Поставьте глагол в the Past и the Future Continuous, употребив соответствующие индикаторы времени

1. The child is sleeping now. 2. Nina is having a lecture now. 3. The family is sitting at the table and having dinner. 4. What are you doing tonight? 5. The girl is looking for her note-book. 6. The students are preparing for their exams. 7. It is snowing hard.

3. Образуйте четыре типа вопросительных предло­жений

Образец: The boy is crying.

– Is the boy crying?

– Is the boy crying or laughing?

Who is crying? What is the boy doing?

The boy is crying, isn't he?

1. The children are reading an interesting book. 2. The bus is going to Brest. 3. We were waiting for our friends. 4. Pete was hurrying to the theatre. 5. You will be work­ing at the report. 6. We shall be watching TV in the evening.


4. Поставьте вопросы и ответьте на них по образ­цу. Выразите действие как длительное

Образец: Clean the room.

What are you doing? – I am cleaning the room.

What were you doing? – I was cleaning the room.

What will you be doing? – I will be cleaning the room.

1. Go home. 2. Eat the soup. 3. Do your homework. 4. Learn the rule. 5. Speak English. 6. Lay the table. 7. Press your clothes. 8. Spell the word. 9. Open the book. 10. Read the text.