рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

After reading

After reading - раздел Образование, UNIT 1 PERSONAL INFORMATION 5.7 Are The Following Statements True Or False? Correct The False Ones....

5.7 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

a) William C. O’Toole is the Executive Director of FBI National Academy.

b) He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

c)He served in the US Navy.

d) He has wide knowledge of police work.

e) Bill graduated both from Johns Hopkins University and the FBI’s National Academy.

f) As an Assistant Chief of Police he supervised two police departments.

g) At present William C. O’Toole is responsible for regional law enforcement training.

5.8 Complete the sentences.


a) This piece of writing is

a resume

a biography

a story.

b) The text describes

US Army solder life

a supervisor’s working history

a policeman’s career.

c) 800 employees are mentioned

to count the policemen of the Bureau

to underline the level of responsibility

to stress personnel resources.

d) The information proves that

any native of Pittsburgh may be Executive Director of the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy in Ashburn

any policeman may be Executive Director of the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy in Ashburn

a person with rich professional and life experience as well as deep education may become a Director of a law enforcement academy.

e) The proverb which best reflects the text is the following one:

There is nothing impossible for a willing heart.

Habit is second nature.

Fortune favors the brave.


5.9 Answer the questions.

– What kind of academy is the NVCJA?

– Who is the Chief of the academy?

– What was William C. O’Toole during 26 years of his police service?

– Did he have any executive positions?

– What was Bill’s responsibility as an Assistant Chief of Police?

– Is the NVCJA Executive Director a highly educated person?

– Why was Mr. O’Toole appointed as the Executive Director of the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy in Ashburn, Virginia?

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:


PERSONAL INFORMATION Lead in Look at the photos Which one... Grammar... Pronouns Местоимения a Мне нравится профессия полицейского Me...

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Все темы данного раздела:


Topical vocabulary
2.1 Listen and pronounce the following words and expressions after the speaker.   Personal information (data) – личные данные First/given name – имя Patrony

Личные Притяжательные Возвратные Именительный п. Объектный п.    

4.1 In pairs introduce yourself to each other as in the model. Model: - Let me introduce myself. I’m a private of police Kirov. - Let me introduce mysel

Before reading
5.1 Read and translate some international words: director, academy, recruit, deputy, Deputy Commander, sheriff, agency, position, career, patrol officer, narcotics, supervisor, Assistant Chi

6.1 Do you know what a resumé is? Read the text and practice writing the resumé . Resumé Personal information may be presented as a biography, a for

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