
1. Проанализируйте употребление времен сказуемо­го в следующих предложениях

а) 1. I have been waiting for you for a long time. 2. You have been watching TV too long. 3. She has been teaching English since last year. 4. I'm tired. I have been working for several hours. 5. It is still cold as it has been raining since morning. 6. How long have you been study­ing English? – For five years. 7. Since when have you been doing your homework? – Since 9 o'clock.

б) 1. I had been working for a long time when you came. 2. My father had been repairing the roof for two hours till it began raining. 3. He had been painting the floor for an hour before he asked me to help him.

в) 1. By the end of this year we shall have been learn­ing English for six years. 2. By next September my mother will have been working as a teacher for twenty-five years. 3. I shall have been repairing the car for two days before I dare to drive it.