Task 3. Answer the questions, using the words suggested.

How long have you studied English? (for a year) – I have studied it for a year.

1. How long have you counseled this client? (for an hour)

2. How long have you prepared a report for legal action? (for at least three days)

3. How long have you smoked? (for years)

4. How long have you provided individual tutoring to this high school student? (for a year and a half)

5. How long has she tried to quit smoking? (for months)

6. How long has he lived in a temporary foster home? (for two months)

7. How long have you been in your foster mother’s care? (for a while)

8. How long have they maintained relationship with their foster mother? (for two years)

9. How long has the social worker interviewed this client? (for two hours)

10. How long has the patient had the feelings of uncertainty about his future? (for some time)

11. How long has she had a severe depression? (for two years)

12. How long has he been on medications? (for several months)

13. How long has the patient stayed in the hospital? (for three weeks)

Task 4. Use the Past Perfect Tense of the verb suggested to complete the sentences. Follow the example:

(work too hard the day before) She felt tired because she … She felt tired because she had worked too hard the day before.

1) (drink too much the night before)

She couldn’t get out of bed the next morning because she …

2) (take too many sleeping pills the previous night)

She wasn’t able to wake up the next morning because she …

3) (drink too much some hours before)

He got into a car accident because he …

4) (physically abuse his wife on many occasions)

He was ordered by the courts to attend a batterers' intervention program because …

5) (fail to meet her emotional needs)

She filed for divorce from her husband because he …

6) (we drive all through the night)

My husband and I felt very sleepy and tired because …

7) (undertake a lot of visits to the children placed under her supervision)

The social worker was very tired at the end of the day because she …

8) (face over the past few weeks)

The client felt frustrated because of the situation he …

9) (experience severe childhood abuse)

The girl looked stressed because she …

Task 5. Join the following pairs of sentences by making one of them a clause with the verb in the Past Perfect Tense. Use the conjunctions ‘after, before, until, when’.

He died. He was very ill. (before) He had been very ill before he died.  

1) They broke up. Mark ignored Manny for months. (before)

2) They moved into a more rural setting. They lived in a metropolitan area. (before)

3) She came to a counseling clinic. She was on heroin for two years. (when)

4) The adoptive parents told him about the adoption. This boy didn’t experience any problems. (until)

5) He realized that he couldn’t be happy living like that. He had five marriages. (before)

6) He was discharged from the hospital. He spent months in the hospital recovering from multiple fractures due to a car accident. (before)

7) He relapsed into alcohol and drug abuse due to his mother’s death. He stayed clean from alcohol for two years. (when)

8) Her parents separated. She didn’t show signs of depression. (until)

9) She presented to her physician. She took antidepressant medications for many years. (before)

10) He presented to his physician. He attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for a while). (before)

11) He witnessed domestic violence between his parents. 4-year-old Tommy was placed in foster care. (after)