

I.Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to have (to). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. My friend … a lot of English, Canadian and American technical journals.

2. You … (show) your graduation paper to your scientific advisor tomorrow.

3. The students … (carry out) the first experiment by the end of September.

4. This new thermal generators … a great capacity.

5. Perhaps Laura … a bath now.

6. We … very interesting English classes and parties with native speakers last year.

7. I … time now (not). … you … time?

8. Mother told she … lunch between 1 and 2 p.m.

9. Harry and Stacy … (get) a Toyota.

10. Rob … (leave) the rock concert at 8.30 p.m. as he … an appointment.

11. We … our article (translate) from Russian into English by a computer, but this translation was very bad.

12. Work done, … your fun.


II.Answer the following questions using the verb to have (to) with different meanings.

1. Have you ever been to the polar regions?

2. How many lectures and classes will you have tomorrow?

3. How many lectures have you got today?

4. When did you have your hair cut last time?

5. What period are you having now?

6. Do you usually have lunch at home?

7. Did you have to stay at the Institute after classes yesterday to attend the library or the laboratory?

8. Will you have to work hard to pass the exams successfully?

9. Who has already read today’s newspapers?

10. Are you having a test this week?


III.Read the following text and comment on different meanings of the verb to have (to) used in it. Choose the answer from a)-e) which you think fits best according to the text. Pay attention to the words given bellow, read and memorize them.


The Greatest Invention


Tool (n) [tu:l] – инструмент, станок, снаряд, орудие

Carry (v) [kæri] – носить, переносить, перевозить

Drag (v) [dræg] – тащить, тянуть, волочить

Roll (v) [roul] – катить

Invention (n) [in`ven∫n] – изобретение

From the beginning of history, men have had to work and struggle to live. They had to do this in order to get food, to make clothes and to build houses.

At first, they had only their bare hands to do this. In time, they invented tools to help them. Axes were made from stone, spear heads from flint and needles from bone. Many other simple tools were made. They helped to make life much easier.

One of the very first problems men had to solve was to transfer heavy objects.

At first these had to be carried. Then it was learned that they could be dragged along on a sledge made from branches and skins.

When tree trunks were being moved, they found that they could be rolled along on top of other tree trunks. Then someone thought of fastening short round pieces on the side.

Whoever did this had made the greatest invention of all time. It was the wheel.

1. What did men have to do in early times?

a) They had to work hard.

b) They had to hope against hope.

c) They had to seek fortune.

d) They had to work and fight to survive.

e) No information is given in the text.

2. Why did they have to do that?

a) To get a job.

b) To get food, to make clothes and to construct houses.

c) To become rich.

d) To get clothes, to build houses and sell food.

e) To learn to be good hunters.

3. What did men have at their disposal to help them at first?

a) Nothing. d) Animals.

b) Only their hands. e) Fire.

c) Servants.

4. What made people’s life far easier?

a) The invention of the computer.

b) The discovery of new lands.

c) The invention of tools.

d) The development of new technologies.

e) The evolution of human beings.

5. What was one of the first problems men had to overcome?

a) To move heavy things.

b) To fight against wild animals successfully.

c) To stand against the changing climate effectively.

d) No information is given in the text.

e) The linguistic barrier.

6. How did people have to move heavy things?

a) They had to drift them.

b) They had to cut them into smaller pieces and then they could carry them.

c) They had to carry them and then drag them along on a sledge.

d) They had to refuse the idea of carrying them.

e) They asked God to help them.

7. When was the wheel invented?

a) It was invented long before our era.

b) No information is given in the text.

c) It was invented in the Stone Age.

d) It was invented in the Iron Age.

e) It was invented in the Ice Age.


Употребление глагола be (am, is, are; was, were; been)


Функция Примеры
1. Смысловой глагол со значением быть, находиться I am in the lab now. Steve's mine was far from the center of the town. Were the books on the table?
2. Глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом со значением быть, являться, состоять, заключаться Jerry is a second-year student. Hal will soon be an economist.
3. Вспомогательный глагол: 1) образует времена группы Continuous (be + Participle I) конструкция переводится как есть, имеется, находится 2) выражает намерения лица, обозначенного подлежащим, совершить действие; употреб-ляется также для выражения уверенности говорящего в том, что действие обязательно произойдет в ближайшем будущем (be going+ Infinitive) 3) образует страдательный залог (Passive Voice) (be + Participle II) 1. Chris is reading now. I wasn't sleeping when you came home. Have they been working in this lab since afternoon?   2. I am going to send an e-mail to my American friend. Mrs.Trent is going to be a good process control engineer. We were not going to the country as there was a heavy snowfall.   3. The window is made of plastic, glass and aluminium. Alan was asked a very difficult question. Were you born in Russia?
4. Заменитель: 1) эквивалент модального глагола со значением должен, предстоит (договорились в соответствии с планом, расписанием или по приказу) (be + Infinitive) 2) в составе эквивалента модального глагола can = be able to со значением может быть, быть в состоянии, уметь 3) в составе эквивалента модального глагола may = be allowed to со значением разрешения выполнить действие в прошедшем и будущем   1. My fellow-student and I are to write a course-paper this term. The expedition was to start on Wednesday. Mr. Fox wasn’t to come there so early. 2. I hope I will be able to translate this article in 25 minutes. 3. I was allowed to continue doing the experiment. They will be allowed to go to the night club as they are 18.


5. В составе конструкции there is/are ; указывает на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо не называющегося ранее предмета или лица в определенном месте. Английскому предложению соответствует русское предложение, которое обычно начинается с обстоятельства места. There are 10 computers in our lab. There was some coffee in the cup. There won’t be any difficulties if you work hard. Were there any managers at the meeting?