рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Speaking - раздел Образование, UNIT 1 PERSONAL INFORMATION 4.1 In Pairs Introduce Yourself To Each Other As In The Model. Mo...

4.1 In pairs introduce yourself to each other as in the model.


- Let me introduce myself. I’m a private of police Kirov.

- Let me introduce myself. I’m a police officer, junior sergeant Ivanov.


4.2 Find out personal data (information) of your group mate. Use the following dialogue as an example.

A: Hello, I’m Mike Petrov. What’s your full name?

B: My full name is Novikov Alexander Petrovich. Alexander is my first name. Petrovich is my middle name. Novikov is my last name.

A: Where do you come from?

B: I come from Irkutsk.

A: What is your nationality?

B: I’m Russian.

A: How old are you?

B: I’m 18.

A: When and where were you born?

B: I was born on the 4th of June, 1995 in Irkutsk.

A: What is your home address?

B: It is - 7 Pushkin Street, apartment 58, Irkutsk, 664002, Russia.

A: Do you have a family?

B: I’m not married and live in my parents’ place. I don’t have my own family.

A: What are you?

B: At present I am a trainee of the law enforcement academy.

A: What is you rank?

B: I’m sergeant-major.

A: Do you have a telephone? What’s your telephone number?

B: It’s 923-695-12-40.

A: Do you have e-mail? How do you spell it?

B: Yes, my email address is: Novikov_A95@mail.ru (N-O-V-I-K-O-V, underscore, A, 95, at, mail,dot, ru).

A: Thank you for your information.

B: You are welcome.


4.3 Complete the chart and introduce your group mate to your friends.


Full name Date of birth Place of birth
Age Nationality Family
Marital status Occupation Rank
Address Tel. E-mail

4.4 Fill in the appropriate pronouns, prepositions, “ be” and “have” forms.


a) Andrei ___ born ___ Kemerovo region and ___ ___ 40 years now. ___ ___ married ___ a teacher of French. ___ name ___ Olga. ___ ___ one son. ___ name ___ Pavel and ___ ___ a high school student. Andrei ___ a detective by profession. ___ deals with crime and criminals. Some years ago ___ worked ___ UN Mission and ___ ___ awards for ___ service. ___ ___ made friends with Scottish, Norwegian, German and Italian policemen. ___ keep in touch by e-mail.

b) There ___ some personal information about myself. My first name ___ Craig and my last name ___ Duar. I ___ from Scotland. Sometimes we ___middle names here, but I ___ one. It ___ Irvin. My home town ___ Glasgow. I ___ born there on the 30th of January 1971. When I studied at school I ___ interested in Social Sciences. I ___ especially good at History and Law Basics. That ___ why I entered a University to study Law. I ___ Master’s degree. At present I ___ at the Scottish Police College, but I ___ not a cadet. I work at the Educational Department and my responsibility ___ crime detection training.


4.5 Fill in your Personal Information Form.

First name  
Middle name  
Last name  
Sex (male, female)  
Date of birth  
Place of birth  
Marital status  
Telephone number  



4.6 Communication assignments.

– Introduce yourself to a newcomer. Speak about your personal information and ask for his or her hometown and place of birth.

– Introduce yourself to a foreign visitor. Help him or her to fill out a Personal Information Form.

Introduce your group mate to your parents

– Compose a short story about yourself and your family. Be ready to reproduce it.

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:


PERSONAL INFORMATION Lead in Look at the photos Which one... Grammar... Pronouns Местоимения a Мне нравится профессия полицейского Me...

Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Speaking

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

Если этот материал оказался полезным ля Вас, Вы можете сохранить его на свою страничку в социальных сетях:

Все темы данного раздела:


Topical vocabulary
2.1 Listen and pronounce the following words and expressions after the speaker.   Personal information (data) – личные данные First/given name – имя Patrony

Личные Притяжательные Возвратные Именительный п. Объектный п.    

Before reading
5.1 Read and translate some international words: director, academy, recruit, deputy, Deputy Commander, sheriff, agency, position, career, patrol officer, narcotics, supervisor, Assistant Chi

After reading
5.7 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones. a) William C. O’Toole is the Executive Director of FBI National Academy. b) He was born in Pittsb

6.1 Do you know what a resumé is? Read the text and practice writing the resumé . Resumé Personal information may be presented as a biography, a for

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