
Answer the questions (1-6) about your course and write a leaflet for it.

1Who is the course for?

2 What qualifications do I need?

3 What will I learn on the course?

4 How will I learn?

5 How will I be assessed?

6 What can I do when I finish the course?

Get real

Find a leaflet for your school or college, or a course at a college you are interested in. Compare it with the one you wrote. Can you improve either of them?

4 Engineering

The course for you



Before you start

Ask other students in your class the questions below. If they answer yes, ask more questions.

Have you ever ...

... had an interview?

... filled in an application form?

... written to someone asking for information?

For example

Have you ever had an interview?

Yes, I have.

What for? What happened?