнения» и уважения пациентов;

4) последствия реализации «принципа нестеснения».


Упражнение 3. В соответствии с содержанием текста выберите ответы на вопросы:

1. Каким образом общество реагировало на проблему безумия?

1) Больным отказывали в медицинском уходе;

2) Заболевание порицалось в обществе;

3) Считалось, что ответственность лежит на членах семьи заболевшего;

4) В тексте нет информации об этом.

2. В чем Тодд видел истоки возникновения психических расстройств?

1) В отсутствии возможностей реализовать собственные цели в современном обществе;

2) В постановке чрезмерно высоких целей;

3) В разочарованности современной демократией;

4) В тексте нет информации об этом.

3. На чем основывался «принцип нестеснения» в понимании Тодда?

1) На необходимости обращения с психиатрическими больными как с обычными людьми;

2) На необходимости установления открытых и честных отношений между врачом и пациентом;

3) На необходимости использования внутренних ресурсов больного, заслуживающего уважения и внимания;

4) В тексте нет информации об этом.

Упражнение 4. Определите, являются ли указанные утверждения: истинными, ложными или в тексте нет информации об этом.