рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


BRIGHTON IN THE RAIN - раздел Образование, PRESENT PERFECT I've Never Been To Athens And I've Never Been To Rome, I've Only See...

I've never been to Athens and I've never been to Rome,

I've only seen the Pyramids in picture books at home.

I've never sailed across the sea or been inside a plane,

I've always spent my holidays in Brighton in the rain.


I've never eaten foreign food or drunk in a foreign bar,

I've never kissed a foreign girl or driven a foreign car,

I've never had to find my way in a country I don't know,

I've always known just where I am and where I'll never go.


I've read travel books by writers who have been to Pakistan,

I've heard people telling stories of adventures in Iran,

I've watched TV documentaries about China and Brazil,

But I've never been abroad myself. It's making me feel ill.


I've studied several languages like Hindi and Malay,

I've learnt lots of useful sentences I've never been able to say.

The furthest place I've ever been to was the Isle of Man

And that was full of tourists from Jamaica and Japan.


I've never been to Athens and I've never been to Rome,

I've only seen the Pyramids in picture books at home.

I've never sailed across the sea or been inside a plane,

I've always spent my holidays in Brighton in the rain.



– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:


PRESENT PERFECT I LISTENING AND READING Listen to the text... Действий которые совершились в прошлом но результатом связаны с настоящим... а маркеры времени отсутствуют...

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Все темы данного раздела:

  I. LISTENING AND READING   Listen to the text   Read and translate the text   ALICE ASHTON’S TRAVEL WEB

Put special questions to the italicized words.
1.I have seen Lisa three times in the last few days (2). 2. She has been ill since Monday (2). 3. George

Change Present Continuous into Present Perfect and translate the sentences into Russian
1. The pupils are having a dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem. 4. She is

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
A. 1. Я только что позавтракал. 2. Он уже позавтракал. 3. Мы еще не завтракали. 4. Я уже сделал свои уроки. 5. У

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