VI. Explain the basis for the following jokes. Trace the logical associations between the different meanings of the same word.


1. Father was explaining to his little son the fundamentals of astronomy.

"That's a comet."

"A what?"

"A comet. You know what a comet is?" "No."

"Don't you know what they call a star with a tail?"

"Sure — Mickey Mouse."


2. "Pa, what branches did you take when you went to school?"

"I never went to high school, son, but when I attended the little log school-house they used mostly hickory and beech and willow."


3. What has eyes yet never sees? (Potato)


4. H e (in telephone booth)'. I want a box for two.

Voice (at the other end): Sorry, but we don't have boxes for two.

He: But aren't you the box office of the theatre? Voice: No, we are the undertakers.