Проанализируйте построение общих вопросов и кратких ответов на них

а) Am I right? Is there any butter on the plate? Are they busy? Was the weather fine? Will they be at home in the evening? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. Yes, there is some. No, there isn't any. Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Yes, it was. No, it wasn't. Yes, they will. No, they won't.


б) Have you a sister? Has he got a book? Do you have dinner at two? Does he have to excuse himself? в) Can you come tomor­row? Must I follow your ad­vice? May I smoke here? Is he to leave for Paris? г) Does he like animals? Did you come home late yesterday? Will he ring you up? Have you done your homework? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. Yes, I do. No, I don't. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. Yes, I can. No, I can't. Yes, you must. No, you needn't. Yes, you may. No, you may not. Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Yes, he will. No, he won't. Yes, I have. No, I haven't.


5. Запомните способы образования утвердительной и отрицательной формы краткой реплики «и я тоже»

I haven't had a holiday for two years. – Neither have I.

I don't understand English humour. – Neither do I.

I didn't see that film. – Neither did I.

I can swim well. – So can I.

I like to drive very fast. – So do I.

He is rich and famous. – So am I.