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There’s plenty to do after school hours, particularly sport which I enjoy most. My favourite sport is hockey. Almost all my friends are here. We train hard and we play for the school and in various regional youth tournaments.

As most young people I spend my after school hours at home watching TV or doing domestic chores, or listening to music , or reading. We don’t have a computer at home , so I spend a considerable time playing computer games at my friend’s. Of course, all these I do there are no training spells.

I think, it’s common with most young people to spend some time outdoors. Street life is important for us. We meet somewhere in streets and talk and then go to town center to do window shopping and ‘see what’s going on’.

My friends use some of their spare time to earn many by working in different places. Some of them wash cars for people, others do a part-time job for shops and cafes. As for me I earn my pocket money delivering newspapers three times a week.

I’ve usually got enough to do the things I want. I can buy the records and CDs I want without asking the permission from my parents.