Task 15. Use the information from this text to match the name of a stage and its description.

Stage 1. Sensorimotor stage (0-2) A. At this stage of cognitive development the child begins to solve more complex problems. This provides the ability to ‘decentrate’. It means that the child becomes less egocentric and is more capable of seeing the viewpoint of others. The child still needs practical objects in order to solve problems. A question such as Joan is taller than Susan; Joan is smaller than Mary; Susan is smaller than Mary; who is the smallest? Will pose difficulties for the child at this stage of cognitive development unless there is access to a pen and paper to solve the problem.
Stage 2. Preoperational stage (2-7) B. This stage marks the beginning of abstract thinking. Problems can be tested in the mind and more complex ideas can be formed.
Stage 3. Concrete operations (7-11) C.The child experiences the world through intermediate perceptions. The phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’ applies. The thinking is dominated by the ‘here and now’.
Stage 4. Formal operations (11+) D.As the child’s linguistic ability improves it is capable of ‘symbolic thought’. This means that the child can use words to refer to people and objects. This more developed thought is limited by ‘egocentrism’ and ‘centration’. Egocentrism means that the child is unable to see the world from any other point of view but their own understanding of it. Centration means seeing one feature but ignoring the wider reality.

Task 16. Use the information from the text to complete the spidergram. One item has already been filled in for you.