Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

1.How old was George Meadows?

2.Was his wife older or younger than be?

3.How many children did they have?

4.What were his daughters like?

5.What were his sons like?

6.Why did they deserve to be happy?

7.Who was the real master of the house?

8.How old was George’s mother?

9.What was the name of George’s uncle?

10.Who had courted Mrs. Meadows when she was Emily Green?

11.Whom did Emily marry?

12.Why did Emily marry Tom not George?

13.What did George, Tom’s brother, do?

14.Why did George go to sea?

15.Why did Mrs. Meadows decide that George was dead?

16.What did a letter inform them of?

17.Why did George decide to return?

18.Why had Captain Meadows never married anyone?

Ex. 3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

хозяин фермы; пятидесятилетний мужчина; дочери очаровательные; сыновья красивые и сильные; они заслужили своё счастье; ей было около 70; оба ухаживали за Мисс Грин; она выбрала Тома; отправился в море (стал моряком); не было никаких известий; дом, где он родился; немного осталось жить; само собой разумеется; принял решение; был женат; меня представили старому капитану.