Ex.5. Answer the questions on the text and say about the structure of the school system of the USA.

1. How long does the school year last?

2. What is the main purpose of the preschool education and of the elementary school?

3. How long does the elementary school last?

4. What subjects does the programme of studies in the secondary school include?

5. What must students do to be graded from A(excellent) to F(failing) levels?

6. What form of education do students choose after graduating from secondary schools?

7.What are the factors determining an institution’s prestige?


Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I had been working 1. I had not been working HadIbeen working?


I’d been workingIhadn’t been working

· The Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

· Inclusive: denotes an action which began before a definite moment in the past, continued up to that moment and was still going on at that moment. It is used with: -since, for We had