Ex.1 Read and translate the dialogues.

CA: ….what about the children?

Woman: Do you have children’s meal on board?

CA: We do have pre-ordered special children’s meal for passengers who have booked in advance. Did you book it?

Woman: No, I’m afraid I didn’t.

CA: Well, I could check to see if we have any spare meals for you. Would you like me to do it?

Woman: Oh, yes, please. That would be great.

CA: I’ll be back in a moment. I’ve got two children’s meals that have been ordered, but not needed. It’s burger and chips and fun food they will really enjoy it! Would they like these?

Woman: Oh, that’s their favourite food! Thank you so much!

CA: You are very welcome. There you are. Would you like a drink with your meal, boys?

Woman: They’d like 7up with no ice, please.

CA: If you are returning with us, that will be possible to order your a special children meal for their flight home. I can come back to you after the meal service and discuss if you would like?

Woman: That would be great, thanks.

CA: No problem. I will be back after the meals service then. Enjoy your meal!


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