Task 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. На данный момент я уже опросила клиента и членов его семьи и выработала стратегию лечения. 2. В ходе исследования мы установили, почему происходят подобные изменения в настроении. 3. Мы уже рассмотрели преимущества и недостатки различных методов оценки психического состояния клиента. 4. Психолог назначил первый сеанс психотерапии завтра на 10 часов. 5. Как только доктор поставил диагноз, он составил план лечения. 6. Завтра в это время мой сеанс групповой терапии для наркозависимых уже закончится. 7. Социальный работник уже выявил все возможные источники домашнего насилия в этой семье. 8. Он был на кокаине несколько лет, прежде чем смог обратиться с этой проблемой в реабилитационный центр для наркозависимых за помощью. 9. Вы когда-либо работали с клиентами другой расовой принадлежности? 10. Лекция уже завершится к 5 часам. 11. Она чувствовала сильное раздражение, так как провела бессонную ночь. 12. Вам когда-либо кто-либо угрожал? 13. Вы когда-либо испытывали чувство одиночества?

Reading and Speech Practice

Task 5. Read the title of the text and try to guess what the text is about judging by the title? Think of the problems personality development may interrelate with. Which of the following do you think will be discussed in the text and why?

· heredity

· thinking abilities

· value system

· social environment (specify which)

· cultural norms and stereotypes

· psychological development


Task 6. You are going to read a text about the social worker’s role in the divorce process. Some sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-E the one which fits each gap (1-5).

Personality Development

An individual's personality is the complex of mental characteristics that makes them unique from other people. It includes all of the patterns of thought and emotions that cause us to do and say things in particular ways. At a basic level, personality is expressed through our temperament or emotional tone. However, personality also colors our values, beliefs, and expectations. There are many potential factors that are involved in shaping a personality. ΠResearch by psychologists over the last several decades has increasingly pointed to hereditary factors being more important, especially for basic personality traits such as emotional tone. However, the acquisition of values, beliefs, and expectations seem to be due more to socialization and unique experiences, especially during childhood.

Some hereditary factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of interactions with the particular social environment in which people live.  If you have poor motor skills that will prevent you from throwing a ball straight and if you regularly get bad grades in school, you will very likely be labeled by your teachers, friends, and relatives as someone who is inadequate or a failure to some degree.

There are many potential environmental influences that help to shape personality. Child rearing practices are especially critical. In the dominant culture of North America, children are usually raised in ways that encourage them to become self-reliant and independent. Ž For instance, they are included in making decisions about what type of food and entertainment the family will have on a night out. Children are given allowances and small jobs around the house to teach them how to be responsible for themselves. In contrast, children in China are usually encouraged to think and act as a member of their family and to suppress their own wishes when they are in conflict with the needs of the family. Independence and self-reliance are viewed as an indication of family failure and are discouraged. It is not surprising that Chinese children traditionally have not been allowed to act as equals to their parents.

Despite significant differences in child rearing practices around the world, there are some similarities. Boys and girls are socialized differently to some extent in all societies. They receive different messages from their parents and other adults as to what is appropriate for them to do in life. They are encouraged to prepare for their future in jobs fitting their gender. Boys are more often allowed freedom to experiment and to participate in physically risky activities. Girls are encouraged to learn how to do domestic tasks and to participate in child rearing by baby-sitting.  Girls may be called "tomboys" and boys may be ridiculed for not being sufficiently masculine.

 Such things as having alcoholic parents, being seriously injured in a car accident can leave mental scars that make us fearful and less trusting. If you are an only child, you don't have to learn how to compromise as much as children who have several siblings. Chance meetings and actions may have a major impact on the rest of our lives and affect our personalities.

A. For instance, your genetically inherited physical and mental capabilities have an impact on how others see you and, subsequently, how you see yourself. B. There are always unique situations and interpersonal events that help to shape our personalities. C. These factors are usually seen as coming from heredity and the environment. D. If children do not follow these traditional paths, they are often labeled as marginal or even deviant. E. Children are often allowed to act somewhat like equals to their parents.